c'mon, just one!

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★ ! Y/N CLEANED AROUND THE downstairs area while listening to the vile language & curses thrown out by her kid & their friends

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! Y/N CLEANED AROUND THE downstairs area while listening to the vile language & curses thrown out by her kid & their friends. she sighed quietly to herself, knowing damn well all three got it from they daddy's.

"hi baby!" kenma beamed, finally walking through the door- still wearing his shoes as he tried to give her a hug & kiss.

"take your damn shoes off. i know you see me cleaning." she hissed, dodging his kiss while he grimaced to himself.

"who pissed in your cereal?" he mumbled softly to himself, taking off his shoes as requested.

"no one." she sighed softly, continuing to clean the kitchen. "they declined my damn pictures."

of course. she only angry cleaned when something bad happened at her job. this time, she'd submitted the pictures she'd taken in korea (which, for the record, were fucking amazing).

"oh, i'm sure everything will be fine." kenma sighed softly, sitting down at the kitchen island that she was scrubbing aggressively with a rag.

"no it won't. if i don't submit pictures to the companies liking, i'll get fired or something along those lines i don't fucking know." she hissed, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

kenma opened his mouth to speak before his child & their two friends ran down the stairs; looking sneaky as fuck.

"whatever it is, it's a no." y/n stated, stopping her scrubbing to look at kai.

"i haven't even asked yet?!" their face scrunched up questionably, watching as their mom sighed and gestured for them to go on. "okay, listen, one tattoo OR piercing."

"like i said, it's a no-"

"c'mon, it's just one! you and dad have them!" they rebutdtaled quickly, "and ren, see look. and eva has piercings."

"because rin, keiji, and juju aren't me. plus me & kenma are grown-"

"you got your tattoos at 17, mom."

y/n was getting visibly irritated. one thing about kai, they are going to argue. of course, again, they got this from kenma.

"okay!" kenma butted in, watching as kai was tilting their head & their friends were exchanging money. eva chuckled to herself as she got $5 from ren, probably from just winning a bet. "if you can prove you're responsible enough for one then.. maybe."

"alright, how do i prove that?" kai asked, their brown eyes lighting up immediately.

"why would we tell you that?" kenma asked, looking at the teen as if they had grown two heads.

"because you're my parents & you love me?" kai shrugged, making kenma shake his head softly.

"figure it out on your own." kenma sighed, "now get to bed, it's almost 2 in the morning." he sighed tiredly, waving the teenagers off.

"why would you tell them that? you know damn well..." y/n mumbled, narrowing her eyes at the male in front of her who shrugged.

"they're as responsible as kuroo. that's saying a lot." kenma shrugged, "besides, you & i both know ren's the one that reminds them they have a game... and ren goes to fukurodani."

"you're so right." she chuckled softly, putting down her rag before leaving the kitchen. kenma followed behind his lovely wife closely, almost like a lost kitten in his own house.

she stopped outside kai's bedroom, still hearing rick & morty play lowly on the tv before knocking. she heard scrambling noises before the tv turned off which made her roll her eyes before opening the door.

"stop pretending, i know you three are awake still." she sighed, looking around the room.

kai was spread out on their bed, one their feet in ren's face who was spread out on the other end of the bed. evalyn pretended to be slump on the beanbag chair in front of the bed; one of their arms spread over her eyes.

kai groaned when they realized they had been caught before looking over at their mom along with their friends.

"yes, ms kozume?" evalyn asked softly, smiling at the older girl.

"stop calling me that." y/n scoffed, making kenma look at her like she was crazy. "go to bed. do you know how crazy rin is? personally, i like my windows not shattered."

"mr suna is not going to throw rocks at our windows." kai sighed.

"he did it to one her exs in highschool, i helped." kenma stated, making y/n hit his arm softly.

"don't encourage that shit."

"you complain that kai picked up cussing from me, but i wholeheartedly believe it was from you."

"just go to fucking sleep." y/n sighed, looking back at the teenagers who nodded & started to actually get comfortable to sleep.

she closed the door before opening her shared bedroom door and immediately climbing into bed. kenma climbed in with her after switching clothes. the two laid on their sides, staring at each other before she yawned.

"how was your day?" she squeaked, stretching her tired limbs before kenma's rough hands massaged her soft skin.

"tiresome. so sorry for coming home so late this past week." he mumbled softly, kissing her head as she comfortably rested her head under his chin.

"you're a businessman that focuses way better in the office with no distractions. it's completely okay." she chuckled softly, closing her eyes to rest while kenma hummed.

the two both knew if kenma wasn't in the office, he'd just play video games with kai & their friends all day or stream, or make youtube videos; even cook. anything that was distracting him from actually working.

"that is true, m'love." he chuckled, seeing as she had already fallen asleep by her soft snores.

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