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★ ! "OH MY GOD!" y/n beamed, looking around the beautiful city of seoul

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! "OH MY GOD!" y/n beamed, looking around the beautiful city of seoul. even though she'd been there more than once.

"uh mom..." their kid, k/n, sighed; realizing people were looking at the three. k/n was male presenting, but preferred to go by they/them pronouns. which, y/n & kenma supported wholeheartedly.

they were 16, almost 17 now, and loved traveling the world with their parents whenever they weren't in school.

y/n had become a well known photographer. after having a kid she decided onlyfans wasn't really something she'd like to explain for school projects on family occupation. though, she had gotten lots of money from when she was working as an onlyfans star; splitting half with kenma anytime she got paid.

keiji & jazmin did, finally, get engaged as well. somehow, someway, & for whatever reason, kiki & kuroo had hooked up. no one in the friend group could tell if they were together or just fucking around.

"okay, i'm gonna go get corndogs. you two.. do whatever you do." she beamed, almost running off before her lovely husband grabbed her arm.

"babe, you're the only one who speaks korean." he pursed his lips, kind of embarrassed to which y/n huffed.

she just wanted a corndog.

"영어 할 줄 아세요? means do you speak english. most likely they'll reply yes, fuck with you & keep speaking in korean, or they just don't speak english." she stated quickly, making k/n tilt their head.

"how do i say it again?" they asked, watching their mom bounce in anticipation because she knew a good korean corndog place was close around.

"영어 할 줄 아세요?"

they repeated, making y/n nod her head before kissing their head as a good luck and running off.

"how the fuck do i say that again?" kenma asked, looking down at the teenager beside him who chuckled.

they were about 5'6 & played volleyball back at home. their hair was split died with one side being black & the other being red which kenma helped them do.

"i'll just speak for us." they chuckled, walking along with their dad who sighed with a nod.

a small girl, around k/n age ran up to them. she was wearing a school uniform with a shopping bag & her phone. her hair was straight & long while she had black bangs in the front.

"are you kodzuken?!" she asked happily, making k/n snicker quietly to himself while kenma chuckled nervously.

"kodzuken? i'm not sure who that is. sorry." kenma smiled, walking off with his kid after waving sympathetically at her.

"when are you gonna stop gaslighting people? they already know it's you." k/n rolled their eyes playfully making kenma shrug.

"let's go find your mom before she gets sick from eating too much." he sighed, throwing his arm around k/n so they wouldn't get lost.

after a few minutes walking around & looking at the scenery (even buying some things the two liked or thought y/n would like), the two finally found y/n eating her favorite korean corndogs in a small shop while she conversed in korean with a man.

they both laughed, making kenma squint his eyes before entering and sitting down with the two.

"don't leave us randomly on a street again, please." kenma sighed, taking a corndog as well as k/n.

"yeah, dad got asked if he was kodzuken twice." k/n chuckled, cheese getting stuck between their braces. y/n chuckled along with them as she fixed the blondes hair while he frowned.

"oh, this is hyun-su! he'll be helping me with photography around seoul." she beamed, watching kenma reach his hand out to shake the males.

"kenma kozume." he smiled softly before the male replied in korean; which made kenma chuckle nervously.

"messing with you. it's very nice to meet you and..."

"k/n." k/n mumbled through the cheese in their mouth as they chewed.

"don't speak with your mouth full." y/n hissed, making k/n raise their hands in defense.

"so your next project.." hyun-su exclaimed. the two talked while kenma played a mobile game and k/n watched & told him ways to win quietly.

afterwards the three walked through the town on the way to the hotel again. y/n sighed and flopped down on the soft bed; exhausted from running around taking pictures of aesthetic things she found nice.

"let me see the pictures!" k/n beamed, crawling in bed beside their mom as they watched their mom flip through the pictures on her camera. kenma decided he'd take a hot shower since he was tired and ready to go to sleep.

one caught their eye though. it was a picture of them & kenma eating some cup noodles in a 7-11. both had bright smiles as they laughed along to one of kenma's stupid highschool stories; embarrassing uncle kuroo.

"that's cute." k/n smiled, while y/n nodded along with a yawn.

"i'm tired, go to sleep. you're making friends tomorrow." y/n huffed, sitting her camera on the side table that was between the two hotel beds.

"ugh! why! dad didn't make friends in high school, let alone in different countries." they groaned, making y/n shrugged.

"well i did. plus this'll get your korean closer to becoming fluent. which means you'll understand people when we come back." she huffed, rolling over to kiss their head before laying down on the soft pillows.

"we're coming back?" they asked, raising an eyebrow.

"we'll go anywhere you want. but me, personally, i am definitely coming back." she chuckled. "the food here's amazing. better than your dads." she whispered.

"yeah, he always cuts the cold noddles to short.." they mumbled, moving over to lay in their bed when kenma came out of the bathroom. "and i did meet a girl in a store today... she was cute."

"that's cute. invite me to the wedding." y/n smiled softly making k/n shake their head.

"we'll probably end up just friends." they huffed, getting comfortable under their own blankets.

"me & kenma thought we'd end up just friends. but look at you over there." y/n sighed, opening an eye to look at kenma who was scowling; probably because the two were talking about his cooking.

"you both suck at whispering." kenma mumbled, laying down beside his wife after kissing their child's head goodnight.

"we weren't trying too." y/n scoffed, making kenma mumble under his voice & kiss her head as well.

"yeah yeah, i love you more."

fin < 3

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