grandma... yay...

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★ ! "OKAY," KENMA HUMMED, LISTENING to his lovely wife give the run down on everything going on at work- drama wise

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★ ! "OKAY," KENMA HUMMED, LISTENING to his lovely wife give the run down on everything going on at work- drama wise.

"and, by the way, my mother said she was coming tomorrow. but laci said she was gonna beat the fuck-"

"woah wait." kenma paused her, noticing she snuck in a very important detail very un-work related. "your moms coming tomorrow? for what? fucking thanksgiving?!"

"mhm. but back to laci right?" she tried to move along. no one liked her mother.

"ew grandma. i mean- grandma... yay...!" kai tried to cheerfully celebrate.

again, everyone hated her mother.

"she's not that bad guys." she sighed, trying to reason with her family.

"she made fun of your weight, called you a slut, and misgenders our kid." kenma hummed, throwing that out on the table.

"i know. it's not like i could say no. because i tried. multiple times." y/n huffed, "i even gave her the wrong address on purpose last year and she still somehow showed up?"

"because she's a fucking psychic or some shit, i swear." kenma mumbled. there was many times where y/n's mother would just randomly find them.

"grandma isn't... bad but she's bad." kai nodded, "i don't like hanging with her. she always calls me a boy."

"i know sweetie, and trust me i don't like hanging with her either." y/n sighed, "why can't we just go visit your family in japan?"

"because my families in japan." kenma sighed, "i would if i could but kai still has to go to school."

"no i don't." kai shook their head. "speaking of thanksgiving, can ren & eva come this year?"

"of course-"

"rin, kuroo, keiji, juju, kiki, me, and you at the same dinner table as your psychotic mother?" kenma asked, "not even mentioning our kids?!"

"maybe she'll act right around other people." y/n shrugged, "she used to fake it when i was a kid."

kenma nodded along at her point because there was many times her insane mother would act like a saint in front of other adults.

"i just pray she doesn't bring up dad." she sighed, throwing her head back. kai made a confused face and when she was going to explain the doorbell rang.

she looked through the peephole and low & behold- the crazy mom.

"what the fuck she's here a day early?!" she whisper yelled to kenma and kai.

the two stiffened and gestured for her to not answer the door but because the doorbell was ringing nonstop she gave in.

"oh my! hi mom! you're here early!" she hinted, trying to look joyful but that immediately dropped seeing suitcases be dragged into her home.

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