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Louis somehow woke up in another person's bed, that Thursday morning with a terrible headache. He looked at the other side of the bed, realizing, that this wasn't his dorm room and saw a blonde woman, sleeping on her stomach, her blonde hair all over the pillow. Louis wanted to leave but he couldn't. He couldn't just take off. Maybe he could leave a note? Or...

''Hi.'' the girl, croaked out, sitting up and Louis cursed himself.

''Hey, you.''

''We were drunk out of our minds last night. I don't even remember your name and you do not have to stay.'' she said, wrapping a sheet around herself, walking towards the bathroom.

''Well, see you around.'' Louis said, dressing up and he left as quickly as possible.

*2 weeks later*

''And then he kissed me.'' Harry said, as him and Louis walked down the street to get some coffee.

''And you have been dating for two weeks?'' Louis asked.

''Yeah, unofficially.''

''Mhm...Jonah is not a nice guy Harry.''

''He's sweet.'' Harry reasoned.

''He's a jerk. Harry, be careful, okay?''

''He's nice. Plus, I think you are kind of biased. You should give him a chance.'' Harry said, stopping at their usual coffee shop. Over the last few weeks, Louis and Harry had grown closer as friends, sadly for Louis, and Harry was spending almost every night with Jonah, which was good for Harry, but bad for Louis.

The poor man was going nuts every night, pacing around his room, thinking about what Harry and Jonah were doing at that time. Was Harry okay? Were they kissing? Having sex? It was driving Louis crazy.

Half part of him wanted to move on from Harry and cut off any ties between them and the other half couldn't help but be intrigued by the curly lad. He wanted to see Harry every second of the day, but he couldn't. Harry was taken by someone else because Louis was without balls. To make it worse, Harry out of a gazillion men in the universe, he had chosen Jonah, who was a jerk and Louis hated his guts.

The more Louis hung out with Harry, the more he wanted the boy to be his, which was stupid and impossible at this point. There was point to see him and Harry anything more than friends. Harry also had gathered the courage to go to his family for the Christmas holidays and Louis would stay in campus, because of some family problems, that he did not want to face right now. His mum was moving again, due to another shitty boyfriend of hers and she had to take his sisters away. Thus, it was better for Louis not to visit at that certain time. To say Louis was pissed would be an understatement.

''I am not biased, Harold. I just don't like him as a person. He mistreats everyone.''

''Thanks for trying to be nice.'' Harry mumbled, scoffing at Louis, before grabbing his coffee and exited the small shop. Louis tossed a bill on their table, before running after him.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

''Harry!'' Louis yelled after him.

''What?'' Harry asked, upset. How dare Louis tell him who to or not to date? Jonah was nothing but the sweetest to him these past few weeks, while Louis was being a dick about him every time they talked about it. Everyday the crush Harry had on Louis would slowly fade away, and the crush he had on Jonah would grow bigger. That was good. Really good and Louis and him could become actual friends. However, right now, Louis was being a jerk and Harry did not want to be friends with him.

''I'm sorry. I don't have a right to tell you what to do. This is between you and Jonah. Maybe he is different around you or I judge him too quickly.'' Louis said and Harry pouted a little, frowning.

''Fine. It's just...everyone calls him awful and stuff but he is really nice.'' Harry insisted.

''Yeah, yeah. Maybe we can go out someday. You know, take Niall with us.'' Louis said and Harry smiled, nodding.

''Yeah, maybe.''


Harry left for Cheshire that afternoon, leaving Louis alone at the campus. Stan left too, much to his pleads to come along to Doncaster with him and he could stay with his family, but Louis politely refused.

The best part about everyone leaving is that Zayn left too. And so did Jonah. Hooray! (Mind the irony, please.) Louis decided to take a walk to one of the school gardens, thinking about a fun way to spend his 22th birthday, that were tomorrow. Maybe he could get drunk with Oli, who had his day off or maybe he could sit in his room, watching Grease for the millionth time, stuffing his face with a birthday cake.

Plan A sounded like a less depressing option, probably.


''Sh...'' Louis said, as him and Oli were walking down an empty street, laughing their drunken asses off.

''Wake up, people! It's BooBear's birthday!'' Oli yelled and they burst into laughter, as Louis stumbled over his feet, almost tripping over his own feet and they started giggling.

''Hold on!'' Louis yelled, chuckling, reaching for his phone in his back pocket. It was 12:05.

Happy birthday to me, I guess, Louis thought.

''Lou, happy birthday!'' Harry's voice blasted through the speakers. Louis' eyes widened and placed his hand on the speaker on his phone and looked at Oli, scared.

''It's Harry.''

''Tell him you wanna fuck him so bad your balls are blue.'' Oli started laughing again.

''Hi, Haz. Thank you.'' Louis giggled.

''Are you drunk?'' Harry asked.

''Just a little bit.'' Louis said in a funny accent, causing him to laugh.

''So, you are drunk.'' Harry figured out.

''It's my birthday.''

''I know. Happy birthday.''

''Thank you, Haz.''

They continued talking about completely different things each because Louis zoned out of the conversation and would say something really random, making Harry laugh.

''That's enough.'' Oli said, grabbing Louis' phone and tossed it in a trash bin next to them.

Louis started laughing again.


A/N someone broke into my house and stole my fucking money but here is some larry.

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