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★ ! "YOU'VE been avoiding her for weeks, kenma

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! "YOU'VE been avoiding her for weeks, kenma." kuroo sighed, standing in his kitchen with a red solo cup.

music blasted around the house loudly as everyone was either dancing, making out, or mingling around with drinks in their hands.

a random costume party. nice!

"she looks just fine without me." kenma mumbled, shrugging as he watched her dance with kiki & jazmin.

"how'd you two even manage to match?" keiji mumbled, standing beside kenma & leaning on the counter.

"we planned this months ago when kuroo first brought it up & already bought the costumes. no need to waste them." kenma muttered, taking his eyes off of her for a second.

in that second, jazmin and kiki walked into the kitchen where the three stood aimlessly. kenma stared down into his cup while kuroo and keiji greeted the two.

"where's y/n?" kuroo asked, looking at the two girls in their costume.

kiki was a fairy god mother; pink skirt & cropped pink shirt along with pink wings and a wand.

jazmin & keiji we're matching as buzz lightyear & woody. obviously, jazmin insisted on being woody.

"talking to some dude she met in a store few months back." kiki shrugged, pointing her wand over towards her giggling friend who gave the male his phone back.

kenma sighed to himself, moving around to get more liquor for his cup. a few minutes later, she entered the kitchen as well.

"hi guys!" she beamed, hugging each male and stopping at kenma before hesitantly hugging him as well.


he happened to look down, seeing the necklace he gave her. she still wears that huh?

"of course i do?" y/n chuckled awkwardly, watching kenma tense. he said that out loud?

he didn't know what to say or do during this conversation. so like every other awkward conversation he'd love to get out of, he settled on

"nice chat." & walked away.

"fuck is his problem?" y/n scoffed, looking back at her friends who hummed and shrugged to themselves.

they knew what his problem was.

"maybe just talk to him?" keiji suggested, watching his semi-drunk friend walk up the stairs of kuroo's house to get away from the loud music.

she nodded slowly, looking over at her friends hesitantly.

"don't worry so much." jazmin chuckled, giving her a pat on the back which made her hiss since juju was pretty heavy handed.

"alright alright." y/n sighed, following up the stairs and finding which room kenma went into.

"alright one by one we'll take drinks to them." keiji mumbled, pouring a drink before handing it to kuroo. "kuroo first, kiki last."

"why the hell am i last?" she huffed, looking at the male as if he was insane.

"kenma hates you." he stated simply, shrugging and sighing. "take them in moderation so we can be nosy as fuck."

"y'all suck." kiki mumbled, looking back out to the party.

meanwhile, y/n found which room kenma was in. she slowly walked in, closing the door behind her and walking up to the male who sat in kuroo's desk chair.

"you good?" she chuckled nervously, seeing as the male was far into his own thoughts. his hazel eyes focused on nothing in particular; staring off into space as he slowly swiveled in the chair.

"yeah." he mumbled after a few minutes, his eyes darting over to her before making their way to stare at the wall. "what's up?"

"you just seem off, bro." she mumbled, making her way to straddle the male like always. he put his hands on her thighs, trailing them softly. "you've been avoiding me for weeks. cant answer a phone call or a text?"

his head averted to the side, not wanting to make eye contact with the female before she softly put her hands on his cheeks to make him look at her.

"it's stupid. forget it." he softly shook her hands off his face.

a soft knock was heard of the door, kuroo popping his head in with a soft smile. he held two red solo cups, as he walked and handed them to his friends.

"thought you guys might need this.." he sighed, walking about before either could get a word in.

kenma drowned down what was in his cup while y/n stared at hers.

these idiots are smart sometimes. she hummed, taking a few sips as she watched kenma put the cup down on the desk and lean back.

"we're friends right?" y/n asked, kenma pursing his lips together as he sighed and nodded. "so, what's up?"

"damn aren't you persistent?" he chuckled softly, staring off to think again. "okay." he muttered after a few minutes of silence.

he took a deep breath, looking her dead in the eye before just blurting it out-

"i love you."

"well duh. i love you too?" she chuckled, watching kenma's face contort to a frown.

"what the hell are we?" he asked, "because, obviously, this isn't just friends."

"but.. we are? we're just friends kenma. we've been just friends since middle school?" she mumbled, slowly standing up as kenma took her lead.

"we've been fucking since highschool!" he hissed, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"okay? we both established we were fucking as friends!"

"you're kidding me right now?" he scoffed, looking at keiji slowly walk into the door before setting two cups down on the side dresser and slowly walk back out.

"why would i?" she laughed softly, looking at kenma's jaw that clenched tightly. "are you serious?"

"yes, y/n! i've been serious!" his voice slightly started to get loudly. "if you're not in love with me just leave me the fuck alone."

he took one of the cups on the dresser, leaving the room & the girl who sat in silence. juju and kiki slowly peeped in the room after seeing kenma burst out.

"you... okay?" one of them mumbled, looking over at her who refused to move.

"did you guys know?" she stated quietly, starting to take the necklace from around her neck off.

they stiffened. that thing stayed on her like her life depended on it.

kiki hit juju's arm to tell her to speak while juju shook her head quickly. they had a silent battle at the door before a sad chuckle came from y/n's mouth.

she threw the necklace on kuroo's bed with a short scoff before before grabbing her cup and pouring the rest into the new one.

"alright, whatever. let's go." she shrugged, smiling softly at her two friends who were slightly confused at her actions. "what? it's a party. let's just have fun."

when walking downstairs, they noticed kenma making small talk with a girl y/n found oddly familiar.

oh yeah, she was in the store that day.

her thoughts were cut off quickly when she bumped into someone.

"my bad." she mumbled, looking up.

"no problem, pretty." he chuckled softly, fixing the glasses on his face with a soft smile.

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