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A/N I cannot believe this is it, to be honest. Fuck.


''Harry Styles, will you marry me?'' Louis asked, going on one knee and the boy made a whimpering sound, jumping up and down.

''God, be serious!'' Niall whined and Zayn glared at him.

''I am being serious! This is how Harry will react.'' They all turned around when they heard the sound of keys unlocking the door and Niall shoved the ring, that was in Louis' hands, in his mouth. Modern problems require modern solutions.

''Um...hello?'' Harry asked them confused, placing his keys and tote bag on the small table next to the door and kicked off his shoes.

''Hi, Harry!'' Zayn beamed.

''Should I ask what you are doing on your knee Lou?'' the boy asked, raising an eyebrow.

''I- um- Zayn has a stain on his crotch.'' Louis explains, running a hand over the raven-haired boy's crotch and he looked at Louis with his typical 'what the fuck man?' look and Louis just shot him a panic glare.

''O-okay?'' Harry furrowed his eyebrows, before turning his attention at Niall, who was fiddling with his fingers, staring at the ceiling.

''And what is going on with you? Are you helping Zayn clean his bum?'' he asks. Louis let out an awkward laugh, getting back up and Niall hums.

''Why is he not talking? Are you okay?'' Harry looked concerned at his best friend.

''Nah, he is fine. Classic Niall. Tell me about your day, while I run you a bath, yeah?'' Louis pushed him towards the bathroom and Harry just went along with it. It was better if he did not ask questions.

''Where's Clifford?'' he asked then.

''He's gone to sleep. You know he can't handle Niall and Zayn.''

''Gee, I wonder why.'' Harry rolled his eyes. Louis turned the warm water on, letting the bathtub fill. He sat on the edge and Harry sat on his lap, wrapping an arm around Louis' neck.

''So, how was your day?'' the blue-eyed man asked.

''Good. Tiring, but good. The kids would not nap for some reason, so we played a couple of games. I went to Doctor Eve's after and now I am here. I am beat, to be honest.'' Harry mumbled against Louis' hair.

''Well, I've cooked and after your bath you can just eat and sleep.'' Louis smiled.

''I was thinking maybe you could join me?'' Harry wiggled his eyebrows and Louis burst out laughing.

''I'd love to, baby. Niall and Zayn are here, though.'' Louis frowned.

''So...kick them out. Or tell them that we need a bit of time to ourselves. We never spend time together.'' Harry whined.

''Harry, we were just together this morning.'' Louis chuckled.

''But I miss you.''

''Fine. I'll try explaining it to them, but no promises. It's rude to kick them out.''

''Louis, they have been acting like weirdos along with you from the moment I came back home.'' Harry said with a serious face, getting up from Louis' lap, so the other man could explain to their friends, that him and Harry needed their special time.

Normally, Louis should have denied Harry's proposal because well, it was really, really rude, but how could he deny that pretty face and those pouty lips?

''Alright. Wait here.'' Louis said.

''No, wait.'' Harry said, grabbing Louis' bicep and smashed their lips together. Louis immediately wrapped an arm around the younger man's waist, pulling him closer and deepened the kiss. He bit lightly on Harry's lower lip and he moaned when Louis slipped his tongue, licking in the other boy's mouth.

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