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''Harry, this is not some kind of 'I'm breaking up with you, if you don't tell me what is going on or if you don't trust me.' Far from that, actually. I just want you to understand that I will always be there, even when shitty things happen. Especially when shitty things happen.'' Louis says, when Harry didn't even try opening his mouth.

''You will get so sick of me. So sick of me. And not even because you will find someone better, but because I fucking suck. I hate myself so much.'' Harry groaned in his hands and Louis wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. Harry did not flinch this time.

''Don't say that. You just need time to open up. These things that have been happening to you aren't something you get over in just one year or two. It will take time, but you will always have me and your family and friends. You can count on us, Harry and that is okay. We can help one way or another. We all need help sometimes and it's not something to be afraid or embarrassed about.'' Louis said, kissing the top of Harry's head and the younger boy tightened his grip around Louis' waist.

''I love you so much. I'm sorry for acting so immature-''

''Don't apologize. I love you too.'' Louis smiled down at Harry. The younger boy captured his lips with Louis', humming and wrapped his arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

''A bit late to ask, but where is Niall?'' Louis mumbled against Harry's lips.


''Cool.'' Louis smirked dragging his lips against Harry's skin, and placed soft, lingering kisses on his neck. He wrapped his tanned arms around the younger boy's waist, pulling him closer and kissed all the way up to his jaw and lips.

''Well, hello.'' Niall greeted, entering inside.

''Hi.'' Harry smiled, Louis pressing a kiss to his kiss.

''So you two crazy kids made up, I guess?'' he says and Harry bit his lip.

''Yeah, we're okay.'' Louis said.

*1 week later*

''You do this because you love me so much.'' Harry said, placing his last things in the box and Niall groaned, rolling his eyes.

''You don't know what you're saying. You are delirious! I do this for the food.''

''You do this, 'cause you will miss me and you will miss this place so much too. Admit it!'' Harry smiled.

''True. God, I am gonna miss this place.'' Niall said with his hands on his waist and Harry hummed in agreement. They both looked around at Harry's now empty house. All the small things, like lotions, jewelry, clothes, pictures, towels, vinyl, CDs were packed in the boxes carefully with neat-written labels on them. Niall was helping him and tomorrow they would pack everything in the kitchen and the living room, as in a couple of weeks they would be ready to move into their new apartment.

He would honestly miss this place so much. This had been his home for so long and he didn't really want to leave it. At the same time, though, a house with Louis? Their own place? It sounded like a dream. He was so ready for a fresh start with his boyfriend, to be honest and he was so thrilled about this next step.

That doesn't mean that he won't miss this place. All the good memories with Niall, his family and other friends. With Louis. He would always cherish them. He also loved the bad ones. Maybe they were shitty as fuck but still, they were a part of Harry's life. He learned a lot from them and they did mean a lot.


''I hate Louis.'' Niall sighed.

''No, you don't.''

''He takes my best friend and his house away from me!'' he whined and Harry giggled.

''Mine and Louis' house is pretty good too.''

''It's far away.'' Niall pouted.

''You can sleep over whenever you want. And it's only ten minutes, if you take the subway.'' Harry smiled and Niall wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders, pulling him closer.

''I love you, best friend.''

''I love you too, Ni.'' Harry giggled.

''Let's order that food you had promised me then.'' Niall kissed his temple and Harry nodded.


So Niall and Harry ended up on the floor of Harry's bedroom with an eaten pizza carton box and cans of beer sprawled around them.

''Louis, I haaaaaate youuuuu. You are taking my best friend away from meeee.'' Niall cried out over the phone.

''Okay Niall, I am sorry. Could you please give the phone to my boyfriend so I can talk to him?'' Louis asks, chuckling.

''This is not funny, don't chuckle. But he is here and he promised that I can sleep over to your house whenever I go, so here he is.'' Niall said quickly, handing his friend the phone.

''Hi, boyfriend.'' Harry giggled.

''Hi, baby. How drunk are you exactly?'' Louis asked a smile evident in his voice.

''Not much. I just love youuu.''

''Mhm...sure. Should I come over or are you both capable of not hurting yourselves?'' Louis asked and Harry giggled.

''We're fine. Oh, also we packed almost everything and we will be done by next week.'' Harry said and Niall snorted getting up and went to the kitchen.

''That's good. I haven't even started on mine.'' Louis replied and Niall sat down with a bottle of vodka in his hand.

''Louis! We said you would do it two days ago!'' Harry whined and then pressed a giggle against the back of his hand.

''I'll do it first thing tomorrow.''

''You won't. You'll waist until they make you leave.''

''Maybe.'' Louis smiled and Niall handed Harry the bottle and the younger boy and he took a long swing before handing it back.

''Now, will you promise me you will go back to bed?'' Louis asks.

''Niall just brought the vodka. Sorry.''

''It's 3AM, Harold.'' Louis said from the other line, a playful tone in his voice.

''And what are doing up so late?'' Harry asked back, smiling.

''Studying. This shit is tough, young Harry.''

''That's because you wanna ace them and not really just pass them.''

''Nonsense. You are drunk, go to bed.''

''Whatever. You go to bed.''

''No, you go to bed.''

''Please, for the love of God, hang up the phone!'' Niall yelled and Harry just glared at him.

''He sounds pissy.'' Louis mumbled.

''I know. He is acting weird again. Goodnight.'' Harry giggled, and pressed a kiss into the phone.

''Did you just kiss the phone?'' Louis chuckled and Harry went a crimson red, Niall in the background laughing his ass off at that.

''No...'' he whispered. Then he heard a weird sound from the other line.

''Did you just kiss the phone?'' he asked a grin splitting his face.

''Yeah...'' Louis said and Harry giggled.

Louis was so cheesy. So cheesy and adorable.


A/N thanks for 14.5k

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