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''You nervous?'' Niall asked.

''I feel guilty, to be honest. It feels like cheating.'' Harry mumbled, putting his jacket on.

''You and Louis aren't married.''


''Oh, someone is in loooove,'' Niall joked and Harry fell on the bed next to him.

''He listens. And I am a sucker for listeners. And he is pretty and he is nice and we had so much fun, Niall. Did I tell you about the ice cream? He is so nice and kind and I wish he would have asked me on a date, instead of Jonah. Do you think he is straight? Please, God, let him not be straight.'' Harry whined to his blonde friend, who sighed and took Harry in his arms.

''You better have fun on your date or I'll reveal myself and beat the shit out of you in front of Jonah.'' Niall said and the other boy chuckled.

''You can have both on their knees in a few days and you can choose.'' Niall simply shrugged.

''Yeah, yeah, sure, Niall.'' Harry laughed, when his door knocked.

''Hide!'' Harry said, getting up and Niall hid in the kitchen.

''Hey.'' he greeted, once he opened the door, revealing Jonah, who was wearing a simple button up and jeans. Harry smiled, before winking at Niall, who was peaking from the kitchen door. He closed the door and walked with Jonah towards his car.

''You look great, by the way.'' he complimented.

''Thank you. You too.'' Harry replied, with a smile and Jonah opened the door for him and Harry flashed him a smile, before getting into the car.


''This place is lovely.'' Harry said, sitting on the chair.

''Yeah, seems proper nice.''

''What will you have?'' a waiter came to their table. Jonah ordered a bottle of wine and two dishes, saying that he knew Harry would absolutely love it and he said 'Trust me on this one'. Overall, Harry thought Jonah was a really cute guy with a charming smile and a kind personality.

The dinner went by smoothly. Words rolling off their tongues, laughs escaping their lips. Harry was having a blast, listening to Jonah talking about his family, his dream career and his studies. He listened to his funny stories, that made some wine come out of his nose and he told him about how it felt growing up in Cheshire. Jonah seemed like genuinely nice guys and Harry had to admit, that by the end the paycheck arrived (which Jonah insisted on paying), Harry had forgotten completely about the blue-eyed boy.


''No Jonah today? Weird.'' he scoffed at Zayn, who was sitting on his bed with his laptop on his lap.

''No, he has a date with that Harry kid.'' he mumbled, typing like a maniac.

''Harry?'' Louis asked, intrigued.

''Yeah. He's way out of Jonah's league but he thinks he can fuck him. Idiot.''

Louis just rolled his eyes, grabbing his jacket, not even bothering to look at Zayn. He was way too fucking pissed with Harry. They have been texting for hours every day and fucking night. Louis gave up his sleep for him. He gave up his reading for him. He gave up everything for him. He hasn't hang up with anyone for three freaking days because all he could think about was Harry. He hadn't had an one night stand in forever, his dick was turning motherfucking blue and there goes fucking Harry go on a date. There go Louis' hopes for a date with Harry.

He got outside, his eyes stinking from the cold and walked down the street, towards the bar, where Oli worked.


''Well, isn't Harry a little bitch?'' he scoffed, pouring his friend a vodka.

''No, he is not. I am a little bitch. I didn't have the balls to ask him out.'' Louis whined.

''Grow a pair and call him.'' Oli shrugged.

''Nah. I am drunk out of my mind and he is probably having sex right now and I do not want to hear that.'' Louis mumbled, taking a gulp of his drink.

Louis stayed there for about an hour and a half, when he just kept mumbling stuff, that did not even make sense, so Oli wrote his number in Louis' arm, in case he got lost, so someone would call and he could pick Louis up. (Yes, it has happened). He put him in a cab and got back in the bar, hoping that he would get back to his dorm safely.


''I had a great time today.'' Harry said, his back against his door and Jonah nodded, smiling.

''Me too. I'd love to have a second date.'' he said and Harry nodded, grinning. Jonah leaned in, capturing Harry's lips, whose eyes widened and he slowly closed his eyes, holding the other boy's biceps, while Jonah had his arms, wrapped around Harry's waist. They kept kissing, until Harry pulled away, in need for air and smiled at the other man, who was hovering over him.

''Goodnight.'' Harry whispered, a blush on his cheeks, as he unlocked his door and Jonah smiled, turning around to get back in his car.

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