i'm in love with you

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★ ! "FUCKING rain

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! "FUCKING rain." kenma muttered to himself. the two had pulled over in an empty parking lot. neither of them knew what the building was used for, seeing as it was ran down no one even came there.

it was pouring down pretty hard as thunder could be heard in the distance & lightening could be seen from the gray clouds.

y/n had been quiet, making kenma think she was just tired. but really, she was just in her own thoughts. honestly, she felt the same way around kenma just like she did in high school.

she wasn't sure where these feelings came from. maybe because for the past month they had been together nonstop & he took so much care of her.

she hated to use the words, but she was sure she was in love with him. she realized it a few weeks ago, but she seriously did not want to tell him.

especially because there's always the possibility of him loving someone else nowadays.

"you good?" his voice snapped her out of her thoughts; his big hand softly caressing her thigh.

"amazing." she smiled, leaning over to kiss the male softly which made him yelp & squeeze her thigh in shock.

"car sex because it's raining?" she smiled, watching the male chuckle and move his seat back before pulling her over to straddle him.

"romantic in a way." he chuckled, listening to the pitter patter of the rain hitting his windshield. she rolled her eyes playfully, leaning down to leave chaste kisses on the males neck.

his hands trailed to move her panties to the side from under her skirt. one of the ones he's bought her when they went shopping a few months back.

"cute skirt, baby." he teased, kissing her shoulder before slowly rubbing circles around her clit before inserting a finger in her. he knew he'd have to be careful with her this time.

although he kinda did want to see her cry.

she sighed in pleasure before starting to softly suck his neck. he tilted his head back before removing his finger and working at his pants to get them down low enough.

"ready?" he mumbled softly, rubbing him tip around her entrance to tease her before she nodded. he slowly pushed into her, letting out a soft sigh before stilling.

she took a few seconds to get used to the painful stretch since the two hadn't had sex in a while. slowly, she started to bounce while his hands softly gripped her hips to fasten her bounces.

his soft lips made contact with her neck to mimic her previous actions. her arms softly tightened around kenma's neck while she moaned quietly in his ear; making his hips involuntarily meet hers.

when her moaning got louder at the action, he continued to do so. groaning lowly at the feeling while he leaned back to gesture for her lips to meet his- which they did.

"you're so pretty, y'know?" he chuckled softly, his lips still ghosting her while she smiled softly.

"you are too, baby." she huffed, her mouth falling slightly agape when she started to become tired; leaving kenma to do most of the work.

"i love you." he mumbled, watching her just bite her lip before he slowed his pace. "tell me the truth of why you're so quiet & i'll let you finish, promise."

she didn't waste a second. immediately making eye contact with the male while he sighed shortly at the lovely feeling.

"i'm in love with you." she sighed, making the male smile softly before quickening his pace again.

"that's what i like to hear." he sighed, finishing at the same time she did. they both finished with a soft moan before holding each other close. "good girl. now what do you wanna eat?" he asked, kissing her shoulder & neck before she hummed.

"do you know those korean corndogs?" she beamed from his shoulder while he sighed.

"baby, i'm japanese... not korean." he chuckled, "i have not a singular clue how to make those or where to get them. besides, what if you don't like it? you've never had them."

"i'm sure i would!" she whined, huffing when he just chuckled.

"figure something i actually know how to make, and i'll take you to korea one day. promise." he smiled, kissing her head when she just settled on peyoung yakisoba.

"we have to wait for the rain though." she sighed, getting comfortable before kenma hummed.

"keep going until it stops raining?" he asked, hoping she'd be down- which, she always was.

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