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slight csm & trv spoilers? ifykyk

★ ! "WHAT THE HELL?" y/n hissed, watching evalyn slowly try to sneak out her house with a shirtless kai following slowly behind her

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! "WHAT THE HELL?" y/n hissed, watching evalyn slowly try to sneak out her house with a shirtless kai following slowly behind her. when kai noticed their mother, they slowly tried to make their way back up the stairs. "living room. now!"

the two teens stiffed before nodding & sitting down on the couch. y/n went to get kenma so he could punish his child accordingly.

"please explain why eva is sneaking out of my house." she sighed, crossing her arms while the two teens silently looked off into space. "3 seconds."

"okay. okay." kai sighed, "it's really none my business, but they called & asked to crash because they couldn't get back into the house."

"why didn't you wake us?" y/n sighed, making kai grumble.

"it was 3 am, you both were sleep." they mumbled.

"where were you coming from?" kenma asked, "does rin know you're here?"

"my boyfriends-"

"boyfriend?!" the two adults asked in sync, cutting the poor girl off. she nervously nodded while y/n groaned & kenma celebrated. she reached into her pocket and grabbed $5 for the faux blonde before the two went back to interrogating.

"dad knew i was over there, but i guess he forgot to keep the door unlocked. so i called kai." she shrugged, "dad doesn't know i'm here though."

"he'd kill you if he thought you were staying at your boyfriends." y/n mumbled. "go home, eva. just tell rin you were here, and if he doesn't believe you tell him to call me."

eva nodded before saying her thank yous and taking her leave. silence encased the small family before kenma sighed and flopped down on the couch; throwing his arm around the black & red haired kid.

"what you did was pretty responsible." kenma shrugged while y/n hesitantly nodded.

"just- tell us next time. you know we have no problem with eva or ren staying." she sighed making kai nod.

"i think they deserve a piercing." kenma blurted, making y/n roll her eyes.

"i'll think about it." she yawned. she was still clad in pajamas while kenma was dressed. "i have to get ready."

she gave kenma a kiss before kissing kai's head & heading upstairs. when they two realized she was out of earshot, kenma removed his arm.

"at least try a little harder to hide the tattoo." he sighed, closing his eyes in relief.

"thanks." kai chuckled, getting up from their seat & making their way towards their room. "love you dad!"

kai got dressed for school, quickly which was a surprise, before he was running out the house to meet ren at the bus stop.

"where's eva?" they asked, looking at ren who was leaning against a pole; scrolling his phone. he shrugged with a small scoff, showing he didn't really care much about the conversation.

"probably getting yelled at." ren chuckled when kai hit his arm.

"that's not funny." kai sighed, sitting down on the bench beside the pole with a long, outdrawn sigh.

"bro, just admit you like her." ren laughed, watching his friend huff & kick small pebbles.

"nah. we're just friends." kai hummed, frowning softly before looking at the sky. ren looked back at his friend, seeing their disappointed state.

"you lie so bad. i wonder who you got that from." ren mumbled, softly shaking his head before turning back around.

"you." kai snorted. there was many times ren asked kai to lie for him; weather it be about where they're going, where they're at, or what they're doing.

"shut up. plus, didn't you two kiss?" ren asked, raising an eyebrow.

"yeah like.. a month ago!" kai groaned, thinking back on the moment.

"it was like two weeks ago, get over yourself. then she got back with her bitch boyfriend." he chuckled, seeing kai's irritation slowly creep back onto their face.

"fuckin' bitch. i hate him. she's so stupid for taking back a cheater."

"so true." ren rolled his eyes, sighing softly. "anyway it's tuesday-"

"tokyo revengers 275!" kai beamed, making ren scrunch up his face in disgust before shaking his head slowly.

"chainsaw man..." he mumbled. "tokyo revengers sucks ass."

"tripping! tokyo revenges slaps! you're delusional!" kai stood up defensively, watching ren's eyes go wide- as if he was ready to swing.

"no, chainsaw man is peak fucking fiction!" ren hissed, looming over kai who was a tad bit shorter than the black haired male.

"you're just mad you can't get past tenjiku, huh?"

"no, motherfucker. tokyo revengers is the best example of a bag fumbled. it gets so lame after tenjiku."

"yeah, and it gets lame after ak-"

"oh my god!" eva's annoyed groaning cut off kai's sentence. "you two argue like a married couple, fucks sake!"

the two huffed before turning away from each other, making eva chuckle softly at their childish actions.

"kiss & make up." eva hummed, putting her hand on both of their backs while they sighed softly.

"sorry." they both said at the same time, huffing before the three made their way towards the train in order to make it to school on time.

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