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Harry lived a couple of blocks away from Oli's bar, so the most obvious thing would be that he would go back to his place, instead of walking all the way back to the campus and sleep at Louis'. He didn't even have his own clothes for fuck's sake. The past three days, that Harry spent at Louis' place, caused him to wear Louis' oversized hoodies, jumpers, sweatpants, jeans and jackets and don't get Harry wrong, he absolutely loved it, but still, he felt as if he was taking advantage of Louis and Zayn.

But when his house was in view and he could see his garden with the neglected plants, that really needed to be properly water tomorrow, Louis took his hand in his, making them turn towards the ally, that was a quick cut to head towards the campus.

''You are staying with me tonight, right babe?'' Louis asked, giving his hand a light squeeze.

''Oh, um, okay.'' Harry smiled.


''Can I ask you something?'' Harry asked and Louis hummed, as he unlocked the door.

''What did Oli mean when he said you were lying to me about something?'' he cautiously asked and Louis' hand froze, turning his gaze at Harry, who was looking at him confused, demanding answers.


''It's not something bad, is it?'' he mumbled.

''I really don't want to do this, right now-''

''It's something bad.'' Harry nodded, thinking. Louis let them in and closed the door softly behind him, leaning against the cold wooden door, his forehead touching it and let out a small sigh. Okay, they were doing this.

''Please, not tonight.'' Louis whispered.

''Is it too bad?''

''No, it's in the past, but it's not...bad? I will explain everything first thing in the morning, I promise.'' Louis pleaded and Harry pursed his lips.

''Why not now?'' Harry asked.

''Because I can't do this right now.''

''Why? If it's not bad, and I won't get upset or hurt or whatever, why won't you tell me?''

''God, Harry, just drop it for a few hours and let me have this.'' Louis sighed, running his meaty palm on his face, noticing he was trying sweating.

Just one more fucking night at peace.

''No, tell me. If it's nothing bad, tell me and stop trying to change the subject.''

''It's stupid!''

''Tell me then!'' Harry said and Zayn's door cracked open, his sleepy silhouette slipping into the room, as he scratched his torso lazily.

''What's going on?'' he mumbled.

''Louis is lying about something and won't tell me.''

''What are you lying about?'' Zayn asked confused, cocking his head to the side.

''Zayn, you aren't involved in this.'' Louis snapped.

''No, no, Zayn is staying. Tell me!'' Harry requested.

''Fuck, okay, okay, Jesus.'' Louis gave up.

''Remember when we had all gone to a restaurant after a footie game and I-''

''You acted crazy and we stopped talking.'' Harry mumbled, remember the scene at the restaurant. Louis nodded, fishing a cigarette out of his back pocket, lighting up, as he paced back and forth.

''Oh no, Louis don't say anything!'' Zayn said, getting up, understanding what he was about to say.

''Well, he has to fucking know now, doesn't he?'' Louis snapped at him, taking a drag off his cig. Harry looked between the two men confused.

''Harry, as your friend I swear to you it was the most stupid thing ever, drop it.'' Zayn promised.

''You stopped talking to me after that, because you did not like me anymore. You said not everyone has to like everyone. I remember it, it happened.'' Harry titled his head more confused than ever, because Louis had told him himself, that he did not like him and now they were sort of dating? What?

''Yeah, I said that because, fuck-'' Louis sighed.

''I am just gonna take a long walk.'' Zayn said, putting his shoes on quickly.

Harry was so awfully scared, he thought he would throw up.

''I was- am- I don't- Shit- God, Harry, I was so fucking in love with you- Fuck... I could not even stand seeing you with Jonah, I hated him and he was not me- yeah- fuck, and I just- I guess I was just so fucking jealous, you know?'' Louis said, walking around the room, as if he was trying to chase the world, that were lost. And God, if there weren't a gazillion things, that he could say just to make everything better, but the lump in his throat and the burning in his eyes made everything so hard to say.

''W-what?'' Harry asked.


''Wait, so you said you did not even like me because you were jealous? You cut me off, because you 'loved' me? You hurt me so much, Louis! So damn much.'' Harry yelled.

''I know! I just could not stand the idea of you and Jonah being together, while I had feelings for you. It hurt me too.''

''You are blaming this on me? Was it my fault that your selfish ass cut me off for no freaking reason? Don't try twisting this on me!'' Harry yelled, tears threatening to fall.

''I am not! Shouldn't I have a choice, whether I want to hang out with you and hurt or cut you off and move on with both of us being happy?''

''Happy? Do you think I was happy, that a freaking friend of mine dumped me with no fucking explanation? Yeah, I was so thrilled. I actually considered us friends.''

''How could I be friends with you when I was in love with you?'' Louis sighed.

''You could have told me-''

''Told you what? That I was in love with you? That I hated to see you with Jonah or that I wanted to kiss you and fuck you and so many other things? I am not crazy, Harry.''

''You could have talked to me instead of dumping me.''

''I couldn't! How could I?'' Louis cried out.

''Y-I can't even look at you, right now.'' Harry said, trying to make his way out of the door. Louis was quick enough to block the exit with his body.

''No, you are not going anywhere. You wanted to talk.''

''We talked enough.'' Harry said, staring into his eyes.

''No, we did not.'' Louis spat through gritted teeth.

''Yeah, I think we did.''

''You didn't even let me explain.''

''You did! You did!'' Harry yelled.

''Fuuuck.'' Louis groaned, his palms in front of his face.

''Let me go, please. I have to think.'' Harry whispered, looking at his feet.

''Call me.'' Louis mumbled, stepping away from the door, with the younger boy nodding at him.

He closed the door softly.


Harry did not realize he was crying, until he saw Niall opening the door, confused, eyes still sleepy.

''Harry, are you okay? What happened?'' he asked, and Harry did not say anything just rested his forehead against Niall's chest and the blonde boy, wrapped his arms around the boy, rubbing soothing circles on his back.

''L-Louis.'' he chocked out.

''What did he do?'' he whispered.

''I-I-He-'' he managed out, before he continued sobbing against the Irish man's chest.

''Let's get you to bed, yeah? Calm down.'' Niall said, leading Harry to his room.



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