Wedding // Sadie Sink

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Summary: It's yours and Sadie's wedding day.
Today was your wedding day and you were more nervous than ever. You played with your blazer of your suit and your hands were slightly sweating. You wore a black suit with a black button-up blouse underneath it. You had on a gold necklace with your zodiac constellation on it and a few other gold rings on your fingers. Your hair was curled with a few braids coming back to connect.
Something like this: (just imagine it with curls)

Something like this: (just imagine it with curls)

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You were standing at the end of the aisle. Behind you was a floral arch filled with pink and white roses. You and Sadie had agreed to have your wedding at a garden. The two of you found a really cool one with an old castle covered in vines and ivy. The inside of the small castle was renovated and that's where yiur reception would be.

You stood there making light comments to your friends behind you out of nervousness. You would ask things like 'do I look good?' or 'how do I know what to say' or 'what if I mess up?' Your friends reassured you that everything would be fine. No matter what happened, this would forever be the best day of your life.

"Please rise as the bride walks down the aisle," you heard the officiant say. You quieted yourself and took a deep breath as everyone rose and light music began to play.

Your eyes softened to moment you saw Sadie in a beautiful white, lacy dress. Her hair was curled and halfway done up and a veil over her head. It wasn't covering her face, but she looked gorgeous either way. She had on light makeup, not a lot but enough to make her face shine.

Sadie looked ahead towards you and smiled brightly. You only stared in awe, a small and breathy 'woah' leaving your lips. Sadie slightly laughed at this as she continued down the aisle.

When she got down the aisle, the music faded and she turned to face you.

"You look gorgeous," you whispered to her with a smile.

Sadie smiled and blushed, muttering a small 'thank you' to you. "You look charming," she compliments back.

You smile at her before directing your attention back to the officiant.

"You may sit," they say. The crowd sits as it turns quiet. "We gather here today in the celebration of love. We are celebrating today with these two wonderful souls. Y/n y/m/n y/l/n," they gesture to you, "and Sadie Elizabeth Sink," they gesture to Sadie.

You look over to your girl with loving eyes and a small smile.

*Time skip to vows bc idk what an actual ceremony looks like*

"Y/n, we will start with your vows," the officiant tells you, handing you a card with your personal vows on them. "You may hold Sadie's hand."

You smile and take Sadie's hand, the card in your other as the officiant holds a microphone for you.

You take a deep breath before reading your vows to the redhead.

"Sadie, from the day that I met you, I felt a spark inside of me. Something in me told me to never, ever lose you and to hold on for as long as I possibly can." You pause and look up to Sadie with a smile. "Six years ago, I struggled with severe depression, terrible thoughts swirling my mind every day and I prayed to the universe to rid me of my pain. However, the universe didn't give me what I wanted. Instead, it gave me what I needed: a second chance." You look up to her again as she squeezes your hand in hers. "I believe so strongly that the universe sent you for me. You came to me when I needed someone like you the most. Someone to love me unconditionally and reassure me that life is worth living. I ended up realizing that that was true, and it was especially worth living if I get to do it with you every day. You saved my life."

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