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Harry woke up the next day with a massive headache and the smell of pancakes and coffee. He groaned into his pillow, smelling Louis' scent. He smiled into the pillow, trying not to fall asleep again. He rolled off the bed, only to realize he was wearing one of Louis' T-Shirts and his skirt. He furrowed his eyebrows a bit, but still opened the door, revealing Louis, who was standing with his back turned, cooking something in a pan. The green-eyed boy smiled and tip toed towards the man, who hadn't seen him yet and wrapped his arms around his waist.

''You scared me.'' Louis smiled, turned around and wrapped his hands around the younger boy and Harry pressed his cheek against his chest, biting his bottom lip to stop himself from grinning.

''Sorry.'' he mumbled, as Louis' hand was placed on his back.

''Was just joking, love. Come, I've made breakfast.'' he said, petting his back and Harry looked up, smiling. Louis smiled back, pecking the boy's lips, whose smile turned into a grin.

''Who slept there? Zayn?'' he asked, pointing at the unmade couch, with the wrinkled sheets.

''No, I did.'' Louis answered, his attention on the pancakes again.


''Because you slept on my bed...?'' Louis said, as if he was stating the obvious.

''I thought we slept together last night?'' Harry pouted.

''You were drunk, Harold.''


''I didn't know what you wanted! Or what sober you wanted.'' Louis said.

''I always want to sleep with you, even when I am drunk or high or whatever.'' Harry smiled, wrapping his small hands around Louis' waist, who placed a nice cooked pancake on a plate.

''I'll keep that in mind, then.'' Louis smiled.

''Zayn! Breakfast!'' he yelled, as Harry slipped from his arms, sitting on the chair.

The door opened and Zayn appeared his arms full of paint, red, puffy eyes and his hair messy.

''How did you sleep?'' Harry asked, titling his head confused.

''He didn't sleep.'' Louis shrugged, handing Zayn a mug of coffee and then poured hot water in Harry's cup, before dropping a bag of lemon tea.

''You did not?''

Zayn was leaning against the counter, mug in his hands, shaking his head.

''Spiritual awakening again?'' Louis asked and the raven-haired boy nodded.

''What's that?''

''Zayn has these things, when he locks himself up in his room for hours or days because inspiration comes and yeah...he just paints and creates stuff.'' he explained.

''And that happened last night, when you were wasted the last time we saw you?'' Harry asked.

''It doesn't have a time. Just happens.'' Zayn added, jabbing his fork in his pancakes.

''Can I see what you are painting?'' Harry asked, sweetly, cocking his head to the side.

''He won't. I've-'' Louis was cut off by Zayn.

''Actually, I'd love to!''

''What? Unfair!'' Louis yelled, while Harry beamed and running after Zayn.

''Assholes!'' the blue-eyed boy shouted after them and they giggled, slamming Zayn's door shut.


''I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I don't know what happened, honestly, but I have to go. They arranged a sudden footie practice and I have to be there.'' Louis said, his face buried in Harry's hair.

''But I cooked.'' he mumbled, pouting.

''I know. Shit, I just have to go. I'll try to be back, as soon as possible. Save me some, please.'' he said, kissing the base of Harry's neck.

''Fine.'' Harry huffed.

''Sorry.'' he mumbled, against Harry's warm skin, his hands resting on Harry's stomach under his T-Shirt, who smiled, even though Louis could not see.

''In how long will you be back?'' he asked.

''As soon as I can, I promise.'' he said leaving a wet kiss on Harry's neck.

''And make Zayn eat or else he'll starve himself, until he decides inspiration time is over. Invite Niall too!'' the blue-eyed man said, turning Harry around, planting a kiss on his lips.

''Have fun!'' Harry called out, earning a groan from Louis and he chuckled.


''No!'' Niall cried out and Zayn let out an evil laugh, gathering all the money Niall had drop on the board game.

''Your fucking hotels are everywhere, I swear!'' the Irish man yelled, as Harry chuckled.

''You are an economics man. you should at least know some descent Monopoly.'' Zayn shrugged, placing another hotel over his Paris property.

''Fuck off! Jesus, greedy freak.'' he mumbled under his breathe, while Harry went into hysterics again.

''You guys are so funny.'' he said, flipping through the channels on telly.

''Shut up, jerk!'' Niall pulled at his hair, staring at his possibilities.

''He gets competitive.'' he told Zayn.

''No shit!" he laughed.

''Okay, I'll just roll the dices, it will be cool. Cool. Okay.'' Niall said, shaking his hands, before rolling the dices. He took exactly seven steps, landing on Zayn's property again.

''Motherfucker!'' he screamed, knocking everything on the floor and Zayn with Harry kept laughing.

''I hate both of you. You set me up! You cheated! I know you did!'' Niall accused them, as they continued to giggle. The door opened, revealing Louis, who was wearing a football uniform and his sneakers. He was covered in sweat and dirt, his hair all over the place.

''Hi, guys.'' he greeted and Harry got up.

''Hi, baby.'' he told the younger man, who grinned.

''How was practice?'' he asked.

''Good. I'm beat, though. I hate hungover Sundays.'' he whined, leaning in to peck his lips. He pulled away but Harry put his hand behind Louis' neck, pulling him back, his fingers in his sweaty hair. They intertwined their tongues and Louis mumbled in his mouth.

''I stink.''

''I find sweat very sexy.'' Harry murmured, opening his mouth again. Louis' arms wrapped around his waist, making out in the middle of the living room, before a scream was heard. Niall was on top of Zayn and they were ready to roll on the floor, pulling each other's hair and kicking.

''Do I wanna know what happened here?'' Louis asked, his hand on Harry's small back.

''God, no.'' Harry laughed and Louis took Harry's jaw between his fingers, placing another kiss on his mouth, before he let go of him.

''I know how much sweat turns you on, but I do have to shower at some point.''

''Shame.'' Harry mumbled, kissing him again.


A/N last chapter lowkey flopped. Flop era, anyways thank you<333333333333

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