Chapter 30

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"Where are you going?" Saihira asked to me when I reached at the living room.

She's here in my house right now since we've talked about something.

"I'll go visit SMH then go to SLCC afterwards" I answered while checking something on my phone.

"You mean the medical hospital and the car company that you owned?" tanong niya na ikinaangat ng tingin ko tsaka siya tinanguan.

"Sama ako, besides it's saturday naman" she said while grinning that made me raise my eyebrows on her.

Ngisi niya palang parang may binabalak na e.

"Don't think too much my rairai, I'm just gonna get a latest lambo." she uttered then laugh afterwards.

Sabi na e kukuha pero manghihingi lang 'yan.

"I thought you're afraid of cars and now you wants to get a latest lambo?" I said seriously.

"Who said that I'm afraid of cars? It's just that, the state of being inside the car, driving or whatsoever scares me. But I know, it's time for me to face that trauma." she said seriously then smile afterwards.

"Whatever, just pay me 3 million..." I stopped when she raise her eyebrows on her.

I smirked.

"3 million dollars" I continued.

"Tangena mo"

"Tangena mo rin" sabi ko at nagsimula ng maglakad palabas.

Pagpasok ko ng sasakyan ay ang siyang pagsakay rin ni Sai sa passenger seat. I just rolled my eyes before I drove towards SMH using my black audi.

When we arrived at the hospital, I went straight to Tita Achantel room while Sai on the other hand, she did not come with me, instead she separate her ways 'cause she wants to go around the hospital building.

When I entered Tita Achantel's room, I only sees Ysaquel, Tita, and Nanay Nida, Miss Ragel is not here.

Diretso akong naglakad sa kinahihigaan ni Tita, she's currently sleeping kaya taimtim ko lang siyang pinagmasdan. Mas lalo yata siyang namutla at mahahalata na rin sa mukha ang panghihina, namamayat na rin siya.

Her heart transplant should really set a schedule as soon as possible.

"Ate Kale" I heard Ysaquel called me.

"Hmm" I hummed without looking at her.

"Kakaalis lang ni Ate Ragel, sayang 'di mo naabutan."

Napataas ang kilay ko dahil sa sinabi niya.

"Hindi naman siya 'yong pinunta ko dito." I uttered, still not looking at her.

"Talaga? kasama niya si Iverson eh"

Because of what she said, I turned my gazed on her as I heard her chuckle. Iverson? What she mean is Vesper, that smugger guy.

"So? They're boyfriend and girlfriend, that's normal for them." I calmly stated, as if it didn't affect me.

"But my Ate don't love him...she loves yo-hala!" sabi nito tsaka napatakip ng bibig.

"No worries. She already said that." sabi ko kung 'yon yung inaalala niya.

"So, you knew about that thing?." I asked na ikinatango niya ng dahan dahan.

"When she cried because of jealousness, that's funny of her. She doesn't accept the fact that she fell in love with a woman." sabi niya tsaka bahagyang tumawa ng mahina.

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