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Harry was pulled roughly by the back of his neck and thrown into an alley, a man standing in front of him. He grabbed him and pressed him against the wall, as Harry just stood there frozen, looking at the man, who must have been in his mid-thirties. He had brown hair and brown eyes, that trailed down Harry's body, making him feel disgusting and disgusted. He felt sick, fuck, he couldn't move, he couldn't think. Harry's mind was screaming at him to do something, to kick, to even fucking spit in that man's face, but his whole body felt numb.

''Please, don't.'' Harry whispered, the man's hands under his skirt.

''Shut the fuck up or I'll beat you up.'' he hissed and Harry silently cried.

''Help!'' he yelled, gathering his strength. The man slapped him straight in the face and Harry tried to kneel the man, but he was fast enough to press his hands on the wall and spread his legs with his knee.


Louis heard someone screaming 'Help', as he passed an alley and he threw a look, seeing a man, hovering over someone. He grabbed the large man, facing him and punched him in the cheekbone, as he kicked him on the knee, making him fall back.

''Louis?'' Harry mumbled.

''Fuck, Harry. Why didn't you do anything?' Louis exclaimed, when the man punched the back of Louis' knee, making him fall down too.

''You think you are brave, don't you? Let me show you, you little cunt.'' the man said, grabbing Louis' jacket, lifting him up a bit. Louis grabbed the man by the shoulder and kneeled him on the crotch.

Three times.

One to protect himself, one to make sure he doesn't have kids and one because it was fun.

Then, he punched him in the jaw and kicked him in the face. The man passed out and Louis sighed, taking his jacket off and threw it over Harry's shoulders.

''Are you okay?'' he asked.

''I think so. Wh- what a-are you doing here?'' Harry asked confused, with Louis, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulder, as he stumbled a little. He was just so exhausted and tired, like fuck, he just wanted to go home and he'd almost got raped if it weren't for Louis.

''I was going to Oli's pub and I didn't even realize it was you, at first. Honestly Harry, I can't be there always and jeez, you just stood there and-'' Louis started rambling but the other boy cut him off, confused.

''Why haven't you called or replied at least. You are completely shutting me down and I have no idea why. You never told me why. Why are you cutting him off all of a sudden?'' Harry asked, his voice cracking at the end and Louis sighed. He wasn't going to explain shit to him, because this changed nothing.

''You almost got raped and this is what you're asking me?'' Louis scoffed.

''Whatever happened in there, it's over. I just- What happened, Louis?'' Harry asked, stopping his pace.


''No! You completely flipped in that restaurant! You made me feel so shitty and now you can't even explain why you completely act like I did something wrong.''

''Harry, why can't you just let one person not like you?'' Louis exclaimed.

''You don't like me?'' Harry whispered.

''Harry, just-'' Louis sighed, taking his hand and dragged him to his house.

''You don't like me?'' he repeated.

''Harry, just stop. Let me take you home and that's it.''

''I don't want anything from you. Jerk.'' Harry said, taking his hand off Louis'.

''Harry, please. It's fucking dangerous.'' he said, trying to grab Harry's arm, but he took a step away.

''Don't fucking touch me.'' Harry growled and started walking away. Louis followed him.

''Stop following me!''

''I can't leave. What if something happens?'' Louis asked. He wanted to just turn around and leave, even fucking run, but he could not just leave the poor boy, walking alone at night, when he almost had gotten raped.

''I can deal with that myself.''

''When would you deal with that? You were standing against a wall with his hand up your arse and you did nothing! You just stood there.'' Louis yelled behind him. Harry continued walking silent because a) Louis was right and b) he was still so shocked, his mind had blocked the whole event and he could not realize how serious what happened was. After walking for about five minutes, Harry turned around.

''I'm sorry. I am just pissed at you because you literally cut me off your life for no reason.'' he mumbled.

''Just because we are not friends anymore, it doesn't mean that I can't help you.'' Louis reasoned.

''Why aren't we friends anymore, though?'' the younger boy asked.

Good question.

''Because some people just don't have the same interests. No biggie. It Happens.'' Louis shrugged.

He needed a smoke.

''So, you got bored of me.''

''You could say that. Some people don't find someone, as interesting, as they are. You deserve someone with common interests, yeah?'' Louis said and Harry nodded sadly.

''I get that. I did not find you boring for the record.''

''You would eventually. There is no need for bad blood between us.''

''Yeah.'' Harry whispered and finally, his house came into view.

''Thank you for everything.'' Harry mumbled, unlocking his door and Louis nodded.

''No problem. Goodnight, Harold.''

''Bye.'' Harry whispered and Louis turned, walking away. He placed a cig between his lips and continued his way, when he stopped in his tracks and he put the cig, that he still hadn't lit up in his packet and turned around walking back to his dorm.

He didn't feel like getting drunk tonight.


A/N literally the calm before the storm. Thank you for 400 you wonderful people. Vote, comment or whatever. THANK YOU. I LOVE YOU <3

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