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Harry giggled, Louis' arms wrapped around his waist, kissing down his neck, as they slow danced around the room.

''Your mum was nice today.'' Harry said and Louis hummed against his skin.

''Yeah, she did not make a scene this time, thankfully.''

''Did you tell her something?'' Harry asked.


''Louis.'' the younger boy sighed.

''Okay, maybe I told her to try and be nice or else she is not invited at my graduation, but I love you and I love my mum too. Please, can't we just enjoy the party?''

''Yes, of course. I just...I thought she started warming up to me and now that I know that she probably did not mean anything, it's kinda disappointing. But...thank you for everything you've done and I appreciate that you talked to her.'' Harry said, his hands on Louis' shoulder and he gave him a small smile.

''Harry, we've talked about this. My mum likes you. She is just getting used to how fast we are going. She met you only a couple of months ago and we are moving in together. She has never seen me in a relationship before. You are the sweetest person ever. She is just conscious because she is a mum. Your mother is taking care of you too. She is just more gentle, I guess. My mum doesn't hate you or dislike you. You and her are gonna be the closest of friends in no time.'' Louis reassured him and Harry kissed him, happy at his words. He really hoped Louis was right, because he wanted to be close with his boyfriend's family. Thankfully, he thinks his sisters like him and they are all so adorable and he really thinks they will get along just fine.

''Plus, Lottie said she absolutely loved you and that you are too good for me. I completely agree.'' Louis added.

''I'm glad she liked me, but I am not too good for you. You are too good for me.''

''No baby, you are way too good for me.'' Louis argued.

''No.'' Harry shook his head.

''Let's agree we are both equally good for each other.'' Louis said and the younger boy chuckled, nodding.

''Fine, I love you.''

''I love you too.'' Louis kissed him.

''And I love this vodka shot.'' Stan yelled and they both jumped back.

''Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!'' Louis said.

''I'm drunk out of my mind, dude. Take one!'' he pushed the tray full of vodka shot in front of Louis' face, who downed and offered Harry one. The younger boy took the shot and coughed a bit.

''Sorry, I always forget how you don't drink.'' Stan apologized.

''Oh, I drink. I drink a lot. I bet you I will handle my drink better than any of you in here tonight.'' and with that, he took two more shot with Louis clapping his hands excited.

''Just be careful.'' he reminded him.

''Don't tell me what to be!'' Harry stubbornly said downing another shot.


''Shhh, baby, keep quiet.'' Louis giggled.

''I love youuu.'' Harry cooed in his ear and then licked it.

''That tickles!'' Louis said in a high-pitched voice, laughing.

''Stan, I want more! I'm not even drunk yet.'' Harry whined. He was currently sitting on Louis' lap and stretched his arm to reach for the drink Stan was holding.

''Louis, control your boyfriend!'' he laughed at the younger boy, who pouted.

''Come on, Harold, let's make you some coffee.'' Louis patted Harry's thigh, initiating for the younger boy to get up.

''No, no, this is a party. I am having fun!'' Harry exclaimed.

''And you are clearly drunk out of your mind and we are only a couple minutes away from you throwing up or falling asleep. Did you even eat something before we came?'' Louis asked and Harry giggled, shaking his head no.

''Okay, how about we go back to my dorm and we can eat something on the way.'' Louis suggested and Harry whined.

''No, I want to dance. I want you to fuck me. I have plans for tonight.'' Harry cried out, straddling Louis' lap and wrapped his hands around his neck.

''Yeah, mhm, let me take you home...open you up real nice, kiss you.'' Louis said, his hands on Harry's back and lips on his neck.

''Fuck, I want you.'' Harry slurred, his fingers tangled in Louis' hair. He fell down on the couch, pulling Louis down with him and wrapped his legs around his waist, capturing his lips with Louis'.

''Baby, not here.'' Louis chuckled, helping himself up.

''Why not?''

''Because we are here? Along with 100 other people?'' Stan asked and Harry pouted.

''He's drunker than I thought.'' Louis said.

''I'm not!'' Harry whined again.

''Alright.'' Louis gave up.


''And then we are gonna fuck, right?'' Harry asks, hopefully, stepping out of the cab. Louis paid the taxi driver, shooting him an apologetic look.

''Sure.'' Louis chuckled, supporting Harry, who stumbled and almost fell on the cold pavement.

''Piggy ride.'' Harry requested and Louis, bent his knees, so Harry could jump on his back.

''Please, don't throw up.'' Louis begged him, as the boy wrapped his arms around his neck, supporting his chin on the back of Louis' shoulder.

''I'm not, but I am a bit hungry, though.'' Harry giggled against the shell of Louis' ear.


''Let me guess, prom?'' the man behind the counter asked, as Louis entered, letting Harry down. The younger boy wandered around and sat on an empty booth, giggling at himself, when he saw a vase of flowers on the table.

''Nah, football party.'' Louis smiled, looking over the menus.

''You are Louis Tomlinson, aren't you?'' the man asked. He must be in high school or early years in college, Louis assumes.

''Yeah? I'm sorry, I don't remember you.'' Louis smiled confused.

''Yeah, no, you don't know me. I mean, we haven't met. You are kind of a legend in my high school. Won the college league today.''

''Oh, didn't know that, mate! That's cool.'' Louis said and the boy smiled, before looking behind Louis' shoulder and his smile faded.

''Mate, I don't know how to tell you this, but your friend threw up in the vase.''

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