beat your fucking ass

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★ ! "KENMA fucking kozume!" y/n hissed, walking into the males gaming room and slamming the door which caused both him and kuroo (who was waiting for kenma to finish his stream) flinch

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! "KENMA fucking kozume!" y/n hissed, walking into the males gaming room and slamming the door which caused both him and kuroo (who was waiting for kenma to finish his stream) flinch.

"government name while i'm streaming? what i do to you baby?" kenma chuckled nervously, turning his rolling chair to look over at her in confusion.

she dropped her phone in his lap, showcasing the read message he sent a week ago.

"you're just now seeing this?" kenma chuckled, "i forgot i did this to be honest." he shrugged, not seeing a problem in what he did.

"you're a fucking idiot." she hissed, anger running through her veins. so much so she didn't even realize he was really streaming.

"that necklace looks cute on you." he changed subject, trying to find ways to ignore the fuming girl. he looked at the gold necklace that showcased his name in cursive that she wore untucked from her black turtleneck.

of course, as promised, he had a matching one. gold. her name. cursive.

"don't change fucking subjects kozume." she hissed, pointing at the messages on her phone. "are you stupid?"

he sighed, turning to end his stream so nothing accidentally got leaked. he looked back at the girl with absolutely no remorse.

"i guess i am then." he shrugged, handing her back the phone nonchalantly which pissed her off even more. she thought her anger would go through the roof.

"kenma, i should beat your fucking ass right now." she huffed, watching the male go back to playing his game while he shrugged once more.

"go for it." he mumbled, no longer really paying much attention to the conversation.

"okay, if i didn't see y/n walk in here all pissed, i would've thought you were arguing with kiona." kuroo hummed softly, walking in the room halfway; scared he might be the one accidentally punched instead of kenma.

"kenma fucked up again." she stated, turning to the black haired male who sighed softly. he closed the door behind him, sitting down on the couch that accompanied the room.

"how do you keep fucking up with this girl bro?" kuroo chuckled, looking over at his friend who zoned out playing his game.

"bro this isn't even about me. dawg, this could ruin your reputation." she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. kenma's ears perked at what she said, humming in disbelief before shrugging.

"i don't really care." he huffed, shrugging. "nothing no one's already seen. just... confirmation i guess."

"jUsT cOnF- shut up kenma." she rolled her eyes, taking a seat beside kuroo with a huff. "tell your friend he can't have an hour long sex tape leaked or his online persona would be ruined."

"damn it y/n." kenma huffed, setting his controller down. "i don't care about my online persona."

"you should! i cant keep caring about the things that're important while you don't." she sighed, shaking her head softly while kuroo played with the necklace around her neck.

"when the fuck did you get this?" he mumbled, staring at it in confusion.

"gag gift." kenma muttered, pulling his out of his shirt to show it to the male who was beyond confused.

it definitely wasn't a gag gift.

kuroo nodded in understanding, humming softly while silence encased the small group.

"i'm sorry." kenma muttered after a while, going back to his game. "i was high as fuck." he chuckled along with the girl who nodded; recalling all the stupid shit he was saying.

"you know how you can make it up to me?" she smiled innocently, though kenma took it a different way.

"alright, i'm out. not tryna listen to y'all fuck." kuroo stood up immediately, walking towards the door while she laughed.

"no! not like that." she laughed, making kenma frown to himself and kuroo sigh of relief before taking his seat again. "shopping!"

"fuck no." kenma hissed, shaking his head. she pouted, standing up to wrap her arms around his neck while letting out a 'pleaseee!'

kenma muttered under his breath, trying to ignore the pleading girl while she tightened her grip around the male before he sighed.

"fine. but we're not staying any longer than 2 hours." he hissed, glaring at the girl who celebrated.

she knew it'd be way longer than 2 hours.

and like that, the two walked hand in hand in the mall. kenma wore a black hoodie while he tried to ignore each & every stare he got; trying to intently listen to the girl who skipped beside him happily.

"kenma are you listening?" she pouted, squeezing the males hand.

"yeah, where to first baby?" he hummed, smiling softly at her when he caught her gaze. she hummed, pulling the male towards the first stop.

she let go of the males hand which made him frown slightly before closely following her around; watching as she looked at the many different colored skirts that were offered.

"you said you like me in them, so you pick." she mumbled, looking at the blonde who stared down at the different colors himself.

"i hate shopping." he sighed to himself, looking through the rack before taking off his hood since he was getting slightly hot.

she wandered off to the other side of the store, looking at tops that were offered while kenma glanced back at her here & there to make sure she was okay.

"you're cute." he heard a voice mutter. looking to his left there was a girl. bout 5'5, hazel eyes that showed under her clear framed glasses, black hair curls with a curly bang covering her forehead.

she was cute.

kenma hummed, untucking the necklace under his hoodie before muttering a thanks.

"shopping for your girlfriend?" she asked, tilting her head softly to the side while he looked at how focused he was on finding a few skirts.

"something like that." he mumbled, looking back at y/n who was having small talk with a dude in the mens section.

her & her need to have big shirts, fuck.

kenma mentally panicked, he did not want to be here any longer.

"that's cute. y-y/n? is it?" she asked, looking down at the necklace before he huffed. she was really annoying.

"yeah. her." he mumbled, pointing his head in her general direction before just grabbing a few skirts off the rack, not even checking sizes. "nice chat." he mumbled, scurrying away towards the girl.

he quickly grabbed the girls arm, pulling her towards the dressing rooms and interrupting her friendly conversation.

"never again leave me alone in a section." he huffed, pushing her into one of the rooms and closing the door behind him. "here."

he handed her the variety of different colored pleated skirts while she went through them.

"kenma, babe, these aren't even my size." she sweatdropped. kenma just looked at her.

"not my problem anymore." he shrugged, sitting down on the small bench that was in the room. "go get your size then, i'll be here."

"looking like a creep in the womens dressing room?" she chuckled, raising an eyebrow as the male shrugged. he pulled out his phone to occupy himself while she scoffed and walked off.

"good luck." she muttered to herself, going back over to the section she was previously in.

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