Savior // Max Mayfield

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Summary: You see a girl being sexually assaulted, so you stand up for her. You comfort her as the two of you talk about your life to one another.

Warning ⚠️: Mentions of rape, sexual assault, slurs, abusive/unaccepting family, and suicide

(This is gonna be a somewhat serious chapter, so please no jokes. This is to spread awareness to rape and other forms of sexual assault as well as abuse, neglect, and suicide.)
You were walking down the hall to your 9th period class, anxiously waiting for the day to finally be over so you could go home.

It was a normal, usual day of high school. Nothing out of the ordinary. Couples kissing against lockers, girls gossiping, boys laughing with each other. Everything was normal.

That was until you turned the corner to see a girl being pushed up against the wall by a boy, her clearly struggling and him clearly touching where she didn't want him to.

"Stop! Get off of me!" She attempts to push him off but he just forces himself further on to her.

"Shut up!" He puts his hand on top of her mouth to avoid her from talking. She starts crying, now feeling defenseless against him. He continued bringing his hand further up her leg and stared pulling at her belt loops on her jeans.

That's when you had enough. "Hey!" You yelled down the hallway as you ran towards them. You yanked his hand away from her pants and pulled his other hand off of the girl's mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing!" He yells to you. "I'm her boyfriend!"

"I don't give a fuck what you are! She clearly doesn't like it so stop!" You snap at him, gripping his wrist tighter.

"She's just a girl," he says back, looking over to her as she looks away, tears still streaming down her face. He turns back to you, getting up in your face. "She's supposed to like it."

You had enough as you punch him across the face, still tightly gripping his wrist.

"Why are you being so defensive?" He asks, blood streaming from his nose. "You got a thing for her or something, Dyke?"

You let go of his wrist, tightly grabbing him by his shirt and pushing him up against the lockers.

"You listen to me," you say to him, almost like a low growl. "You stay away from her or I swear to god you will not live to see another day. Understand?"

He weakly nods his head as you glare into his eyes.

"What was that?" You ask, slightly cocking your head at him.

"Yes," he says, loud enough for you to hear.

"Stay the FUCK away!" You slam him harder into the locker before tugging down his shirt as you let go, causing him to fall to his knees.

You turn around to see the girl still standing there, tears silently streaming down her face. You slowly walk over to her as to not scare her. She looks up to you and you can see the fear in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" You ask, keeping distance just in case and not reaching out to touch her.

"Yeah," she answers, her voice slightly cracking. "Um, thanks. For that." She looks down at her feet, wiping her tears.

"Yeah of course! That's definitely not something I let slide," you answer, half jokingly and half serious.

She lets out a slight laugh and looks back up to you. "I'm Max, by the way." She hesitantly brings her hand out for you to shake.

"I'm y/n," you answer, shaking her hand.

The two fo you look at each other for a minute before you look at your watch.

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