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Harry was over the fucking moon.

He went to see his family and they were so excited to see him and he had the best Christmas, that he had in a while, so he was pretty happy about that. All that time, he felt like his family would find him weird and strange, but they did not. It was like somehow they knew, that this was Harry and they silently accepted that, as if he had some in a T-Shirt and jeans. Harry was glad, that they didn't bring it up. He was glad, when his mum wrapped her arms around him, burying his body in a warm, long hug. He was glad, when he met Gemma's new boyfriend. He was glad, when his mum gave him his gift- a nice, big, long book that would keep him in excitement for the next couple of weeks, as he would read through it. He was glad. Fuck, he was so fucking glad.

Now, he was going out with a friend of his to meet his best friend and party all night, until the New Year kicks in. Louis. Louis was one of Harry's new friends. He was kind and funny and so many more things that it would take Harry a lifetime to explain. He didn't know him for more than a month, but he had a nice feeling in his guts about the young man. He felt light around him, like he had nothing in mind other than Louis. Maybe it was soon, too soon to tell but Louis was probably here for the long run. Maybe. Harry wished he'd stay. They'd stay. As friends, of course.

He had Niall. He had Jonah who was an absolute sweetheart and so nice to him and he would obviously tell him yes. He was pretty thrilled for that 'cause he wanted to be in a relationship. It's been a while. Jonah seemed a good choice. Harry could see himself falling in love with the boy.

''We aren't going to make it there, before the New Year's.'' Louis made it to the conclusion, as they were sitting in the back of a cab, stuck in the traffic and he payed the man, as he helped Harry out of the cab.

''So what now?'' Harry asks.

''Now we keep walking, until we make it. If we don't, I will be the first person you'll spend New Year's with.'' Louis shrugged and Harry took his hand, clenching on it tightly.


Louis couldn't get his eyes off their locked hands all the way to the small pub, that Niall loved so much, apparently. Harry' soft, pale hand was in his and Harry initiated this. It was in a friendly way, right? Yeah, yeah, friendly. For Harry. For Louis, all he could think about was fucking Harry against that walls, filled with graffiti, their clenched hands, pinned against the wall.

But he couldn't.

And he felt awful for feeling that way. He was slowly but surely becoming one of those pervs that were stalking and following Harry around. He was becoming like them and he didn't want to 'cause they were disgusting and him and Harry were only fucking friends. There was no reason to feel like they were something more than friends. 'Cause that's what they were; friends.


''The walk is 20 more minutes according to Google maps. I hate Niall for choosing this pub. It's so far away!'' Harry complained, right hand in Louis', left hand holding his phone, his eyes focused on the screen.

''Screw Niall!" Louis yelled, his right fist in the air, in a victorious way, as if he is at a protest and Harry let a light chuckle at that, returning his focus on his phone.

''Don't stress this out, Harold. If we don't make it in time, we didn't. 's fine.'' Louis shrugged, his right hand buried in his pocket, taking his pack of cigarettes out and he took one fag out with his teeth, before putting the packet in his pocket and lit it up with his lighter that was in his pocket, attached to his chest. Harry was watching his moves, hand inside his. Always. Clenching tightly. Always.

Always. 's a funny thing. How Harry sees a five-minute hand holding, as always.


Harry's throat felt dry, his hands sweating. He felt sick. So fucking sick. Watching Louis sucking on the tip of his cigarette, hands locked. Always. It made Harry feel sick.

It made Harry so sick because he felt something in the pit of his stomach. Something weird.

It made him so fucking sick.

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