without me

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★ ! "WE told kuroo we fuck

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! "WE told kuroo we fuck." y/n mumbled into kenma's chest. both their eyes still closed as they tried to ignore the oncoming headache. they both laid on kenma's couch since that's where they passed out at the night prior.

"we did." kenma sighed, throwing his arm over his closed eyes to hide them from the bright room.

"his big mouth is gonna tell everyone." y/n sighed, turning her head to face the television that was playing lowly.

"he is." kenma scoffed to himself, knowing kuroo wouldn't be able to keep a secret safe for more than 5 minutes.

"y'all talk like i'm not here..." kuroo mumbled to himself.

"we know you're there." they said in unison.

"why do you think we're talking about you?" y/n scoffed to herself, hearing kuroo mumble under his breath.

"i just have a question." the two hummed for the black haired male to go on. "why the fuck hasn't a threesome come up yet?"

"because i don't want to see your dick." kenma scoffed, making y/n laugh and shake her head.

"we've never fucked, that's gonna be awkward." she chuckled, peeking her eyes open to see kuroo already looking over at her. he laid out on kenma's other couch in the living room; he was watching rick & morty at a very low volume to not disturb his two friends.

"valid i assume." he chuckled, watching as she finally got up and stretched. kenma scoffed, opening his eyes to look at her. she was straddling him, her arms above her head which made her small tank top rise up slowly.

instinctively, he rested his hands in her thighs, trailing them higher up the small black & white skirt she wore.

"took my advice." he mumbled, watching how her body reacted to the small touches he gave her.

"are y'all seriously about to fuck with me right here?" kuroo mumbled, watching the interaction go down.

"shit i might." kenma mumbled, looking at the girl chuckle as he hands rested on his chest. her eyes were half lidded from just waking up, hair in a messy ponytail, and her ass pushing oh so nicely on his print.

"without me?" kuroo teasingly pouted, listening to kenma's scoff.

"join us." she smiled, completely serious but still shaking it off as a joke.

"nah, just don't be too loud. i have a headache." he mumbled, chuckling at the small victorious 'yes!' that came from kenma's mouth before he got up; holding her by her thighs.

he sat her down on the floor of his bedroom, grabbing some clothes for the both of them w/ two towels before throwing her over his shoulder.

he sat her down again on the bathroom counter, yawning when he turned on the shower. his hands massaged her thighs softly before pulling down her skirt and panties.

"didn't mean to call you a whore yesterday." he mumbled, resting his head on her shoulder while his fingers worked around her clit before slowly entering. "i was just pissed."

"it's alright. i am your whore after all." she sighed, causing kenma to bite his bottom lip before nodding in agreement. he sped up his fingers quickly before pulling out; ignoring her whining. he got undressed himself, checking the showers temperature before stepping in.

she took off her shirt before following behind the male who sighed to himself. he wrapped his arm around her waist, kissing her neck and moving along to her shoulder.

"so pretty." he mumbled against her shoulder, turning her around to face him. he leaned in, going to kiss her but his lips met with her cheek instead.

"i know i am." she sighed softly, ignoring the confusion that crossed kenma's face. she grabbed his length, starting to flick her wrist up and down which caused the male to sigh in pleasure.

"kiss me." he mumbled, watching her hum before shaking her head teasingly. "why not? we kiss all the time." he huffed, trying to ignore the pleasure he was feeling when she quickened her hands pace. his hands rested on the small of her back, moving up and down her arch.

"why should i?" she mumbled, smiling at the male who scoffed; pulling her closer by grabbing her chin and smashing their lips together anyway.

"stop playing before i give you my kid." he mumbled against her lips, making her smile with a chuckle.

"good luck getting past my three month shot." kenma's tongue clicked in annoyance as he squished her cheeks together more.

his free hand tapped her thigh, silently telling her to raise it before his lips met with hers once more. she wrapped her arms around his neck; one of his hands resting on her lower back while the other held her thigh up.

slowly he pushed himself in, groaning at the feeling of her sucking him so nicely. she took the opportunity to push her tongue into his mouth while his thrusts started off slow.

he grabbed her other thigh, lifting her up before pinning her on the shower wall in order to reach deeper. one of his hands snaked to play with her clit in soft, slow circles which made her break away from the kiss.

her head was thrown back again the shower wall as one of her hands clawed at his bicep. his soft lips kissed along her jawline before kissing down the valley of her chest. he left as many marks as he could while he sped up drastically.

it didn't take long for her climax to hit- high pitched moan leaving her agape mouth while her legs tightened around his waist. that was enough to make him finish.

so he did. a sigh left his lips as he pulled out, keeping his head to her chest as her fingers raked through his messy hair.

"good girl." he hummed softly like always, placing her down carefully as her legs shook and wobbled a little.

"i hate you." she mumbled, kissing his shoulder softly.

"hate sex next?" he hummed, a small, mischievous, smirk coming across his face while he looked down at her.

messy, damp blonde hair covering his hazel golden eyes that held such a lewd glint.

god he was hot.

"shut up." she hissed, pushing his head back away from hers when he went to kiss her. he chuckled at her attitude, knowing it was probably just from her hangover.

"let's make a bet little later." she huffed, nodding her head to his little deal before finally relaxing under the warm water.

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