Snowball // Max Mayfield

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Summary: 1984, you go to the Snowball and someone you weren't expecting to be there shows up.

(You wear a suit in this btw)
"Y/n are you ready?" Your older brother Steve calls from downstairs. "We still have to pick up Dustin so hurry up!"

"Yeah I'm almost ready, Dingus!" You yell back, fixing your hair. "My god can he be any less patient," you mumble to yourself.

As you finished your hair, you put on your shoes and walked downstairs to see Steve waiting by the door.

"Alright let's go, y/n/n," Steve says as he walks out the door.

You roll your eyes and get in the backseat of the car. You knew Steve would tell you to get in the back anyways, so you decided to save some time.

The two of you drove in silence as you stared out of the window as you go to pick up Dustin.

When you pull up to his house, you see him waiting outside.

He opens the door and sits in the car.

"Holy shit what happened to your hair?" You ask, sitting up.

"Hey, language," Steve warns.

"What are you talking about?" Dustin asks.

"It looks great, Henderson," Steve says, giving you a glare. "Alright put your seatbelt on and let's get outta here."

The three of you drive to the middle school. You sit in the back and listen to Steve give "advice" to Dustin.

"Just act like you don't care. Be strong and confident, and don't thank her compliments. It'll make you look desperate," Steve says to Dustin.

You scrunch your face at your brother's words. "Bullshit! That's the worst advice ever!"

"Like you would know!" Dustin retaliates.

You never told the party about your sexuality. The only one who knew was Steve. You glared at him telling him to not tell Dustin. He understood and the rest of the car ride was silent.

When you got to the school, you walked up to Mr. Clarke with your tickets. You were quick to give it to him and walk into the gym, leaving Dustin behind. You knew he was gonna make an awkward conversation and you didn't want to get dragged into it.

As you walked around the gym, you put your hands in your pockets and just wandered around. You stopped by the punch table to see Nancy.

"Hey Nance," you say, picking up a cup to get a drink.

"Hey, y/n. Who are you trying to impress with that suit?" She eyed you curiously.

"Um... I- no one," you stutter. Nancy laughed.

"Yeah, okay. Max is over there, by the way." She pointed to the back corner of the gym.

You lifted your head and stared at her with wide eyes. How did she know? Nancy just laughed and turned around to grab more cups.

You walked away with your drink and over to where the party was, including Max.

"Hey guys!" You say, walking up to them. You look at Max and she immediately rips her gaze from you. You let out a sigh and continue conversing with the rest of the party.

Eventually, Dustin comes over, the attention going to him. More specifically, his hair.

"Dude!" Mike exclaims.

"What happened?" Will follows along.

"What? What do you mean?" Dustin looks at them confused.

"You're hair," Max says, coming up to the group.

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