i have a game today?

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★ ! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU wearing kozume?" one of kai's teammates scoffed, seeing as the teen had come out in their practice clothes

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! "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU wearing kozume?" one of kai's teammates scoffed, seeing as the teen had come out in their practice clothes.

"uh... practice clothes?" they mumbled, confused.

"dumb idiot, you have a game today!" ren yelled, watching their best friend blink repeatedly.

"i have a game today?" they mumbled, squinting their eyes trying to remember.

"yes! against us!" ren yelled, hitting kai's back repeatedly. kai hissed in pain, since ren was heavy handed as fuck; which is why they were a spiker.

"oh shit." kai mumbled, thankfully they always kept their jersey with them as well. they changed before heading back onto the court, number 5.

"they're so lost, it's not even funny anymore." kenma mumbled, leaning his head back as he watched his child get into position.

"just hope & pray they remember the tricks you taught them." y/n sighed, closing her eyes.

"you both have no faith in kai..." keiji & juju mumbled at the same time, looking over at the two.

"who're you rooting for?" y/n asked evalyn who sat on the other side of her with her father.

"neither, both teams suck." she shrugged, making both kenma & y/n whip their heads over to her.

"aren't you literally on nekoma's girl team?" kenma asked, making her shrug again.

"aye, i said the boys suck. not the girls."

y/n looked over at suna who shrugged. the game started & the small group made commentary through the whole thing.

"i'm calling it, next year ren's gonna be the ace." y/n stated.

"definitely gonna be number 8." suna shrugged.

"wanna put money on it." she asked excitedly, making kenma and evalyn groan in annoyance. they always do this.

"hell yeah. $50." so this is where evalyn got it from, huh?

"deal!" y/n chuckled, shaking the males hand as they continued to watch the game.

"awww look at kai! they're doing so good!" kiki squealed, watching the teen fake out the other team with a setter dump that was taught by none other than kenma kozume himself.

"you act like i didn't teach them that. where's my credit?" kenma asked, looking at the girl who was sitting beside kuroo.

"i don't like you." she stated simply, not even bothering to glance at the male.

kenma's mouth opened to argue before y/n's hand went over his mouth.

"it's been over 20 fucking years, GET OVER IT." she hissed at both of them, not understanding why they hated each other so damn much.

nekoma, barely, won. watching the kids celebrate, the small group went down to congratulate everyone. y/n gave ren a hug, telling him how well he did while he thanked her softly.

"hey hey hey! ren!" bokuto's loud voice boomed, giving ren one of the most bone crushing hugs he's ever experienced.

"uncle bo, please. i cant breathe!" they hissed, slapping bokuto's back harshly which made the older male laugh before stepping back.

"hey!! hey! hello!! i won!!! where's my hugs!" kai hissed, waiting for their hug & kiss from their mother & uncle.

"congrats on your win, baby." y/n chuckled, kissing their cheek which left a lipstick stain they were gonna have a hard time removing.

"thanks mom." they sarcastically smiled, making y/n hum.

"celebratory dinner?" kuroo beamed, throwing his arm around kai & ren. "if it's okay with your parents."

"who's going with you?" y/n asked, raising her eyebrow.

"kiona probably. and bo!" he beamed again, almost begging the girl.

"as long as kiona's with you, then i don't mind." she sighed softly, looking at kenma who hesitantly agreed.

the three celebrated loudly, before kuroo turned around to suna.

"can eva come too? please! promise she'll be home before 11!" kuroo asked. suna was a single father who was extremely overprotective about his little girl. not that he didn't trust kuroo but... he didn't trust kuroo.

suna could swear there was a time where kuroo accidentally lost both kai & eva at an amusement park.

"i think we'll pass." suna waved his hand around to decline while trying to ignore eva's begs & pleas.

"c'mon mr suna! we'll be with kiki!" kai begged, trying to help eva's case. suna still shook his head to decline before both teens looking over at y/n.

she rolled her eyes, stepping between the two teens & the tall male. she looked up at him while he hummed softly, curious to hear what her excuse would be.

"would you feel better if i went along with? eva's still a teenage girl, she has to experience being a teenager in someway." y/n mumbled softly, watching as suna thought about it for a second.

"fine." he sighed, "no later than 11, or i will literally kill you, kuroo."

"sir, yes sir!" kuroo chuckled, throwing his arm around eva and faking a solute.

"11 for us as well, it's a school night." y/n hissed, glaring at kuroo who nodded.

"just let ren spend the night with kenma." juju waved off, making kenma raise an eyebrow. it's not that he minded, he loved ren like he was his second child.

"that's cool, but why're you just saying this without asking us?" kenna asked, making y/n hit his arm.

"why're you always starting shit with someone?" kiki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"who the fuck asked you?"

"okay! we'll get going! see ya?" kuroo chuckled nervously, grabbing kiki's hand to drag her away from the group along with bo & the kids.

"if my girl comes up missing i'm throwing rocks at your window." suna half-joked, making y/n laugh nervously.

"she's in somewhat good hands!"

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