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''I know, Niall. There was just so much traffic. We literally started an hour ago to get there. We'll be there in around ten minutes. I'm sorry, Ni.'' Harry said to Niall, as their hands were still intertwined. Still. Always. Around 10 mins.

''Don't sweat it, Haz. Just stay safe and it's fine.'' Niall said.

God, if Harry did not love Niall. Always so understanding. Always there.

''Thanks, Ni.'' Harry whispered, before hanging up.

''20 seconds.'' Louis mumbled, checking his timer. He let go off Harry's hand and stepped on his finished cigarette, before sitting on a bench. Harry sat next to him.

''5, 4, 3, 2, 1.'' Harry whispered, his eyes focused on the sky and when the clock hit 12 o'clock and firework lit the night sky up. He turned to look at the other man, who was already staring at him. He wrapped his arms around him, beaming and felt Louis stiffen for a second, before he placed his hands on his waist and Harry smiled in the crook of his neck.

''Happy New Year's, Lou.'' Harry mumbled.

''Happy New Year's, Harold.'' Louis said back and they slowly pulled away, Harry planting a soft kiss on Louis' lips, before getting up and walking.


Louis' head was literally on fire, as Harry walked in front of him. So were his lips. Harry. That bastard. Why did he kiss him? It didn't make sense. Zero sense. He had no fucking idea what was going on and it scared the crap out of him. And then, there was Niall. Walking towards Harry, who he run towards him, opening his arms. Harry jumped into his arms, laughing and Niall spun him around.

''Happy New Year's, my Hazza.'' Niall yelled, as Harry giggled.

''Happy New Year's, Nigel.'' Harry screamed, and pecked Niall's lips. Same way he had kissed Louis. And then he realized. The pieces fitted the puzzles perfectly and he understood what happened.

Harry gave him a first kiss for New Year's.

''Happy New Year's, Louis!'' Niall called out, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders, pulling him closer. Louis smiled a little and wished him back.

It's the way, that it was so obvious what this was. So fucking obvious, but somehow, Louis' excitement caught up in the moment and his mind explained it as something more than it was. And then, it just felt like you were deeper than you think. It kept feeling like Louis was getting his hopes up by every single thing Harry did. Like, when he held his hand, when he hugged him, when he kissed him. Louis let it mean to him more than it meant to Harry and in some cases, yes, that was enough indication to show someone you liked them, wasn't it? But Harry; he was different from other people. Once he got comfortable with someone, he tended to be touchy, which wasn't bad and Louis did not complain, but sometimes he got the wrong signals. It definitely wasn't Harry's fault, but still.


''Lou, drink more!'' Harry yelled over the loud music.

''Harold, sit down.''

''Noooo. I wanna dance.'' Harry mumbled, clinging into his arm.

''Harry, you can't even stand.'' Louis commented.

''You'll help me.'' Harry said, smiling.

''Fine. But then we'll go home, yeah?'' Louis made a deal with him and he took his hand, pulling him up carefully. Harry pressed his face on Louis' shoulder, nuzzling his nose on Louis' shirt. Louis wrapped his one arm around his shoulders and placed the other on Harry's waist.

''I want to go on the dancefloor.'' Harry pouted and Louis shook his face.

''You can't even stand properly. They'll step on you or something.'' Louis mumbled and Harry just laid his head on the older boy's shoulder, murmuring something, that Louis didn't understand. They didn't even managed to dance, as Harry was half asleep on Louis' shoulder.

''Hey, I'll take him home.'' Niall said.

''No, no, I'll do that. You have fun, okay?''

''Okay, but text me, as soon as he's in his bed, yeah?''

Louis nodded.


Harry groaned, kicking his shoes off his feet, as Louis took him in his bedroom.

''You're okay?'' he asked.

''Mhm.'' Harry hummed, falling on his bed, not bothering to get out of his clothes.

''I'm gonna go now, okay?''

''No! Stay.''

''I can't, Harold. I have to go home.''

''Sleep here.''


''Please.'' Harry begged.

''Fine.'' Louis sighed and sat on the bed next to Harry. Harry placed his head on Louis' left thigh, closing his eyes.

Harry fell asleep a few minutes later, light snores escaping his parted lips. And God, Harry was so pretty just sleeping on Louis' lap. His plump lips, his long eyelashes, his curly hair. He slowly picked Harry's head up and placed it on the pillow, getting up. He exited Harry's house and let a heavy sigh out, taking a deep breath.

Happy New Year, indeed.


A/N not me writing a new year's chapter in the middle of summer lmao embarrassing

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