Heather (Part 2) // Sadie Sink (Requested)

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Summary: Part 2 to Heather. Based off of the song by Conan Gray.
Sadie's POV

"Sadie!" Y/n yelled from behind me. I didn't turn to look at her. I couldn't.

I stopped moving, the room spinning too much from me being so drunk. I held on to the wall with tears still falling down my face as y/n ran up to me.

"Sadie, where are you going?" She asked me, putting an arm around my waist to steady me. "I thought you were gonna stay over like every year?"

I couldn't respond, my tears falling too quickly to do so. Another sob fell from my lips, which y/n heard.

"Sadie, what's wrong?" She asked me. I, again, didn't answer her and instead tried to move out of her hold to continue downstairs so I could go home.

"I'm going home," I mumble. Y/n still had a hold on me, so she tightened it so I couldn't leave.

"Sades, no," she said in a stern voice. "It's late, you're drunk, and you can't drive right now."

"I'll get an Uber," I tell her, still trying to leave her hold, which I used to long for.

"No, you're not leaving," she said, leading me back to her apartment, which I didn't make easy for her. I fought her all the way back down the hallway. "You're staying with me tonight."

As she dragged me back into her apartment, pretty much everyone was gone already. I never even remembered them walking past us in the hallway.

I continued to cry as y/n led me to her bedroom. I assumed Heather was gone because she wasn't in y/n's bed.

"Heather's sleeping in the guest room tonight,"
y/n told me as she got me some of her pajamas.

Guess I was wrong.

"Why isn't your girlfriend sleeping with you?" I mumble sourly as I wipe my tears with the oversized sleeves on my sweater.

Y/n looked at me as if I was crazy and scoffed before handing me a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"So you're jealous?" Y/n asked matter-of-factly. I only glare at her.

"So what if I am?" I ask her. Y/n sighs before looking away from me.

"Sadie, you're my best friend,"

Best friend. Ouch.

"I care about you more than anyone," she continued. "I'm just trying to help you. We can talk more in the morning. For now, just get dressed and go to bed."

"I don't want to be here," I mumbled to her.

She looked back over to me and sighed again. "Well, that's too bad. Because you are, whether you like it or not. I'm not letting you go out into the city in the middle of the night, wasted."

I look at her for a second longer before going into her bathroom to change.

I can't help but soften a little when I smell her scent on her shirt when I pull it over my head.

After I change, I go back into y/n's room to see her already in bed waiting for me. She smiled at me, which made me soften even more, but I didn't smile back.

I fall asleep soon after, sleeping as far away from y/n as I could in her queen size bed.


I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache and a sick feeling in my stomach.

I got up to go into the bathroom to get some Aspirin, only to almost vomit on the bathroom floor from just standing up.

I quickly knelt in front of the toilet and let it all out.

Not long after, y/n was behind me holding my hair back. When I was done, y/n helped me up and got me some Aspirin while I brushed my teeth.

"So I'm guessing you're not feeling well?" Y/n asks, trying to joke with me. I only looked at her blankly before looking back in the mirror. "I was about to come in and ask, but I found you in here."

I still ignored her as I put my extra toothbrush down and went back into y/n's bedroom.

"I wanted to talk to you," Y/n said as she came back into the bedroom. "About last night."

I sit down on the bed and look at her, giving her a silent invitation to talk.

"What were you so upset about last night?" Y/n asked as she sat down next to me.

I looked at her and scoffed. "Really? You wonder?"

"Yes," Y/n said, furrowing her eyebrows. "Yes, I do wonder."

"Oh, well, maybe it's because you spent the entire night with Heather," I tell her angrily. "I don't think I ever got to talk to you."

"Well, I-"

"And then you kissed her!" I yell. I don't know why I yelled. She wasn't cheating on me.

"And you have a problem with the fact that I kissed my girlfriend?" She asked me angrily.

I only stared at her, tears forming in my eyes again. I hadn't know they were actually together. I only said that last night to be annoying so y/n would let me leave.

I looked away from her before walking out of her room to go sit on the living room couch. I got the same empty feeling filling me when I sat back down on the same couch I spent hours on last night.

Heather had left, I knew. She wasn't anywhere in the apartment.

Y/n followed me out and sat down next to me. I sat quietly, staring ahead of me. My legs were tucked under me as I bit at my fingernails, tears starting to slowly fall.


I cut y/n off with another question.

"So you never actually noticed me?" I asked her quietly.

"What?" Y/n asked, confused as to what I was talking about.

"All of the signs I gave you?" I ask, turning to face her. She still looked confused. I'd take that as a 'no'. "I love you, y/n. I have for a really long time and I though you loved me back. You gave so many signs that you did, and then you met her." I said it as if it were sour in my mouth. "You met Heather and everything has just gone downhill." I looked back ahead of me. "I guess I was wrong about me."

Y/n stayed quiet. I took that as a sign that she was truly in love with Heather and she wasn't going back.

"Do you love her?" I ask, not facing her.

"I-I don't know," Y/n said, her voice wavering just the slightest, but I picked up on it. I looked over to her to see her looking down, tears starting to fill her eyes. "I thought I did... But I don't know anymore. I mean, after watching you run out last night, I felt something, and it wasn't something about Heather. I never once thought that you were jealous. I only thought about your safety. I only ever thought about you."

I watch her with soft eyes as she explains her feelings.

"I think I just got entranced by her beauty, that I thought nothing of her personality," Y/n continued.

"She is very pretty," I agree with her, making both of us let out weak laughs.

"But it didn't take long for her to show her true personality," Y/n said, her smile faltering. "She was so controlling all the time. She would pull me away from all of my friends. She pulled me away from you. And I can't believe that I even let her do that. She wanted me for herself and herself only, and I just went along with it because... I don't even know. I'm just so sorry about everything and I'm breaking up with her because I can't keep doing that with her-"

I cut her off with a soft, tear-filled kiss. She almost immediately kissed back, putting her hands on my cheeks as my hand held her by the back of her neck.

Y/n pulled me into her lap as we kissed, not once disconnecting. Y/n leaned back on the couch, pulling me on top of her as we continued our long-awaited kiss.

She eventually pulled away for air, but held her face cose to mine as we admired each other.

"I do love you, Sadie. Very much."

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