extremely sick

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filler 🧍🏽‍♀️

★ ! "I don't know what to do about it

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! "I don't know what to do about it." kenma sighed softly, leaning on his kitchen counter. "it's been three days but she doesn't look to be getting any better."

"has she been taking the antibiotics?" kuroo hummed softly on the phone.

"yes. i don't walk out until she's swallowed them." kenma sighed. y/n had been extremely sick.

strep & flu test came out positive & the doctors assumed she had some type of stomach virus which was making her throw up so much.

and kenma, of course, was the one to take care of her. not because he was forced too, no. he loved taking care of her.

but he also knew kuroo & keiji were sensitive to vomit, kiki was terrified of catching strep since she had it once in middle school, and jazmin was away for a basketball tournament.

a loud thump! was heard which made kenma hurriedly walk towards his room. he saw the sick girl in question on the floor muttering & crying quietly to herself.

"gotta go." kenma mumbled, cutting kuroo off from his sentence and quickly hanging up before helping the girl up.

"i'm sorry." she mumbled, sniffling before a sneeze came from her. he sighed, setting her back down on the bed & wiping away the sweat on her forehead with a tissue.

"no, it's okay baby. i promise." he stated softly, checking her temperature again for the day. it was slightly lower than before, making kenma sigh in relief. "you're extremely dehydrated, babes."

"i just wanna shower." she mumbled softly, wiping her tears before blowing into a tissue that was beside the bed. kenma nodded, knowing that's what she's been trying to do for three days but was always too weak to stand.

another ringing came from his phone which made a harsh sigh fall from his lips as he answered.

"hello?" he huffed, not bothering to look at the contact name.

"damn nigga. why are you do annoyed all the time?" kiki's voice scoffed through the speakers while kenma just softly chuckled.

"because you're calling me." he mumbled, tying his hair back while he helped the girl lay down and go get her more water.

"just checking on my friend. you haven't killed her, right?" kiki mumbled, narrowing her eyes although kenma couldn't see it.

"why would i kill her? all she does is sleep & eat here and there." he mumbled, handing the girl water before she sniffled again.

"you're gonna be so sick when she gets better." kiki mumbled, looking over at keiji who was sitting in her room.

"it's a chance i'm willing to take." he sighed softly, sitting down on the bed beside her while she drank her water slowly. "okay, bye."

kenma huffed, hanging up quickly and putting his phone back in his pocket.

"what do you wanna eat?" he asked the girl in front of him who hummed.

"nothing." she scoffed softly, closing the cap of the water and laying down in her mountain of tissues, blankets, and pillows.

"you've gotta eat. want soup? chicken noodle?" he asked, watching her reluctantly nod before kenma hummed. he kissed her head, walking into the kitchen to start the soup.

when he finished, which didn't take long, y/n was fast asleep.

"how does she do this.." he mumbled to himself, leaving the soup beside her and going into his guest room to sleep himself.

the next morning, he was awaken by a heavy weight on his chest.

"kenma! wake up!" y/n yelled, making kenma squint. "i feel SO much better! i think it was that soup!"

"what?" he mumbled, half asleep. he looked up to see the girl who's hair was freshly damp from a shower but her nose still stuffy.

"i already took my temperature. it's almost back to normal! just slightly high!" she beamed, watching kenma sigh and sit up while rubbing his eyes.

"that's good." he sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist before he sneezed.

"fuck now you're sick." she sighed, listening to kenma's groggily chuckle. her fingers ran through his hair softly before kenma fell asleep yet again.

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