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Days and days past, since their small encounter and Harry's harassment and things went back to normal.

By normal, we mean Louis ignoring Harry, who had stopped trying to this point and focused on his other friends and his boyfriend. In the back of his mind, though, he always wondered what was Louis doing or how he was. What hurt the most was that he now knew the reason Louis had been so distant and it hurt, to be honest. Like, it was so freaking humiliating having someone saying to you, that you don't have a lot of things in common, when you thought that you could actually be even best friends.

The weird part is that Harry has been dumped and has dumped people before. Both friends and boyfriends. It never felt like this. Back then, Harry expected it. He knew and saw the signs. Sometimes it hurt, sometimes it didn't. He got over them pretty quickly. But now, it was different because he did not see it coming. Louis just snapped and disappeared. It did not make sense. Even if he hated Harry, he wouldn't do that.

''What are you thinking about?'' Jonah whispered to Harry, his arm wrapped around his shoulders, as Niall and one of Jonah's friends, Jack, that were sitting on the opposite booth looked at them.

''Nothing.'' he mumbled.

Over the past weeks, Niall seemed to get used to Jonah's existence and his relationship with Harry. It was smiles and heys and even joke sometimes. It wasn't ideal but it was a start. However, Harry and Jonah were dating for more than a month and it all seemed a bit awkward. He wasn't even sure if he was in love with him. They had fun, fooled around, went on dates, walks, celebrations, gatherings and many more shit, but Harry still wasn't sure if Jonah was more than a crush. He was sure, that he had feeling for the man, like he liked him; a lot. But was he in love? He did not really know.

They also haven't had sex, yet. Harry wasn't sure, if he wanted to wait or not. But wait for what? 3-month anniversary? Engagement? Marriage? When exactly was the right moment? And when the right moment did come, would Harry be ready?

He never really saw sex as a problem. He just didn't have sex when he was younger, because he thought that was what mature people did, when they were adults. But now, he is twenty in a couple of weeks and still, he hasn't get laid. It wasn't that people don't want to fuck him, because they do. They really do. Sometimes it's annoying and kinda traumatic how far people can go to shove their dicks in an asshole. As Harry grew up, he watched people looking at him differently in school or even outside. Some disgusted looks, some eyes filled with lust, but no one did anything. There, in Cheshire, if you committed a crime, you would get a whole shitty life because of that. There, nobody dared to do anything but here, well, if this place wasn't a shithole. When Harry moved here, two years ago, he was shocked by how people did not care about the law and how they could harass you in so many ways. If he didn't have Niall, he would have probably lost it.

So, this whole thing about the stalking and almost fucking raping really made Harry's stomach turn even when he thought about sex. So, he never ended up having sex. It wasn't that he wanted to. It was mostly his trust issues screaming at him what will happen the day after the deed. He could not just fuck with a random person. Still, though, why wasn't he ready? Was it that he wasn't sure if he trusted Jonah? If he loved him? Did he have a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach? Harry wasn't sure.

''You seem deep in thought.'' Jonah brought him back to reality and Harry gave him a small smile.

''No, everything is fine. I'm just a bit tired.'' he, politely, said and everyone returned to their conversation that Harry wasn't really paying attention to.


''You seemed in your own world tonight.'' Jonah said, as he entered Harry's house.

''Just tired.'' he mumbled, taking his coat off.

''You probably made a shitty impression to Jack.''

Harry really did not give a fuck about one of Jonah's friends and his sexist, weird jokes, that Harry didn't really care.

''I do not care, if I made a good impression to your sexist friend.''

''Sexist? Jack is not sexist.''

''He literally described in my face how he would fuck that girl on the table we were eating.''

''It was funny!'' he reasoned.

''It was disgusting and sexist and this ruined my whole impression on him too!''

''It's not his fault you don't understand a JOKE.''

''It was not a fucking joke. That could be your mother or your sister. Do you want a man you'll never see in your life again describe to you how he would fuck your friend? It is not funny and he is a dick and you are an arsehole for even considering this a joke and defending him!'' Harry said.

''Jesus, Harry.''

''Don't 'Jesus, Harry' me. That literally was so inappropriate.''

''And what? You'll hate him forever? You will hate me too for laughing? Niall just stood there, smiling and you said nothing to him.'' Jonah.

''What was he supposed to do? He literally excused himself in the middle of that hilarious 'joke'. I'm not saying I hate him, I am just not a fan of him.'' Harry shrugged.

''Whatever. I am not going to argue with you.''

''Well, you started.'' Harry mumbled.

''What the hell is wrong with you tonight?'' Jonah snapped.

''I told you. I am tired. Why do you keep pushing this?''

''Okay, fine. I'm sorry. Are you mad?'' he asked, his hands on Harry's shoulders.

''No.'' Harry whispered.

''Okay.'' he whispered back, his hands cupping Harry's face, kissing him softly.


A/N First of all, my first (shitty) ff called literature, songs, love reached 1k, so thank u to the people who read it. (Wattpad has disappeared it from my works, so I cannot write on that book anymore lmao idk why) Secondly, ZAYN FUCKING MALIK.

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