Drunken fights // Sadie Sink

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Summary: You get home drunk and a little late after a night out with your friends and say some rude things to Sadie, to which she yells at you.
You stumbled through the door of your shared home with your fiancée, Sadie. You were out at a bar with some of your work friends tonight to celebrate your friend Kathrine's promotion. It was a little after midnight when you got back home.

"Hey, baby," Sadie says as she walks to the door from the living room. "You need any help?"

"No, I'm fine," you mumble as you struggle to take off your jacket. Sadie watched you struggle for a second before walking up behind you to help take your jacket off, to which you only move away from her. "I said I got it," you say in a much harsher tone.

Sadie steps back from your aggression. You weren't usually this aggressive towards her when you're drunk. Her face turned into a look of anger and annoyace.

"Fine, whatever," she mutters before crossing her arms and heading into the kitchen to get you a bottle of water.

You walk in a few seconds later to see Sadie bringing you a bottle of water, which only upset you more for some reason.

"Here's some water," Sadie mumbles as she holds the water out for you.

"I could've gotten it myself," you tell her angrily before taking the water from her hands. "I'm not a fucking child who needs to be cared for 24/7."

Sadie only becomes more angry with you and is fed up with your attitude. "Fine, just go to bed then. Don't come back down here."

"Whatever," you say to her, opening the water and beginning to walk away. "Bitch," you mutter under your breath.

Sadie, however, heard it and became furious. "Excuse me?" She asked you and walked over to where you were standing.

"Oh my, God, Sadie!" You yell. "Get off my fucking ass!"

"Y/n y/m/n y/l/n, don't you fucking dare talk to me like that!" Sadie yells to you, backing your taller frame up against the wall. "I don't fucking care if you're drunk, severely hurt, hell, I don't care if you're fighting for your goddamn life, you do not speak to me like that!"

You begin to sober up as you stare wide-eyed at Sadie.

"If you're gonna talk to me like that, then walk back out that fucking door!" Sadie continues. "You are not going to be tolerated with that disgusting attitude of yours!"

"I-I'm sorry," you say quietly as you stare down at Sadie with wide and sorry eyes.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it," Sadie says. "You're sleeping on the goddamn couch until I say otherwise, do you understand me?"

"Y-yes," you stutter again.

"I'll get your stuff," Sadie mumbles, walking upstairs.

You stay standing in the same spot for a while, shock and guilt swirling around in your brain. You walk over to the couch and get the pull-out bed set up for yourself.

Sadie came back downstairs with sheets, blankets, and pillows for you. She set them down on the bed before heading back upstairs.

"Night," she said to you before going upstairs. You stared at the staircase and heard the door close. You sighed before you started making your bed.


It was around three AM when you checked your phone again. You had gotten no sleep whatsoever. Along with the pull-out bed being incredibly uncomfortable, you missed Sadie's warmth and couldn't fall asleep.

You put your hands on your head and rubbed your forehead as you sighed. A few tears formed in your eyes as memories from what you had said to Sadie floated into your thoughts.

Meanwhile, Sadie is tossing and turning in bed as well. She had gotten some sleep, but only around an hour. She wants to go downstairs with you, but she knows that what you said was hurtful and she needed to stay away from you for the night.

The bed was cold without you in it. She missed your warmth. She rolled onto her back and sighed, staring at the ceiling for a few seconds before finally turning on her lamp and going into your closet to get one of your hoodies.

She slipped it on ans crawled back into bed, inhaling your scent and closing her eyes.


In the morning, you woke up with your head pounding. You had gotten maybe three hours of sleep total, now waking up around 7:30.

You groaned and got out of bed, heading to the kitchen where Sadie was making breakfast. You trudged over to the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Aspirin.

Sadie glanced at you before turning back to the pancakes she was making.

"How'd you sleep?" Sadie asks as you get a gass of water and swallow some of the pills.

"Barely did," you mutter, leaning up against the counter. "That mattress is hard as a rock."

Sadie lightly smiles at your comment, but doesn't look at you. You, however, keep your gaze on her.

"Sadie?" You ask quietly to get her attention. She hums and turns to face you. "I'm really sorry about what I said last night. I don't know what I was thinking, and I don't have any excuses for it. I shouldn't have said anything like that to you."

Sadie looks at you for a few seconds before walking over and hugging you. "I know you didn't mean it," Sadie tells you. "But I swear to God, don't ever talk to me like that again or else you're going to live with your parents again."

You lightly laugh at her statement and hold her tightly. "I promise you I won't ever speak to you like that again. And if I do, you have every right to send me back to my parents."

You and Sadie share a laugh before Sadie pulls away and rests her hands on your shoulders to look up at you.

You pull her in for a short kiss before pulling her in for another hug.

"I love you, y/n," Sadie says to you.

"I love you too, Sades," you answer her. "I love you more than anything. You're the most beautiful, most talented, most amazing person I know."

"Save the vows for the wedding, Romeo," Sadie jokes, making you both laugh.

"I love you," you tell her again, kissing her lips once more.

"I love you too."

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