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''As you can see there is a lot of space for pets, kids or a guest room. The lighting in this apartment is great, spacious kitchen is also important. Now, if you want this place, you should be able to move in before September, 'cause they will renovate it. Honestly, this is a great apartment and one of the most wanted. So, you should make an offer soon, if you are considering this. So, I'm gonna leave you alone for a few minutes to look around and see if you can see yourselves in here.'' the owner of the apartment said and Harry nodded, smiling. The woman was ready to exit the door, when she turned and smiled at the two men.

''Are you two together? 'Cause you look so cute.'' she said.

''Yes, we are, this is my Hazzabear.'' Niall said, taking a hold of Harry's hand.

''Lovely couple.'' she told them, exiting the room and Harry rolled his eyes.

''You're an idiot.''

''That's not something you should be telling your boyfriend.'' Niall joked.

''Shut it.'' Harry says, chuckling a bit.

''This place is great, though. I think you should definitely rent this one.''

''I love it, to be honest, but I want Louis to come and see it too.'' Harry said, walking in the kitchen.

''Louis is here!'' a familiar voice said and Harry smiled, going back to the living room, where his boyfriend was.

''Lou, you made it!'' Harry exclaimed, grinning, and the blue-eyed man wrapped his arms around him.

''Of course I did, baby.'' Louis pecked his lips.

''I'm so glad. Look at this place! Isn't it beautiful?'' Harry asks, holding Louis' hand and led him to one of the bedrooms.

''Relax, Harold.'' Louis chuckled, his other hand on the younger boy's waist, as he was dragged in the room.

''This feels so homey. I love this place.'' Harry mumbles and Louis presses his lips against his clothes shoulder, smiling.

''I'm glad. I like it too.'' he kisses his cheek and Niall enters the room with a flashed face.

''Come on, lovebirds. I think I broke something.''

''God, Niall.'' Harry whined.

''I'm sorry! It was a small thing and I shoved it under the couch. No one will notice.'' he smiled and the boys sigh, exiting the room and headed back outside, where the owner was.

''Hi, I'm Louis. Harry's boyfriend.'' he told her, offering his hand and she shook it with a confused smile on her face.

''We would like to make an offer.'' he adds, his other hand on the small of Harry's back.

''Oh, I'm gonna add you to the list and call you in a couple of weeks.'' she says.

''Thank you so much.'' Harry smiled at her and they walked out of the building and the younger boy turned around to take one last look at their, hopefully, next home.

''We'll so get it, don't worry.'' Louis squeezed his shoulder.

''I have a class in half an hour, so see you later, guys.'' Niall said, his hands in his pockets.

''Thank you so much for coming, Ni.'' Harry hugged him and Niall kissed his cheek, before giving the older boy a hug too.

''See you later, boyfriend.'' the Irish man emphasized at the last word, smirking and Harry rolled his eyes.

''Do I wanna know what this was about?'' Louis asks, after Niall walked away.

''I don't think you do.'' the younger boy laced their fingers and smiled, sweetly.

''So, lunch?'' Louis suggests.

''Sure.'' Harry says, happily.


''So, who is Liam?'' Harry suddenly asks and Louis sets his fork down, looking at the younger boy confused.

''Um...how do you know about Liam?''

''I don't know him personally...or at all for that matter, but everyone has been mentioning and he must have played a big role in your life or something, so I'd like to know...if you want, of course.'' Harry says, slowly, as if he is testing the waters and Louis sighs.

''You know Liam. I mean, you've seen him.'' Louis simply answers and Harry cocks his head a bit.

''The first time you saw me was when I beat a guy up, remember? That was Liam.'' Louis admits and Harry's mind takes him back to all those months before, when he saw Louis for the first time, probably.

He remembers wonder what that guy did for Louis to just randomly beat the crap out of him in front of everyone in the middle of the uni café. He also remembers how angry Louis looked that day, as if this guy had hurt his family or something. It must be seriously a good reason for Louis to do that. At least Harry hopes there is.

''Yeah, um...me and Liam used to be friends, I guess and we were good friends, not as close as I am with Oli or Stan, but pretty close. So, I applied for captain for the football team and Liam did too, and I was fine with it, 'cause it goes without saying, that everyone wants to become football captain. He seemed fine too, joked about this whole situation and said how he wished if he didn't get it that I would and shit like that. Until the day we actually found out about the results and Liam got pissed, like seriously pissed. Cut ties with me and started calling me names in front of everyone, which was fine but out of nowhere. And then well, I'm not really proud of the reason, Haz. It was stupid. I was pissed and annoyed and I just snapped.'' Louis explained, before stopping himself and stared at Harry, who was just staring at Louis telling his story.

''You don't have to tell me. It's okay. Violence is never okay, but he was harassing you.''

''It's so, so stupid, Harry. I had this girl I was seeing, not seeing, just dated a couple of times. Liked her, I guess and he slept with her. It had been a while since I liked someone, and he knew it and he just went on and slept with her. It was her fault too, though, but mostly Liam's. He knew I liked her and yeah...'' Louis shrugged.

''Oh, I'm sorry.'' Harry said, sincerely.

''Nah, I got something better, didn't I?'' Louis said, playfully, winking and the younger boy's cheeks dusted pink.


A/N Thank you for voting so so much.

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