nose peircing

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tokyo revengers & chainsaw man spoilers!

★ ! "I DONT KNOW IF I WANT A NOSE piercing anymore

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! "I DONT KNOW IF I WANT A NOSE piercing anymore." kai mumbled from the backseat of the car, causing y/n to hum softly and turn to look at them.

today was the day they were finally getting their nose piercing. they invited their friends for support obviously; it was a big moment.

"what? you've been begging me for it since you were 14." y/n frowned making kai sigh softly to themselves.

"yeah, but grandma-"

"aht." y/n rolled her eyes. "your grandmas a bitch."

"language." kenma mumbled, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"point stands." she mumbled, "don't worry about what she has to say. you won't have to speak to her every again. promise."

"okay." kai sighed to themself, looking out the window and hoping they would actually nice with the piercing. they never thought to much on what they'd look like with one; just knew they wanted one because their mom kept saying no.

"we're here." kenma yawned. he'd taken the day off since this was a special occasion.

the small group walked through the doors; kenma's mood immediately going downhill considering who was behind the counter.

"well hello y/n." the male smiled, putting down his phone to give her all his attention.

"i'm married tsukki." y/n smiled, reminding the blonde who shrugged.

"stop reminding me." he chuckled, disregarding the ring on her finger and the kid that followed behind her like a lost puppy.

"if she doesn't, i will." kenma hissed, forcing a smile while y/n softly hit his arm.

"make sure ren isn't overthinking anything." she gestured her head over to the boy who was looking at the tattoos that had been done in the shop. kenma groaned and did as told, standing beside the boy while peeking glances at the counter.

"what can i do for you today?" kei asked, looking at the girl who threw her arm around kai.

"kid wants a nose piercing." she beamed, making the black & red haired teen nod in agreement.

"mk," tsukki nodded, standing up.

"woah, you like tokyo revengers?" kai asked, their eyes lighting up at the manga that was behind the counter.

"yeah, it's pretty cool." kei shrugged, making y/n and eva sigh dramatically and roll their eyes.

"saddest death, go!"

"kisaki. but not like in a like 'everyone was sad blah!' way but more in a analyzing hanma's character way." kei explained, watching the kid sit in the chair while the blonde got all his supplies ready. "yours?"

"izana." they shrugged, "but good point on kisaki."

"i loved izana's character." kei nodded, putting a dot where the teen wanted their piercing.

"what're your thoughts on chainsaw man?" kai asked.

"himeno's a perv, makima sucks, and aki's the best character." kei chuckled, "this might pinch."

"real." kai hissed, feeling the needle split their skin for a good second. "mama reads tokyo revengers with me but i was forced to read chainsaw man with ren." kai rolled their eyes, looking in the mirror at their new piercing.

"really? y/n reads tokyo revengers?" kei hummed, smiling at the women who showed him her wedding ring- which he just shrugged at. "who's your favorite character?"

"izana or chifuyu." they beamed, still looking at their piercing. "it's so cool! thank you so much!"

"no problem, i have an izana figure somewhere around here you can have too." kei shrugged, "accidentally bought two."

"really? thank you!" kai beamed. kei just nodded, standing from his seat watching y/n shoo kai & eva out the room so she could speak with kei.

"how much?" she asked, looking at kei who nodded.

"on me. your kid likes tokyo revengers so..." he shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets after throwing away his gloves.

"really? you've already done so much for kai in just a few hours. talked about manga, offered a free figure, now a free piercing?"

"yeah. why not? i like the kid." tsukki shrugged again, making y/n internally question it but at the same time smile.

"thank you so much, kei!" she beamed, hugging the taller male who was taken aback for a second before wrapping his arms around her.

kenma cleared his throat loudly which made the two look over at him.

"guess what kenma!" y/n beamed, making kenma raise an eyebrow. "piercings free!"

"cool." kenma nodded slowly, "oh, do you do tattoos? keiji said ren can get a small one."

"i specialize in small tattoos so, sure." kei shrugged, frowning at the fact the girl had backed away to tell her husband the good news.

the tattoo went smoothly, a small tattoo of a crow on ren's forearm that he loved so much.

"bro, that tsukki dude is so cool!" eva beamed, looking at the extra noragami manga she was given.

"he wasn't so cool in high school." kenma mumbled bitterly, making y/n roll her eyes.

"he's pretty alright." she shrugged, "surprised he's read so many manga."

"surprised he can't figure out how to buy only one copy." kenma mumbled making y/n hit his arm.

"stop being bitter." she laughed making the male scoff.

"can we go back soon!" kai asked, making their mom shrug. she'd been wanting another tattoo anyway, why not?

"hm, yeah. i kinda want another tattoo. might bring kiki next time." y/n hummed, thinking on it & texting her friend to make sure she was down- which she always was.

kai & their friends casually celebrated while switching conversations to manga & many more random topics.

"i'm not coming next time. i already don't like tsukishima & i fucking hate kiona." kenma scoffed quietly to his wife who shrugged.

"fine by me."

just friends ; kenma k ✔️Where stories live. Discover now