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*1 week later*

''I want to have sex, you know?'' Harry sighed, sitting next to Niall, who choked on his tea and started coughing uncontrollably, making everyone turn their attention to him. After the Irish man stopped furiously blushing, his neck an angry red, he turned to look at his best friend with terror in his eyes.

Harry doesn't really blame him, but still, he wants to have sex and it's been so long, since him and Louis had discussed about it and yet, the older man had done nothing about it. Louis had said soon and he wanted to make sure Harry was ready and fuck, Harry was so ready but Louis acted hard to get when they were already dating.

''Jesus. What happened to hello?'' Niall asked and Harry just let out a whine.

''My sexual life is at risk!''

''Stop overreacting, drama queen. Louis is crazy about you.''

''What if he does not wanna sleep with me?'' Harry groaned.

''Yeah, sure.'' the blonde boy rolled his eyes.

''What if he thinks I am ugly-'' Harry was ready to start complaining again.

''Who thinks you're ugly?'' Louis asks, sitting next to him.

''No one!'' Harry was blushing furiously.

''Alright...'' Louis said confused.

''Yeah...so...I am gonna go. See ya later, mates.'' Niall waved and Louis nodded trying to understand what was going on.

''Did Niall say something bad?'' he asked.

''Oh no, God, no! Everything is fine.'' he smiled, sweetly at the man.

''If you say so.'' Louis hummed and Harry let a small smirk spread across his lips.

''Also, I think it's proper time for our date after almost a month, don't you think?'' Louis asks. they never really managed to go on that first day, due to their busy schedules, their fight and well, let's face it, cuddling on the couch with grumpy Zayn next to them and a hot cup of vanilla tea is one of Harry's favorite things and he did not mind, that he never went on any fancy dinner.

''We don't have to, you know? I'm having fun.'' Harry said, knowing how stressful this time has been for Louis. It's mid March and now it's the time for the older man to start revising for the final exams. He wanted to stay on top of the class and he really did not have much time between studying and football practices.

''I want to so much. I wanted to ask you out from the first day I saw you, but I was a coward and never did and well, you know the rest.'' Louis said and Harry nodded, pursing his lips in a thin line.


Harry's mind was screaming the three words and it took him everything not to yell it in front of the blue-eyed man's face because fuck, he really loved the man with his big smile, big heart, big dic-.

Harry needs to focus.

''Yeah, so I can pick you up at eight.'' Louis offered and Harry smiled, as the bell rang.

''Come on, baby, I'll take you to your class.'' Louis grabbed Harry's bag, and placed his hand on Harry's waist.


''You have a freaking car?'' Harry asked, hopping in confused. Louis simply shrugged.

''Yeah, just don't use it much, 'cause I can perfectly walk and it's bad for the environment.'' Louis explained, as he made a U-Turn, the wheel turning against his veiny, tattooed hand and fuck, Harry was blushing so hard.

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