serious, huh

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★ ! "KENMA kozume? shooting?" jazmin cackled, sitting beside keiji who pursed his lips while scrolling through his phone

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! "KENMA kozume? shooting?" jazmin cackled, sitting beside keiji who pursed his lips while scrolling through his phone. y/n sat on the other couch with her legs over kuroo's lap while kiki leaned back; her legs as well thrown over kuroo's lap.

"like that'd ever happen." kiki mumbled, chuckling softly to herself as well.

"welllllll." keiji and kuroo stated in unison. kuroo's hands massaged y/n's legs to soothe her.

everyone had been treating her differently since she was pregnant. not that she hated it though.

"when y'all got in that argument he had to let his anger out in a healthier way so.. we decided to go to a shooting range." kuroo shrugged, "we've been going for half a year now."

"oh?" y/n blinked. juju & kiki's face scrunched up tryna imagine the skinny blonde shooting with perfect accuracy.

"turns out those video games seriously helped him." keiji chuckled, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"well, we do know if iwaizumi randomly comes up dead from a gunshot wound who did it at least." kiki shrugged.

"yeah, either you or him." y/n scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully while leaning back to get more comfortable.

"oh come on. i wouldn't shoot that nigga. i wanna go out known, at least. get a little creative." kiki shrugged again, scrunching her face up.

"yeah okay." y/n muttered, looking up from her phone towards the door when it opened.

"you seriously gotta start locking your doors." kenma mumbled, walking into the living room to see his friend group. "come on. let's get this over with." he sighed, twirling his keys around his finger while y/n hummed and said her goodbye's.

she joined kenma in his car while the two sat in a comfortable silence listening to soft music.

they- kenma- decided to get shopping out of the way for her. they both knew her bump would be coming soon, therefore going to get her comfortable clothes to wear to get it out the way.

the two walked around a store looking at clothes before y/n wandered away from kenma to look at sweatpants. she checked the prices and sizes before picking up a pair and turning around.

"that isn't your size?" a familiar voiced stated which made her slowly look up and huff.

"what do you want hajime?" she sighed, looking at the male. nothing much had really changed since the last time she saw him.

not that she cared.

"so rude. what? are you pregnant or something?" he laughed, joking. however when she blankly blinked at him he got the memo. "deadass?"

"again, what do you want hajime?" she repeated, sighing in annoyance when the male shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"well, i saw you through the window. didn't see your bodyguard anywhere around. so.. i was gonna ask if you wanted to get lunch or some shit." he shrugged, tilting his head. "but pregnant?"

"no thanks." she mumbled, trying to move around the male before he stopped her and put his hands on her shoulders.

"kenma's huh?" he asked, watching her roll her eyes and nod before he let out a bitter scoff. "you just fuck anything."

"i fucked you." she blinked, "really shouldn't talk down on yourself like that."

"oh come on." iwa chuckled; his hold on her shoulders tightening which made her wince in pain. opening his mouth to speak again before a firm grip on one of his wrists stopped him.

"take the damn hint." kenma hissed, holding a few large shirts in his hand while he glared at the male.

"iwa! come on, makki's waiting for us!" oikawa yelled from the entrance, to focused on whoever he was texting to even look up and see what was going on.

iwa scoffed, letting go of the girl before making his way towards his friend. kenma, however, was fuming.

"i seriously hate that guy." he mumbled, turning to look at the girl. "you okay? did he hurt you? you know i was serious, i will literally-"

"i don't need you going to jail when i'm carrying your kid kenma." she chuckled, shaking her head before going through the shirts in his hand. "serious, huh?"

"always." he mumbled, smiling softly when she looked up at him with a disbelieving look.

"heard you have perfect accuracy." she stated, grabbing a few more sweats before walking towards the counter. "i will never believe that until i see it."

"you watched me win every volleyball game i played in highschool because of my accuracy. please, kindly, shut the fuck up y/n." kenma hissed quietly in her ear while they stood behind other people in line.

"i don't know what you may be referring too." she joked, smiling when kenma's jaw ticked. the two paid for the clothes before walking back to his car.

"want food? or i can cook for you?" kenma mumbled, pulling out of the parking lot; secretly hoping to see iwa walking so he could 'accidentally' run him over.

"oh! i'm craving those korean cold noodles.. uh, naengmyeon!" she stated excitedly, watching the male stiffen.

he only cooked those once and almost choked to death.

"i'll see what i can do." he mumbled, driving home in comfortable silence. he looked up a youtube video to see how he should properly prepare them.

afterwards, he cut the noddles.. a lot more than he needed to. he then sat the bowl down beside her with some kimchi as well because, why not?

"when did you learn to cook korean food?" she chuckled, watching the male wipe sweat from his forehead with a towel.

"i've eaten these noddles before, but fuck are they chewy." he chuckled, watching her carefully chew her noddles. he watched with anticipation, hoping she would like them. "they're good, now sit down."

he released a breath he didn't realize he was holding before sitting down in front of her. his hand softly held her free one as she maneuvered her chopsticks.

he chuckled, realizing she was still as shitty using them like she was in middle school when he first taught her.

"stop, chopsticks are hard to use." she frowned, "plus i haven't had to use them in forever."

"i can tell." he said softly, smiling at the girl in front of him. he seriously, couldn't wait to start a family with her.

wether she was in love with him or not, they'd have a kid they both knew they would love forever & always.

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