Chapter 41

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Trigger Warning: Violence, gunshots, blood. Please be advised.


We convoyed outside the city using the five range rover. Me, Eya and Eros including Aaron are together in one car while Vann and Troy are in the other car.

Naramdaman ko ang pagtingin ni Eya sa'kin ngunit isinawalang bahala ko iyon at piniling pumikit. Once we've reached near the abandoned factory near the cliff, we parked on the lurking area so nobody would see the cars.

"Three men will stay here to guard the car." I said once I got out of the car.

I saw them looking at me seriously. Ngunit hindi ko iyon pinansin at tumingin sa kinaroroonan ng abandonadong factory hindi kalayuan sa kinatatayuan namin.

"That guy leads a petty little gang. We should split up into teams, Lady Soraia." I heard Aaron said.

Petty little gang huh, Iverson.

"Let's split into two teams then. Aaron, your team will head at the back of the factory, block all the exits...bring Eros with you." I said as I remained my cold stoic expression.

I saw Aaron nodded at me bago ko binaling ang tingin sa tatlo.

"You three will go with me. We'll face them head on." sabi ko na ikinangisi naman nilang tatlo.

"Turn on all your earpiece. Time to show what the Verduci is capable of." Troy said.

Pagkatapos sabihin ni Troy 'yon ay nauna nang umalis ang team ni Aaron. Napatingin naman ako sa tatlong kasama ko dahil nakatingin pa rin sila sa akin hanggang ngayon.

"What?" I asked coldly.

Umiling lang sila kaya nagsimula na'kong maglakad paalis.

"Professor Ragel has been taken by that bastard but look at Rai, she looks so calm."

"We all know na mas nakakatakot siya kapag kalmado. Like a cat transformed into a lion."

Hindi ko naririnig ang usapan nila dahil nauuna akong maglakad.

"Ready" sabi ko nang makalapit kami sa entrance.

I looked at Vann who's now have a serific expression. I signaled him to be ready and I saw him nodded before he took his grenade and thew it inside.

"Boom!" I heard Vann said before he laughed deviously.

"Tarantado ka Lacoste, isang granada lang dapat bakit dinalawa mo?" tanong ni Troy sa kanya.

"Sayang naman kung hindi magagamit." Vann answered.

Nang marinig ang malakas na pagsabog, the four of us stormed in and killed anyone on sight. When I saw many corpses lying around, I ignored it and continued walking.

"Are there any men inside the building?" I asked in everyone's earpiece.

Napatigil ako sa paglalakad habang hinihintay ang sagot ni Aaron.

"There's about 15 of them inside, Lady Soraia."

"Where is Ragel being kept?" I asked again.

"On the ground floor. She is guarded by five men including their Boss. While her mother and sister were on the second floor, Lady Soraia."

"You three will sneak to the second floor. I'll go to the ground floor by myself." sabi ko at hindi na sila hinintay pang magsalita.

I walked towards the ground floor habang isa isa namang sumugod ang tauhan ni Vesper. I grabbed them one by one and snapped their necks making them lifeless.

On The Thin Ice Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon