my name

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★ ! "YOU know what you should get right here?" kenma mumbled softly, rubbing y/n soft skin on her lower left stomach

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! "YOU know what you should get right here?" kenma mumbled softly, rubbing y/n soft skin on her lower left stomach. she hummed in confusion, looking up from her phone to see kenma staring at her. "a tattoo of my name." he smirked, watching her face scrunch up in disgust.

"nigga are you that high?" she hissed. the two had been smoking previously, getting high like old times since they hadn't done it in a while.

he chuckled quietly, shaking his head which made his hair flow softly. he fingers still softly rubbed her skin in a loving manner while he tried to think.

"i think it'd be hot." he mumbled softly, moving his touch from her stomach to her thigh which had a recently healed red ink snake. "everyone knowing you belong to me."

"you're high as balls." she mumbled, her low red eyes focusing on the male beside her who hummed.

he was completely dead serious.

"whatever you say." he mumbled, his hand trailing higher before reaching her clothed clit. all she wore was panties and one of kenma's shirts- making her, somehow, hotter in his eyes.

he rubbed soft circles on the clothed bud before slipping his hand to move the thin cotton to the side. his two slender fingers ran up & down her cunt before slipping easily into her entrance. croaked moans fell from her mouth as she closed her eyes and reached to put her phone down so she wouldn't drop it.

that was, until kenma immediately stopped. she glared at the male who was looking at her hand that held her phone before undressing himself hastily.

he sat between her legs & grabbed her phone; swiping to the camera app and turning on the flash while ignoring her confused face.

"babes? i've already posted this week?" she mumbled, watching him open her legs and take her panties off for her.

"okay? we can't have a video for ourselves?" he raised an eyebrow, looking at her shrug and chuckle as he smiled sweetly at her. "atta girl."

he positioned himself, sliding in slowly while her mouth became slightly agape. he chuckled at the pretty expression he loved to always see, positioning the phone in his hand to catch him slowly sliding in & out of her.

her pretty moans bounced off the walls of the room, causing kenma to chuckle quietly while his free hand gripped her neck. quiet groans escaped his agape mouth as his breathing picked up slightly; face becoming flushed.

"kenma-" a croaked moan escaped, cutting her off while she clawed at the males wrist.

"yeah baby?" he teased, seeing as she couldn't really answer. "my names so pretty coming from your mouth, y'know?"

she scoffed lightly, feeling the males hand tighten slightly around her neck before letting off to let her breathe. though, the hand did trail down her pretty body; lifting his shirt up to play & fondle with one of her boobs.

his thrusts slowly sped up, finding a speed they both enjoyed while his tip continuously hit her spot lovingly. at this rate, he knew she'd finish soon. his hand snaked down once again from playing with her nipple to softly rubbing her clit in slow circles.

her back arched, eyes rolling back while she finished for the first time. kenma hummed, riding her through it with a soft smile before leaning down, flipping the camera for you could see both of them. her eyes were clenched shut as he whispered sweet nothings to her before connecting their lips.

"aw you're doing so well for me." he hummed, "gonna fuck you dumb, baby." he smiled, seeing her half lidded eyes flutter open to look at him with a questioning glance.

"what are you talking about?" she mumbled softly, tilting her head while trying to ignore the flash that was slowly blinding her.

kenma only smiled, connecting their lips yet again while starting up his fast thrusts. his elbow propped up beside her head while her arms snaked around his neck to pull him closer.

her hands made their way to his faux blonde hair, messing up the already messy ponytail while he hummed. she threw her head back, feeling her next high coming on quite quickly.

she had no clue what the fuck kenma was doing, but all she knew was he needed to keep doing it every time they fucked.

his head made its way to the crook of her neck while she moaned pretty loudly- thankfully no one was in the house.

he made pretty big marks on her neck that would definitely be noticeable later. he leaned up, gripping her waist with his free hand while he continued his recording.

her head felt as if it was spinning as she released once more, making kenma let out hushed sighs and he finished as well. he did a few soft thrusts before pulling out and catching the sight of his cum dripping slightly.

"too bad i cant get you pregnant." he sighed softly, taking his thumb to move the dripping liquid back into her. "i think our kids would be cute."

"kenma shut up." y/n sighed, her arm over her face while she tried to catch her breath. kenma stopped the video, just in time it seemed. she got a message, seeing the contact name almost made him wanna vomit.

he hummed, opening the message after entering her password to text the male back. surprisingly, he'd seen that she'd been ignoring all the messages from him.

'call me' is what it read. kenma tsk'ed, sending the video to hajime with a small message that said 'she's busy.' the message was immediately read which made kenma chuckle before sitting the phone down.

"how're you still hard?" y/n huffed, looking at the male who had a mischievous glint in his honey golden eyes.

"not sure, didn't fuck you stupid though. let's go until you're crying." kenma chuckled, tilting his head to the side with a small smile before pushing himself in again.

she hissed at the sensitivity, reaching her hand down to place it on his torso. kenma fingers played with the necklace around her neck while he waited for her okay.

"since the tattoo's a no, how about a necklace with my name on it?" he mumbled against her lips, making her look at the male like he was insane.

"only if it's matching." she teased, making the male hum in satisfaction.

"say less m'love."

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