Bar Fight // Sadie Sink

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Summary: The morning after a pretty intense bar fight, Sadie takes care of you.
You woke up, your head pounding and you felt sick. The only memory from last night was you and Sadie going to a bar, and you can only imagine you got wasted. You picked your head up to be met with blood on your pillowcase. You reach up and touch your lip, blood being on the tip of your finger.

"Oh, shit," you whisper to yourself. You look over to see Sadie not in bed with you. You feel her spot, feeling that it's cold, meaning she had probably been awake for a while now.

You look at the clock on your nightstand: 12:32pm.
You jump out of bed, immediately falling back on the bed as you feel your head pounding, feeling it in your chest as well. You sit there for a minute, wincing from the pain.

You slowly get back up and go to the kitchen where you see your girlfriend sitting at the island with a cup of coffee and her laptop. She hears you coming as she turns around and slightly smiles at your disheveled state.

"Look who finally decided to get up," she teases, putting her hand on your cheek. You give her an unamused look as you sit down next to her.

"There's blood all over my pillowcase, by the way," you started, looking into her eyes. "Just thought you should know."

Her smile quickly turns to a frown as she sees the blood coming out of your lip. She goes in to touch it as you pull away slightly. She pulls her hand back.

"Sorry," she says. "You probably rubbed off the scab while you were sleeping. it was all dried when you went to bed last night."

"Uh, yeah, about that," you start, watching her as she gets up to go get the first-aid kit. "What even happened last night?"

"You got into a fight," she responds, putting a cotton swab with some rubbing alcohol on it.

You slightly flinch from the rubbing alcohol. "Well yeah, no shit," you say to her. She looks up at your eyes with a slight smile before focusing on cleaning up your lip again.

As she finished cleaning up your lip, she turns back to you. "How's your stomach feeling?" She asks, looking into your eyes.

"Fine..." you trail off as you quickly make yourself to the bathroom before lifting your oversized shirt to reveal a huge bruise on your side along with a pretty bad cut with dried blood on it just below your belly button. "What in the hell..." you whisper to yourself, tracing the cut on your stomach. You had no memory whatsoever of any of this happening.

You looked up to your face to see another bruise on your cheekbone and a slight cut on your eyebrow. You looked stunned as you stared at your injuries a little longer before running out of the bathroom to find Sadie again.

You go into the kitchen again and see Sadie cleaning the counter.

"Sadie," you say, grabbing the girl's attention as she turns to look at you. "What the hell happened last night?"

She motions for the two of you to sit down at the island as she takes a deep breath and begins to speak.

"Basically," she starts, looking into your eyes before continuing. "Last night, you got super drunk and there was this guy that was trying to touch me, so you did what you do best when you're drunk: you fought him."

Your eyes went wide as you looked at Sadie. "Sadie," you said, bringing her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I promise. I would never do that on purpose." You knew that Sadie didn't like it when you got into fights, so you felt terrible knowing you beat up a complete stranger in front of her.

"It's okay, y/n," she says into your shoulder. "If it wasn't for you, I would've probably been raped by that guy or something. He definitely seemed like he wanted to."

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