Heather // Sadie Sink (Requested)

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Summary: Based off of the song Heather by Conan Gray.
Sadie POV

It was December third and y/n had invited me to go ice skating with her, which I couldn't say no to.

I've liked y/n for what feels like ever since I met her. Every time I look into her beautiful y/e/c eyes, I become entranced in them, and her y/h/c hair is absolutely gorgeous.

We have been friends for five years now, and we've only grown closer as time has gone on.

Y/n and I were walking hand-in-hand down the streets of New York City on our way ro Rockefeller Center to go ice skating. A cold wind blew past us and I shivered, leaning in closer to y/n.

"You cold?" Y/n laughed as she looked over to me with a smile. I smiled back and nodded.

"A little," I reply. Y/n stops walking and takes off her sweater, leaving her in only a long-sleeve shirt.

"Here, wear this," she says as she hands me her sweater. I could feel my cheeks heat up, but you couldn't really tell from the cold anyways. I slipped it on, inhaling her amazing scent as it slipped over my head.

"Thanks," I smile. She smiles back and I feel butterflies erupt throughout my body.

"You should keep it," she tells me. "It looks better on you than me." I blush and look away from her with a large smile on my face at her words.

Everything seemed absolutely perfect between us.

Until y/n bumped into her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Y/n quickly apologized, picking up a girl's phone for her. When she looked up into her eyes, I immediately felt all of the butterflies in me die.

"Uh, thanks," the girl smiled.

"No problem, uh," Y/n paused, silently asking the girl for her name. I knew what was happening, and I hated every second of it.

"Heather," the girl answered with a smile.

Of course her name was Heather. She had shiny, blonde and slightly wavy hair, beautiful, bright blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile. She was perfect. Might as well have a perfect name as well.

"It's nice to meet you," Y/n smiled to her. "I'm

Don't bother to introduce me...

"Uh, I have to-- I'm gonna be late, I'm sorry," Heather stuttered over her own words. I glared daggers at her, but also stared at her with a longing and defeated look.

"Oh, yeah, of course," Y/n said with a sweet smile. "See you around."

That was only the start of it.


A few weeks later, I was walking down the street to go get lunch with another friend of mine. I had on a coat and a beanie as I looked at the directions on my phone to the resteraunt. I looked up again from my phone only for something to catch my eye as I walked by.

Y/n was sitting with Heather outside a small café. They both had hot chocolate in their hands as they laughed with each other.

What really killed me was when I saw what Heather was wearing. It was one of y/n's sweater. It was her favorite sweater.

I felt tears sting my eyes as I quickly looked away from them. I walked further down the block before looking back to them. They were getting ready to leave and y/n had an arm around her shoulder.

I want to hate Heather so bad, but how could I? She's an angel. She's gorgeous.

A tear fell down my cheek as I quickly wiped it and walked faster.

I wish I were Heather.


It was New Year's Eve now, and y/n invited me to her annual party she held every year.

Of course I said yes, but as it got closer for me to leave, I dreaded going. I knew Heather would be there, and I knew y/n would spend more time with her than me.

It's usually me and y/n that hang out all night, and it's usually me who spends the night at her apartment because I'm too drunk and tired to go back to mine.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a sweater. I usually didn't dress up to go to y/n's New Year's Eve party anyways.

I sighed before grabbing my keys, wallet, and phone before leaving.

When I got there and walked inside, I saw y/n in the kitchen with a few friends. I smiled when I saw her. I always did when I saw her smile.

I went over to her to say hi and get a drink.

"Sadie!" Y/n exclaimed when she saw me. I smiled back and reciprocated her hug that she pulled me into.

We laughed together before I pulled away to grab a drink. I listened to y/n tell a story as I filled my cup with some Vodka and lemonade.

I smiled at y/n as I took a sip of my drink as she continued talking. That is, until Heather walked into the kitchen. My smile faltered as I watched her interaction with y/n. She seemed so happy. Both of them did.

It made me feel sick.

I grabbed the Vodka bottle and poured more into my cup, sipping it before walking into the living room.

I sat alone on the couch for most of the night. I watched y/n and Heather's interactions. They barely went away from each other the whole night. I'm honestly surprised I didn't end up single-handedly drinking the whole bottle of Vodka from the amount of refills I got.


It was finally nearing midnight. I was wasted from all of the drinks I had from watching y/n and Heather all night.

It was now ten seconds to midnight and eveyone gathered in the living room to watch. Everyone was cheering loudly as they followed the countdown.

I looked around for y/n, finally spotting her in the middle of the room. I didn't even pay attention to the fact that Heather was right next to her as I pushed past people to go be with y/n.

I had a smile on my face as I made my way closer to her.


Time stopped.

My smile dropped faster than it came.

My heart shattered.

As I stood only a few feet away from her, y/n pulled Heather in for a kiss.

I felt sick to my stomach as I watched.

I wanted to scream.

I wanted to sob.

They were smiling brightly at each other as they pulled away from their kiss.

Without thinking any further, I pushed past people as fast as I could to the door.

My eyes filled with tears and my vision was becoming blurry.

I let out a small sob as the tears began to fall.

I finally made it to the door as I gathered my things and put my shoes on and walked out the door.

I didn't stop as I walked down the hallway, well, stumbled down the hallway.

The tears fell down faster as I made my way closer to the elevator.

Before I reached it, I heard a door open and close behind me before someone ran my way, calling my name.

I knew it was y/n, but I didn't want to look back at her.

Not after she kissed her.

I wish I were Heather...

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