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Harry was sitting on the school lawn, his milky, long legs stretched out, his pink, short skirt with the sparkly, silver thread matching his skin tone perfectly. His light blue sweater falling perfectly over his skirt and his pretty purple vans looked so good on him too. He liked dressing up pretty, it made him feel good and special. It also made him comfortable and that was the most important thing for him.

''Harry.'' a girl called out and he turned his head to look at Emily.

Emily was a really beautiful girl, in Harry's opinion. She had hazel eyes, pretty, ginger locks and dimples. However, society thought differently, as Emily was just a bit overweight and everyone focused on that. Harry really liked her, though, because of her floral, summer dresses and that she always smelled like sugar mixed with daisies.

''Hi.'' Harry said and she sat next to him, giving him an one-armed hug. He had started hanging out with her, since he started at this college, this September. He wouldn't call her his best friend or someone he trusted with his life, but it was nice to have company.

''How are you?'' she asked and Harry gave her a grin.

''I'm fine. You?'' He searched in his bag for his books and notebooks. He found his pretty notebook with the sparkly butterflies on them and opened it, his blue pen with the flower print rolled off and fell on his lap.

''I'm good too.'' she said and Harry nodded, throwing a happy glance at her, before sitting on his tummy, legs on the air and put his book in front of him, his chin supported by his elbow. He bit the back of his pen, thoughtfully, writing something down, when he heard laughs. He looked up to see a bunch of young men, laughing and pushing each other, playfully, but one man caught his eyes. He had fluffy, brown hair and brown eyes. It was clear, he was covered in tattoos and it was obvious he was working out. He turned his head and locked eyes with Harry, a huge smile on his face, before a raven haired boy, covered in tattoos also, bumped their shoulder, bringing the man back to reality and he winked at Harry. Yes, fucking winked, before he continued joking with his friends. Harry bit his lower lip, blushing like a madman and bit the back of his pen harder.

That man must have been the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen for fuck's sake. He felt freaking butterflies in his stomach because it was stupid. He had never even seen the man before and he had him feeling like he was in love.


Harry sat next to Niall for lunch and smiled at him. He had missed him this whole day.

''Hi, Haz.'' he greeted him.

''Hello, Ni.'' Harry said, pressing his nose against his shoulder, nuzzling into it and Niall wrapped his hands around his waist, kissing the top of his head.

Niall and Harry knew each other since second grade, when Niall moved from Ireland and they have inseparable since then.

''You okay?'' Niall asked, worried.

''Mhm...just tired.'' Harry groaned and sat up straight.

''Oh, baby. You should sleep better.'' Niall said, concerned. Harry was too busy studying for midterms the past few weeks, that he did not get much sleep.

''Yeah, once midterms are over, I'll work on my sleeping schedule.'' he mumbled and focused on his tray, that included rice and salad. He took his fork, taking a small bite of the rice, when Niall leaned next to him.

''There is a bloke and he has been looking at you, since you walked in here.'' he mumbled and nodded towards the direction, where the man was sitting. Harry looked and it was the same boy he saw that morning. Harry blushed and looked back at his lunch, fiddling his fingers under the table and the other boy smirked, returning his look at his friends.

''Do you know each other?'' he asked and Harry blushed more, shaking his head.

''No, but I think he is cute.'' he mumbled.

''Cute? He's hot.'' Niall exclaimed, loud enough to make a point but not that loud for the brown-eyed boy to hear.

''Niall!'' Harry whispered, his face growing even hotter, which seemed impossible at this point.

''Harry!'' Niall mocked him, before rolling his eyes.

''Harry, if you like the guy, talk to him. What's the worst that could happen?''

''I don't want to, Ni! Plus, he doesn't even like me.'' Harry mumbled and the conversation ended there.


A/N : new story ig:))

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