10 beers & 4 shots

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heavy drinking

★ ! "YOU two are seriously not talking

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★ ! "YOU two are seriously not talking...?" kuroo asked, sitting awkwardly between y/n & kenma on kenma's couch. he had casually walked in on the two arguing and fussing- which was beyond weird since they never did that.

"your best friend is an idiot." y/n hissed, taking another shot that was sitting in front of her before opening one of the beer packs kuroo brought.

two 24 packs of beer. oh that was a terrible idea.

"hey don't drink too much... you know how you get when you're drunk." kuroo hummed softly, making the girl glare at him in annoyance.

"no kuroo, how do i get when i'm drunk?" she asked, making the black haired male shiver under her glare.

"nevermind." he whispered, looking off to his other friend who was drowning down a beer himself.

fuck it, we ball.

"tell the whore beside you she's the idiot." kenma sighed, finishing his first bottle of beer with a burp.

y/n mimicked the action, before opening another bottle. huffing at kenma's words but ignoring them completely.

"did you hear that kuroo? sounds like irrelevance." she huffed, opening her beer bottles cap.

"irrelevance? your onlyfans only has subscribers because it's in my bio!" he hissed, opening his own beer bottle.

10 beers and 4 shots later, y/n was hiccuping nonsense; clinging to kuroo's arm with her boobs pressed against his tricep causing her cleavage to show.

both their faces were flushed red from the alcohol in their systems. kuroo wasn't even drunk but damn, there goes all the beer. at least he can finally see why the hell they were pissed at each other. that was the only pro about a drunk y/n & kenma; they were blunt as fuck- no secrets to hide.

he stood up, grabbing the vodka bottle because he knew he'd need it. he stood in the middle of the living room, looking at them both before drowning down a little of it straight from the bottle.

"alright, what the hell's up with y'all?" he asked, causing both of his friends to start rambling at the same time. out of sync hiccups and mumbled words were all he heard- no real words. "ok ok! y/n, you start."

"kenma's fucking another bitch." she hissed, hiccuping at the end of her sentence.

"kenma." kuroo stated, looking over at the male and pointing at him for him to speak now.

"we never agreed to only fuck each other plus i use protection with the other girl, why does it m-matter?!" he huffed. kuroo repeated his process, calling out y/n's name and pointing at her for her to speak.

"if you want to give me an STI just say tha-that." she sighed quietly.

"kenma!" kuroo huffed, pointing at the blonde before taking a swig from the bottle in his hand again.

"oh please. remember when you fucked your ex a few months back?" he hissed, kuroo pointing at y/n because he was too busy drowning down liquor after the information he was just told.

"because we had-n't fucked for months kenma! i needed content!" she hissed. before kuroo could call on kenma she continued to talk. "remember how i was literally sobbing to you but all you could think about was fucking me?"

"bro you t-take that out of context so bad!" kenma hissed, "that's not what fuckin' happened."

"yes it-it is!" she hissed.

"he cheated on you! you think i was going to let you sob on my bed over a cheater?" he hissed, standing up but wobbling slightly.

"yes!" she huffed, following his lead on standing and wobbling as well; almost falling over before catching her balance.

"ok..." kuroo mumbled lowly, sitting criss crossed on the floor to process everything he has just heard. "alright." he clapped his hands together to grab the two arguing adults attention.

"what." they said in unison, looking at the male who finally finished the bottle in his hand.

"you two are fucking?" he asked, making the two roll their eyes and nod. "but kenma's fucking another girl?"

"yes." y/n huffed, crossing her arms.

"but at the same time kenma felt he didn't have to just fuck you?" he asked again, looking at kenma for confirmation who nodded his head quickly. "but also that does raise higher risk of sti, so stop doing that."

kenma sighed, sitting back down as he felt dizzy and y/n hummed.

"however, you fucked the dude that cheated on you." kuroo sweatdropped, watching the girl huff and sit back down on the couch as well.

"because she's a whore." kenma shrugged, ignoring the glare the girl beside him sent.

"my body count is 3, dumbass. cant say the same for you." she hissed, "plus this idiot took my virginity!" she pointed at the faux blonde beside her.

"TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" kuroo yelled, cutting both of them off from continuing their rant. "listen, both of you are in the wrong. kiss and make up. & i'll keep your secret to myself."

"i hate you." kenma mumbled, looking over at the female who scoffed with a nod in agreement.

"i said kiss and make up, not glare & hate." kuroo huffed, standing up to find more liquor. he definitely needed it.

"drop he-er and i'll kiss you." she proposed, watching as kenma's face scrunched up in confusion.

"i'm sure you still talk to iwa, drop him and i'll think-k about it." he mumbled, watching the girl roll her eyes.

"it's not like we fuck-"

"that's not my problem, y/n. bro cheated on you in high school. you cri-cried to me for two weeks. we fucked then you still took him-m back?"

"psh." she mumbled to herself, sort of embarrassed from her highschool actions. she felt the male sit beside her. his arm wrapped around her shoulder bringing her into a side hug and kissing the top of her head.

"you're a dumbass."

"great! did you guys kiss and make up?" kuroo asked, walking back into the living room to see the two cuddling.

"we were ab-bout to kiss until you came back." y/n scoffed, watching kuroo roll his eyes. he walked up in the front of the two, grabbing the back of both of their heads and leaning them into each other. kenma closed the gap, his lips meeting hers with a soft kiss before pulling back.

"great besties again!" kuroo smiled, pouring himself a few shots because whew! that was a lot for one day.

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