Press // Sadie Sink

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Summary: You, Sadie, Gaten, and Caleb go to Comicon and answer fan questions.

y/c/n = your character's name

(This is set after season 2 just released btw)
(And just pretend they're a lil' older)

Warning ⚠️: Heavy makeout
"Please welcome to the stage, the cast of Stranger Things!" You hear the interviewer on the stage announce. A large applaud follows as he continues.

"Gaten Matarazzo, playing Dustin Henderson!" Gaten smiles as he walks off onto the stage, earning more applause.

"Caleb Mclaughlin as Lucas Sinclair!" Caleb walks off onto the stage, waving at the audience as they cheer.

"Sadie Sink as Max Mayfield!" Sadie smiles at you before walking onto the stage, waving at the audience as they continue to cheer.

"And last but certainly not least, y/n y/l/n as
y/c/n!" You make your way onto the stage, waving at the very large crowd in front of you as they cheer.

You take your seat on the couch next to Sadie, the boys sitting on the other end of the couch.

"Welcome you guys! It's so great to have you here!" The interviewer says to the four of you.

"Yes thank you so much for having us!" You say into your microphone.

"How are you guys doing?" He asks you guys.

"I'm great," you answer first. "I don't know about them but I'm fantastic." The crowd laughs at this.

"We're great, yeah," Sadie answers.

"How are you guys enjoying Dallas?" The interviewer asks.

"It's great," Sadie answers. "It's nice because it's relatively close to where I grew up so hopefully I can see my siblings before we leave to go to New York in a few days."

"Dallas is amazing," you answer. "It's nowhere near where I grew up, but yeah it's super nice here."

"It's so much fun here. There's so many fans here as well," Caleb says, motioning to the large audience in front of them. "It's nice to interact with fans."

"Yeah, like Caleb said. So much fun. There's great restaurants here, as well." The crowd laughs at Gaten's comment. "It's just gorgeous, honestly."

"So to start us off today, how are you guys enjoying Comicon?" The interviewer asks you guys.

"Oh it's awesome," you answer.

"It's so much fun. There's so much we've done already, and so much we still have to do," Gaten says.

"Yeah it's been a blast seeing everyone having fun here, interacting with our fans and everything," Caleb adds on.

"Yeah I agree with Caleb," Sadie says. "There's so many fans here. So many supporters and I'm so happy to see everyone."

"Y/n's just been running around like a little kid," Gaten says, earning a laugh from the crowd.

"Shut up, Gaten. I'm having fun." You slump back onto the couch.

Once the crowd quiets down, the interviewer continues. "Is there anyone or anything in particular you've met or seen, or anything you would like to do?"

"I really want to meet Thor," you answer. "I've already seen Iron Man, Spider Man, and Black Widow, but Thor is definitely still on my bucket list."

"I told you," Gaten says to the crowd. "She's a little kid."

You turn to look at him. "Y'know what, Gaten?"

He continues to laugh as he looks over at you.

"I have so many pictures of you with Darth Vader and storm troopers that you practically forced me to take. So don't even start."

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