no, not really

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★ ! "SO WHEN WERE YOU GONNA tell me our kids kissed?" rin asked, raising an eyebrow and raising his glass to his lips

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★ ! "SO WHEN WERE YOU GONNA tell me our kids kissed?" rin asked, raising an eyebrow and raising his glass to his lips.

"um... never." y/n smiled, going back to editing her photos she took of rin for her company. they wanted 'model like' pictures & who better to model then a volleyball player?

"hm, okay." rin chuckled, sipping from his glass and smiling softly at kai who was running down the stairs.

"hi mr suna!" they beamed, watching as suna smiled mischievously and waved; scared the poor kid. kai shivered before hiding behind their mom as a nervous habit they picked up from kenma.

"stop creeping my kid out." y/n hissed, making suna laugh and throw his head forward; his brown hair covering some of his face as he laughed with a gentle smile.

"i have to go anyway. see you later, n/n?" he mumbled, walking around the counter after grabbing his keys to give the women a hug.

"aww, but you won't see the finished product?" she whined, returning the hug as suna laughed once more.

"send it to me when you're done. the guys wanna go out & get drinks." he chuckled, rubbing her back softly as she sighed and nodded.

"tell kita i said hi!" she smiled, "oh! and samu! and aran!"

"i'll just tell everyone you said hello." he nodded while she grumbled softly.

"i don't like everyone though."

"you just don't like tsumu." he reminded, walking to the front door to leave. "see you later kid."

"bye mr suna!" kai waved, still kinda terrified of the 6' volleyball player who was also kinda his best friends dad.

when he left kai immediately looked at their mom who was back into her concentration mode.

"mama." kai stated, firmly; making the women raise an eyebrow because who the fuck are you talking to in that tone? "sorry, ma."

"yes sweetie." y/n hummed, giving kai all her attention after saving her work and facing them.

"you & mr suna are really close." they hinted, scrunching their face up & hoping their mom understood where they were tryna go. y/n sighed deeply.

"me & rin dated in high school." she stated, making kai do an 'ohhhh!' face.

"then whyd you leave mr suna for someone like... dad." they mumbled. the math was NOT mathing.

"don't talk about your dad like that." y/n hissed, softly hitting kai's arm when they threw their hands up in defense. "me, kenma, and uncle kuroo have been besties since middle school. i started to like kenma, but then got with broken windows dude-"

"why can't you just say his name? it's not like i know him?" kai huffed, rolling their eyes discreetly.

"no." y/n hissed, "now, i got with him then he turned out to be a b- cheater. he was a cheater. so i got with rin, we broke up because i still had feelings for kenma. kenma's inability to speak on his feelings got us to me getting back with broken windows dude and now we're here."

"wow... so you were dumb?" kai asked, making y/n look at them like they were insane.

"why are you here? high school was so long ago." she mumbled, putting her head on her hand.

"oh! right. okay so, i know someone who likes their friend but their friend is in a stupid relationship with a bit- can i cuss?" they stopped, asking.

"go ahead, it's not like i haven't heard it." she shrugged. kenma was the only one to really care about cussing & she had to pretend along.

"okay well, long story short the niggas a bitch." kai shrugged, "and he cheats on her every chance he gets. and because she's fucking stupid she keeps going back. but, my friend knows they can treat her better but she just won't give him a chance because she's so in love with some hoe."

kai huffed, looking at his moms confused face. why are they just giving the run down of her high school life?

"i'm asking what do i tell my friend?"

"oh! i don't fucking know, ask your dad. he's the one in your position, i was in eva's." she shrugged.

"okay- wait what? im not talking about me and eva?" kai back tracked, looking at their mom like she was insane.

"you definitely are."

"no, not really." kai mumbled, pursing their lips and blinking sarcastically at y/n.

"mm, anyway. get eva out that relationship. it's toxic as hell & will cause her so much trouble." y/n sighed, looking at the door to see kenma walk in with a dramatic sigh.

"what's toxic as hell? and fuck, stop cussing around them." kenma sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"you just-" y/n stopped herself, shaking her head with a sigh. "eva's in my high school position."

kenma scoffed.

"her boyfriends a bitch?" he asked kai making kai stand awkwardly.

"no no, according to kai he's a bitch ass nigga."

"THATS NOT WHAT I SAID!" kai immediately yelled, waving their hands out frantically.

"it's what you inferred." she shrugged, looking back at kenma who was sighing.

"okay. what's the problem? then i'll figure out what to do about your horrible cussing habit."

"i get it from you... dad." kai mumbled, "basically my friend likes a girl who's getting cheated on but the girl who's getting cheated on is dumb."

"so... your mom? okay." kenma nodded, putting his hand to his chin to think while y/n mumbled on & on about how she wasn't so stupid. "just tell eva how you feel."

"this isn't about me & eva!" kai huffed, "y'all are just jumping to conclusions, we're just friends!"

"yeah.. okay." kenma laughed, getting a bottle of water from the refrigerator. "just tell her but not awkwardly because that's what i did and i'm surprised you're standing there."

"what-" y/n started being cut off by kai's groans.

"but i got all the awkward genes from you!" they groaned, throwing their head back and doing a little frustrated wiggle jump.

"so this is about you & eva?" y/n asked, making kai groan and shake their head no.

"nevermind." they mumbled softly, "i'm going to play games, wanna join?" they asked, looking at kenma who nodded his head.


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