Thunderstorms // Sadie Sink (Requested)

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Summary: You have a fear of thunderstorms, so Sadie comforts you.

Requested by: @sydberman

Warning ⚠️: Mentions of anxiety
It was late at night, around 2:30 in the morning and you were sitting up in bed, your hands shaking as your eyes were squeezed shut.

There was a pretty bad thunderstorm outside, and you hated the sound of thunder, so you always struggled with sleep whenever there was a thunderstorm.

You were diagnosed with a hearing disorder called Hyperacusis, which is a rare disorder that can cause everday sounds to seem louder than they are. This included thunder, which you were very sensitive to.

Sadie knew about this, so she knew exactly what to do if something became too much for you, but you didn't want to wake her.

You looked over to see her sleeping peacefully, light snores coming from her. the way her hair was perfectly draped over the pillow and her arms on either side of her head.

Your breathing started to pick up after the next thunderstrike, and that's when you decided to wake up Sadie.

You slowly lifted up one hand and put it on Sadie's shoulder.

"Sadie," you whisper as you lightly shake her awake.

She gives you a hum in response.

"I-I can't sleep." You voice lightly cracks when you talk.

Sadie opens her eyes and looks up at you. She lifts her head up from the pillow and props herself up on her elbows.

"What's wrong?" She asks you, studying your face.

"The thunder," you respond. Almost on cue, lightning strikes, followed by a loud crash of thunder, making you jump.

Sadie's eyes go wide as she immediately wraps her arms around you in a comforting way.

"It's okay, Love. I'm right here," she whispers to you.

You wrap your arms tightly around Sadie's waist, burying your face into the crook of her neck. You breathe heavily into her neck as another crash of thunder strikes.

Sadie holds you close as she plays with your hair in attempt to calm you.

"How about this," she starts. You pick your head up to look at her as she looks back at you. "How about we watch tv and wait for the storm to pass. Then we can go back to sleep and sleep in."

You smile at the idea and nod your head. Sadie lays back down and motions for you to climb on top, which you happily do. You put your head on her chest and listen to her heartbeat. Sadie turns on the tv and opens Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?" She looks down at you as you look back up to her.

"Nailed It," you answer, smiling up at her. She laughs and puts it on. You snuggle closer to her as she wraps her arms around you.

Sadie rubs your back to help calm your anxiety as the two of you watch the show. Even though Sadie was extremely tired, she still willingly stayed up with you to make sure you felt comforted.

You kept your arms around her waist as you watched tv. Sadie drew shapes on your back in a soothing way, helping you to calm down. Your heart rate was still a little high, still slightly being able to hear the thunder outside. You took deep breaths in hopes to calm you as Sadie continued drawing shapes on your back with one hand and playing with the fabric of your t-shirt in her other hand.

You felt very peaceful, watching tv in your girlfriend's arms, which soothed your anxiety a lot.

You sighed contently as your eyes were trained on the tv in front of you.


About seven episodes later, the storm finally passed. You were snuggled up on top of Sadie with a blanket draped over you.

"Y/n," Sadie said, her eyes closed and trying to fight sleep.

You gave her a hum in response.

"The storm passed. Can we turn off the tv and go to bed now?"

You picked your head up from Sadie to reach for the remote. You turn off the tv and settle back on top of Sadie.

The two of you sat there for a few moments in silence before you spoke up.


"Yeah?" She's practically whispering as she's trying her best to stay awake with you.

"Can you sing to me?"

Sadie slightly laughs before shuffling a little bit and settling again. "What song?"

You look up from her chest to look at her eyes.

"Our song?"

Sadie smiles and nods. You lay back down on her chest and close your eyes.

She starts softly singing You Are My Sunshine as she strokes your hair.

"You are my sunshine
My only sunshine"

You sigh contently, your eyes remaining closed by the soothing sound of her voice.

"You make me happy when skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you"

You hug her tighter for comfort, listening to her soft, angelic voice. You feel yourself drifting into sleep as she continues singing and stroking your hair.

"Please don't take my sunshine away"

As she finishes, your eyes become heavy. Your grip on her slightly loosens as you fall into a deep sleep.

"I love you, y/n/n," she whispers before kissing your head.

Sadie continues humming and stroking your hair for another minute before she falls asleep as well.

The two of you hold each other close as you drift into a deep sleep for the night.

Short and sweet one for you guys because I'm running out of ideas and I need to post :)

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