cool, yall fuck

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short smut

★ ! "SPEED up

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! "SPEED up." she muttered to the male who was taking his sweet time fucking her. "they'll be back any minute."

it was just kenma, y/n, keiji & juju at the house. kuroo and kiki went to go get drinks for the group.

"if i do that you'll be loud." kenma muttered to the girl beneath him. his necklace and chain dangled over her scrunched up face as she looked at him in disbelief.

"shut up kenma and speed up." she hissed, kenma shrugging to himself and muttering a small 'okay' before doing as requested.

he had texted kuroo to keep kiki out as long as fucking possible. mostly because he hated her but also because it was his idea to do a quickie.

his thrusts sped up slowly, finding a nice pace that kept her volume low. until her mouth became agape and her head threw back.

his hand immediately slapped over her mouth while keeping the pace steady. he rolled his eyes, shaking his head knowing exactly that was gonna happen.

i guess i actually have to make this quick if we're gonna call it a quickie.

his thrusts continued to get faster, feeling she was about to finish made his ego go up the wall.

"we're back!" kuroo yelled loudly, making kenma huff in annoyance.

"bro couldn't keep her out for longer?" kenma huffed, circling his thumb around her clit softly. "c'mon, finish baby."

as if a switch turned off, the tight feeling in her core released while kenma wasn't far behind her. loud muffled moans bounced off of his hand & around the room.

"bro where the fuck are y'all?" kiki loud voice could be heard, her footsteps being heard towards the door.

kenma rolled his eyes, drowning out her voice and kuroo's warning 'don't go in there' before throwing his head back and finishing.

"good girl." kenma praised, taking his hand off her mouth before leaning down to give her a kiss.

as soon as their lips connected, the door swung open. kiki's shocked face and kuroo turning his back with a dramatic sigh.

"forgot to lock the door by the way." kenma muttered, his lips brushing y/n's while she sarcastically smiled.

"yeah i see." she whispered.

"friend meeting! living room. NOW!" kiki yelled, knocking on every door in the house since she didn't know which room akaashi and juju were in.

after cleaning up and putting on clothes, everyone sat silently in the living room.

"first of all," kiki sighed, pointing at keiji and juju who were tryna avoid the conversation. "will you two just get together at this point? we all know it."

"well-" keiji started, cutting himself off when catching the mean glare by kiki.

"and you two!" kiki huffed, pointing at kenma & y/n who stiffened. "bro how the HELL you bag a fine ass bitch? when you look like this."

"my dick i guess." kenma smirked softly, shrugging while kiki huffed in disbelief.

"babe. babe, y/n. look at me. it ain't worth it." kiki shook her head, "this. aint worth it."

"kiki." she chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "we just fuck."

"this is the dude that's been in all those videos? i'm disappointed." kiki sighed, "but okay. cool, y'all fuck. now what?"

"we never speak on this again." kuroo mumbled, nodding his head slightly.

"definitely." kiki agreed. "surrounded by two couples, this some bullshit."

"don't you literally have a boyfriend?" kenma scoffed, y/n lightly hitting his arm.

"shut the hell up kenma, on god i'll beat your ass right now." she huffed, the male standing up with a challenging glare.

"do it."

"goooddddd! can we have one normal friend meeting where you're both not at each other's throats!" y/n groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance while everyone nodded slowly.

"we could if this nigga wasn't in the friend group." she huffed, pointing at the blonde haired male who looked at her as if she was insane.

"i've known y/n since middle school, i deserve my spot."

"i've known her since diapers. you shouldn't be here!" kiki hissed, the group sighing loudly with groans as they got up to ignore the loud arguing.

they all made their way to the kitchen, letting kiona & kenma battle it out while they got something to snack on to go along with their liquor kuroo poured for them.

"should we stop them soon?" kuroo muttered, handing out cups while the group thought.

"nah, they'll get tired after a while." y/n hummed, watching the two continue to yell. "plus, if we get a noise complaint we can just blame it on kenma."

"smart girl." kuroo chuckled, knocking his knuckles against her head which made her push him harshly.

"you two are just as bad as kenma & kiki." juju huffed, muttering to herself in spanish about how much she hated everyone.

"let's just get drunk & watch scary movies." y/n sighed, walking back into the living room to see the two had finished arguing and had sat down on opposite ends of the couch.

their arms were crossed over their chest as they huffed and glared off two separate ways; not wanting to look at each other.

"kiki pick a movie." kuroo hummed, taking a seat beside her while y/n sat beside kenma and juju & keiji took the floor.

"annabelle." she muttered.

kenma opened his mouth to speak- pick on her terrible choice of a horror movie. that was, before a red solo cup entered his mouth & he felt the burning liquid being poured down his throat.

"shut up or we're kicking you both out." y/n hissed, while kenma huffed and got situated beside her.

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