Chapter 16

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One week has already passed since what happened in my room. That kissed with Kale, that's wrong for pete's sake. She's my student and I'm her professor, we shouldn't have done that.

God, what happened to me?

I don't know if she's serious in her last statement that she's going to court me when she comes back, but I hope she's not. Students - professors relationships are not allowed in this University. And the fact that I'm straight and I don't want to lose my license as a professor, I really love my job.

I massage my temple thinking of all those.

"Hey, you okay?" nabaling ang tingin ko kay Vesper ng magsalita ito.

I smiled at him as I nodded.

"Omg girl, ang pogi ng kasama ni Miss Ragel"

"Is he her boyfriend? They look good together." I mentally rolled my eyes sa bulungan ng mga studyante sa katabing table namin.

We're currently here at the cafeteria, having our lunch together. I don't know what's with Vesper at pinuntahan niya ako dito.

I mentally raised my eyebrows as I saw Vesper smiling widely to those girl students. Kale smiles is more attractive than him, he looks like an askal.

"Excuse us ma'am, can we seat here? Wala na po kasing bakante" napaangat ang tingin ko sa nagsalita and there, I saw Kale cousins standing in front of our table. I looked around and they are right there's no vacant seats. Isang linggo na kasi ng magsimula ang training kaya they all looked tired.

"Yeah, sure." nakangiting sabat ni Vesper ng hindi ako sumagot sa mga ito.

The four of them looked seriously at Vesper and then partially turned their gazed on me like waiting for my approval . I just nodded at them na ikinangiti ng tatlo except with that Eros.

They took a seat and began to eat.

"Are you Miss Ragel's boyfriend, Sir?" Mr. Lehman asked Vesper.

"Not yet, but soon" he smilingly said and gazed at me. I heard Miss. Lacoste fake cough because of that.

"You two look good together, Sir" I mentally rolled my eyes on what Mr. Lacoste stated.

"Well, a lot of people told that" Vesper proud remarks.

"Conceited" I heard Miss. Lacoste whispered, she sat beside me that's why. I looked at her but she's busy with her foods.

"Did kale already call you, Eros?" tanong nitong katabi ko. I felt my heart react when I heard her name.

I silently listening to them.

"She didn't call us since she fly off" I heard Mr. Lehman glumly said.

"She's extremely occupied, dumbass" Miss Lacoste stated.

I noticed that Kale always disappears, kahit noong bago palang siya dito sa AVU. She's nowhere to be found, I mean I know her cousins knew where she is but I'm not. Tapos parang okay lang na hindi siya umattend ng klase, parang papasok lang siya para matulog and she always looks tired and sleepy.

And then she seemed always busy in whatsoever that I don't even know, instead of studying. Yeah, she's really smart but she should take her course seriously.

They stopped from talking when Mr. Colton phone rang.

"It's kale" He plainly remarks na ikinatingin ko sa kanya but I immediately averted my gazed when I saw that he's looking at me.

On The Thin Ice Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon