he said i love you

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★ ! "YOU'RE tripping

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! "YOU'RE tripping." jazmin sighed,
chuckling at her friend who paced back and forth in her living room.

"IM NOT! I SWEAR!" she yelled, pulling lightly at her hair as she continued to pace.

"kenma. kenma kozume. of all people. saying i love you?" jazmin chuckled, looking at kiki who just came back from the bathroom.

"he did! he said 'yeah bye baby i love you.' HE SAID i love you." y/n huffed, waving her hands dramatically while jazmin laughed in disbelief.

"not a chance in hell." she muffled, kiki nodding along.

"actually he did. i'm assuming. texted me in the bathroom real desperate seeing if i was with y/n. she's blowing him off." kiki chuckled, "finally."

"ugh!" y/n groaned, running her hands down her face. "bro, i don't know how to respond!"

"do you love him?" jazmin asked, confused as to why this was so nerve racking for the girl.

"YES! DUH! of course i do." she sighed, slumping down onto the floor with a loud sigh.

"no no babes. we know you love him but are you in love with him?" kiki muttered, paying close attention to her friends body language.

"UGHHHH! don't ask me that either." y/n muttered, flopping back on the floor. "maybe it was just a friendly i love you."

"then why are you PANICKING?!" jazmin cackled, looking at her embarrassed friend who hid her face behind her hands.

"bruh that's so embarrassing." y/n sighed, "if it was a friendly one i'm throwing myself off a building."

"you're already screaming, crying, throwing up." kiki huffed, standing up to comfort her friend before the doorbell rang.

"yo, y/n! need to talk to you!" keiji beamed, walking into the house and pushing kiki aside which made her hiss. "you in love with kenma?"

"DAMN NOT YOU TOO!" y/n sighed, covering her face with her hands again with a loud groan. keiji nodded, walking back outside as he put his phone to his ear.

silence encased the group until keiji called jazmin & kiki outside. when he came back in, he was with kuroo.

"god fucking damn it." y/n muttered to herself, moving to stand and walk towards her bedroom before kuroo sat her back down on the floor. "where's my friends?"

"damn, fuck us i guess." kuroo joked while y/n rolled her eyes.

"we're not your friends?" keiji frowned, pulling out a lighter from his pocket.

"no, i mean my girlfriends." y/n sighed, sitting at the table with akaashi. he pulled out a dime bag, setting it on the table with a light smile.

"sure. so let's get crossed?" he asked, looking over at y/n & kuroo (who held two bottles of liquor).

"you just want me to get blunt!" y/n huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

"well yes, but." kuroo hummed, setting the bottles in front of her while keiji started to roll. "we're also here to comfort." he lightly kissed her head, smiling at her grimacing face.

after an hour of drinking, smoking, and the most random conversations coming up. keiji finally re-asked his original question.

"so? you in love with kenma or what?" he mumbled, sitting on the girls couch while she laid back on the floor beside kuroo.

"i don't think i-i am." she hiccuped, closing her eyes as kuroo and keiji stiffened. "i mean, don't get me wrong. i love kenma but i don't think im in love with him?"

"ah..." kuroo stated awkwardly.

"but im freaking out because i think i took his i love you the wrong way. i think it was just a friendly one." she slurred, sitting up feeling a tad bit dizzy.

"oh..." keiji whispered.

yeah, we not telling kenma this.

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