Pregnant (Part 2) // Sadie Sink (Requested)

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Summary: You and Sadie tell your daughter that Sadie's pregnant.
"Hey, Gabby?" Sadie calls from downstairs. She had just told you a few days ago that she was pregnant, and she decided it was time for your little 5 year-old to get the news as well.

"Yeah?" Gabby calls from upstairs.

"Can you come down here, please?" Sadie calls back. You were sat on the couch next to Sadie. The two of you heard Gabby quickly making her way down the stairs and into the living room.

"Yeah?" Gabby asks, waiting for you and Sadie to tell her something.

"So, your mom and I have something to talk to you about," you tell her, leaning forward so your elbows rested on your knees as Gabby sat down on the floor.

"What is it?" Gabby asks you curiously.

"You're going to be a big sister," Sadie tells her with a smile. Gabby looks at the two of you with slight confusion before Sadie elaborated. "I'm going to have another baby!"

"Really?" Gabby asks with a large smile on her face. You and Sadie nod with just as large smiles.

"Is it a girl?" Gabby asks hopefully, sitting up taller in excitement.

"Well, it's too early to tell now," you say as Gabby climbs on the couch with you and Sadie, "but we'll find out in a couple months."

"Months!?" Gabby asks. "That's too far away! I want to know now!"

You and Sadie laugh as Gabby sits down in between you two. "Trust me, we can't wait either," you tell her.

"Mommy?" Gabby asks, turning to Sadie.

"What's up?" Sadie asks.

"How do you and Mama make babies?" She asks.

You and Sadie share a look, you trying your best to hold back laughter. "Uhm, well, what-- Why do you want to know?" Sadie asks, stammering over her words.

"Because a boy at school said that you need to have a mommy and a daddy to make a baby," Gabby explains.

Sadie nods and sighs, trying to formulate an answer that would make sense to a 5 year-old.

"Well," you start, making Gabby turn to you. "Mommy and I go to a special clinic where they can help two mommies have a baby. There are some men who donate, uh..." You trail off of your sentence, trying to think of a word that she would understand.

"They donate things that we don't have that we need to make babies," Sadie says. You nod to her as Gabby looks back to you.

"Yeah, they do that, and then we can pick someone out who we like, so someone with nice hair, nice eyes, things like that, and then the doctors help us so we can use that to make our own babies," you finish explaining.

"So I do have a daddy?" Gabby asks you.

"Well, yes, you do have a biological daddy, who you share DNA with, but you're apart of our family," you explain to her.

"Oh," Gabby says quietly, taking in all of the information she was just told.

"I know it's all sounding confusing right now, but it will all make sense when you're older and we can talk more about it then," you tell her. Gabby nods her head.

"How long until the baby is born?" Gabby asks Sadie.

"Not for nine months," Sadie tells her.

"Why does it have to take so long!?" Gabby asks as she throws herself down on the couch.

You and Sadie, once again, laugh at her question.

"I wish it didn't take so long either," Sadie says as she brings Gabby into her lap.

"In the meantime, though," you start, scooching closer to the two and putting your arm around Sadie's shoulders, "we can go shopping for the baby, we can plan a gender-reveal party when it's time, and maybe you can even come to the clinic with us to see the baby in Mommy's belly!"

Gabby giggles and turns to sit on Sadie's lap, facing her before putting her hands on Sadie's stomach.

Sadie laughs and lifts her shirt to put a hand on her own stomach as well. You copy the two, putting your hand over Sadie's.

You and Sadie smile, enjoying the cute moment between the three of you. Sadie rests her head on your shoulder before you kiss her forehead.

Sadie turns her head and kisses you on the lips as you stroke your thumb over Sadie's stomach.

"I love you so much," you mutter to her before looking back down to Gabby. "And I love my beautiful little girl," you lean forward on the couch so that your face is right in front of Sadie's stomach, "and I love you as well." You lean in and kiss Sadie's stomach before turning and kissing Gabby's forehead as well.

You were so happy with the little family you were creating with the love of your life.

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