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''Okay, one more and you'll have 30/30.'' Louis said and Harry nodded, a smile on his face.

''Don't peak, don't peak.'' Louis scowls him, as he took a spoonful of apricot ice-cream.

''You okay?'' he asked Harry, who nodded and opened his mouth, eyes closed.

''Everyone calm down. He needs to think.'' Louis said to the crowd, that was around them, cheering for Harry, who was sitting on a chair, waiting to eat the spoon.

''You ready, baby?'' he asked, once again.

''No, wait a second.'' Harry said, letting out a sigh.

''Okay, I'm ready.'' he whispered, opening his mouth again. Louis placed the spoon on his bottom lip and Harry wrapped his mouth around the spoon. Everyone's breath hitched, waiting for his answer and he stayed for a few minutes still, the ice cream, melting in his mouth.

''Is it...apricot?'' Harry asked, opening his mouth and everyone started screaming and hugging each other. Louis smiled and Harry grinned, wrapping his arms around Louis, jumping on him. Louis was taken by surprise, but placed his arms carefully on his lower waist.

Louis and Harry went to a cute café, where Louis talked about his sisters and the games they would play, like trying to guess the ice cream flavors. Louis said that no one had made a 25/25 and Harry said, that he wanted to try. So, they ordered every flavor on the menu and Harry tried them all, making a new record. When he got a new flavor right, their cheers got louder and more people looked at them, gathered around their small table, filled with small cups of ice cream. Now, Harry made a new score and got closer to Louis.

''You did it!'' Louis cheered and Harry pulled away blushing.

''Got good taste buds, I guess.'' he mumbled and Louis chuckled. Everyone congratulated Harry, which was stupid because he literally tried guessing flavors, but he was happy. He was having fun. When everyone left, they sat back at their table, smiling at each other, like idiots.

''Tell me more about your sisters, Louis.'' Harry asked, his elbows against the table, supporting his chin on his palms, legs on the air, wiggling them back and forth, like a little kid, waiting to hear interesting stories.

''Lottie is about your age, as I said and I have Fizzy, who is sixteen, the twins, who are ten and yeah, they are all crazy, but I miss those little bastards. Lottie continued college to North, so we do not see each other often, as my family is from Doncaster, which is pretty far from here.'' Louis explained. Harry pouted at that.

''So, you don't see them often?''

''I do see them on holidays, but not as much as I wish to. You know, you grow up in a house full of girls and you learn to live a certain way and it's been almost four years. I mean, I turn 22 next month and I still miss living there and I have been away for four whole years.'' Louis said and Harry nodded in agreement.

''I agree. I miss my mum and sister horribly.'' he pursed his lips.

''Christmas is always a great chance to visit your family.'' Louis offered.

''Nah. A lot of things changed this year with me and I am not ready to face them with all those different things in my life.'' Harry whispered, his fingers on his cold latte, eyes not looking at Louis, who realized what Harry meant.

''It's okay, Harry.'' Louis reassured.

''It's just...I did not wake up like this one day. When I was fourteen, I realized who I was and I told my mum and she was supportive. She supported me for being gay, but I know that she'd rather me being straight. And I tried to ignore her and then, I just started noticing girls. Their clothes, to be exact. They were so pretty and one day, I thought as a joke to try one skirt and I felt nice, like I fitted there. That changed my whole life. If I hadn't gotten into that store, I might not have been me. I was living alone at that time and I slowly, started dressing more feminine. I stopped limiting myself to manly stuff and it kind of opened my horizons because that was just me. But I can't let my family see it. Not them. It just feels like if they judge me for being me, it will burst the little bubble I am living in and I like that bubble. I like it was too much to let someone ruin it by judging me for who I am.'' Harry explained and Louis listened carefully. He noticed how Harry's voice was cracking at some points and then, he made pauses to recollect himself. He could see the memories flashing in front of his eyes, his lips trembling and his eyes glossy, trying to hold his tears.

''Harry, Harry, look at me. It's okay. You need time. Everyone needs time. But you can't run away for years. How long have it been? One? Two Years? And you just hide everything, when they come and visit and pretend you are someone you are not? Take your time but you own yourself this.'' Louis said and Harry sniffled his nose, his eyes full of tears, that he wouldn't let them run down his cheeks. No, he wouldn't. He was strong. He wouldn't. He couldn't and Louis' hand found his and gave him a hesitating squeeze, afraid that he would break Harry, because he just looked so fragile.

''It's okay.'' Louis whispered again, stroking Harry's hand.

And damn was this boy's hand soft.


''I had so much fun today!'' Harry exclaimed, walking down his back yard and Louis smiled, walking next to him, arms brushing.

''Me too. And I'd like to repeat it sometime.'' Louis said and Harry smiled, reaching his doorway.

''I'd love that.'' Harry whispered, going on his tip toes, his hands on Louis' chest and he gave him a peck on the cheek.

Louis didn't realize what happened. He was looking at Harry's green eyes one second, then he felt soft lips on his cheeks and a burn and then he heard a giggle and a door closing. He blinked. He was alone. He smiled to himself and he turned around, walking down the street with his freaking heart stolen.


A/N this one is cheesy and stupid but whatever:)

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