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Harry woke up at 5AM the next day to get ready to see Louis at the campus. He had a nice long bath, listening to relaxing music and he was pretty sure, he fell asleep there for a few minutes, cause when he opened his eyes it was already 6AM.

He washed the soap off him and wrapped himself in a fluffy towel, before blow drying his hair.

Today, was a big day. Today, Harry was probably going on a date. With Louis. LOUIS.

He was scared. Not only about the date but for a number of reasons.

He has been crushing on Louis, since he first met him. Sure, when him and Jonah were a thing, he had gotten over the man, especially the period when they didn't talk at all. Obviously, a small part of him always found him attractive and sexy, but he thought it was absurd to think he was hot, when he was in a relationship with another man. He really didn't want to mess this up.

He was also scared, that he was moving too fast. Was he? Maybe he was, but what could he do? It wasn't like he could sit and whimper months about a jerk. Harry had to face quite few of those and he couldn't let it bring him down. First week after the whole incident, Harry didn't even go out. He didn't eat and barely slept. He just sat on his bed, thinking. He thought, what would have happened, if he had said no to going out with Jonah in the first place. What would have happened, if he had slept with Jonah or if he had managed to rape him. He spent too long thinking like this and Louis made him happy, so why did it matter after how long he had moved on. Three whole weeks had passed, surrounded by wonderful people and a few supportive students, who smiled and talked to him. He was content with his choices in life, so he did not really bother paying attention and time to some asshole. He's have had enough of those.

He put on a blue pair of jeans and an oversized jumper in a soft lavender color, before sitting on his desk, arranging his books. He opened his tote bag, filling it with two books, a notebook and a couple of pencils, before he carefully placed it on his wooden desk and opened his phone, texting Niall.

''You wanna go to uni together?:)''

After a few minutes, the blonde boy replied,

''Will you be talking about Louis all the time?''


''Fine. I'll be there in half an hour.''



''I'm sorry, H, but there is a small part of me that thinks you made this up. Sorry.'' Niall said, as they walked through the gates of the uni and Harry rolled his eyes.

''Yeah, maybe I imagined it, because I am that insane and-'' Harry said, before someone pulled him from his arms and crashed into a chest.

''Oops.'' Harry mumbled, pouting.

''Hi. I'm sorry if I scared you, love. Good morning, Niall.'' Louis greeted, his hands on Harry's waist. Louis looked behind him, where Niall was standing with his jaw literally on the floor and Harry turned his head to look at where the other man was staring. He turned his eyes again at Louis, who leaned it capturing his lips with Harry's, who smiled in the kiss and Niall made a weird sound. They pulled away and Louis raised an eyebrow at Niall.

''He didn't believe me when I told him about us.'' Harry explained ad Louis chuckled a bit at that, shaking his head.

''Does it really look that unreal?'' he asked.

''I don't know how we look from the outside world.'' he shrugged.

''I know, that you look adorable.'' Louis said, poking Harry's dimple, who blushed. Louis wrapped his arm around the younger boy's shoulder's bringing him closer and patted Niall's shoulder, leaving the poor boy stunned.

''So, I was thinking about our date...'' Louis started and Harry's eyes brightened up.

''...What do you wanna do?'' he asked.

''I don't know...dinner?'' he suggested.

''Your wish is my command.''

Louis walked Harry to his locker, missing all the looks from the other students of the school, that were confused about the whole situation between them.

''I'll see you at lunch?'' Louis said and Harry nodded, smiling.

''Okay. Bye, baby.'' he pecked the younger boy's plump lips, before walking to his football practice.

''Harry, hi!'' Emily greeted, once Harry had started walking back to his class, trying to ignore the insisting stares all around him and he turned around smiling, returning the hug.

''Good morning.''

''I guess things with Louis went well last night.'' she teased.

''Yes. Pretty well, actually.'' he said, relief in his voice, that she wasn't mad. He wanted to ask the girl what happened between the five minutes he had introduced them to each other and then, Louis' lips were on Harry's.

''That's great. Listen, I gotta go. Julia is waiting for me.'' she rushed, giving Harry a small hug and beamed at him, jogging outside the campus.


Harry was way too confused and sleepy to even try and understand what she meant. Guess, he could ask Louis later about it.

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