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Harry was running back to the university, specifically to the dorm rooms, to find his best friend.

''Niall. Please.'' he whispered, knocking on his friend's door, but he got no answer. He leaned against the door, sliding down and sat on the floor with his feet spread out, looking at his vans with the small smiley faces Louis had drawn on them to piss him off.

Harry has never found them as cute as he has now. He just misses Louis, but he does not want to see him. Louis would hate him right now, if he saw him like this.

'I'm outside your apartment:)' he texted Niall, sighing and put on his headphones, his head falling against the wooden door and shut his eyes.

The Greatest - Lana Del Rey


Louis was passing from the fourth dorm floor to get to his dorm room to finally get to his own dorm and have a shower to get rid of the sweat and his T-Shirt, that was clinging on his back from his tiring football practice. It was about 10PM when they were finally done and as much as Louis would love to invite Harry over and just kiss and cuddle him, it was too dangerous, especially considering where Harry lived.

God, he hated that place. Buried in small alleys behind crappy bar was Harry's house, that he would thankfully move out of in a couple of weeks.

He was ready to pass the person, who was sitting in front of the door, when he realized that this was Niall's dorm and these were Harry's shoes and legs and skirt and shirt and curls and dusty pink, tear stained cheeks and everything. He had his eyes closed, earphones plugged in his ears and Louis bended down, poking Harry's thigh a bit and the younger boy opened his eyes.

''L-Lou. What are you doing here?'' Harry asks and unplugs his earphones, wiping his eyes with the heels of his palms.

''I was just returning from football practice. Baby, what happened?'' Louis asks, sitting next to Harry.

''I-I can't. Louis, you will hate me. Absolutely hate me.''

''I could never hate you. Never ever, ever, ever. Tell me.'' Louis said, holding his hand and Harry pulled away. Louis frowned but did not comment on his action.

''What is going on Harry? You need to let me in and tell me if something is troubling you. I won't judge you. You know that.'' Louis said, knowing that whatever Harry told him was probably pretty bad. It was not anything Louis could not handle, though.



''I don't- I just-. You won't understand, 'cause it's stupid. So stupid. I just want to sit here, wait for Niall and you can just go and forget about this, yeah?'' Harry said a hint of hope in his voice.

''Harry, I am your boyfriend. I do not care, if you think it's stupid. You act weird and you are scaring me.'' Louis raised an eyebrow.

''Just let it go.'' Harry whispered.

''Okay.'' Louis said, looking at his hands.

''I did not cheat though, if that's what you're wondering.'' Harry mumbles.

''I wasn't. You do not have to tell me. I'll just keep you company until Niall comes.'' Louis said and bit his lower lip, playing with the hems of his skirt.

''Harry, are you okay?'' Niall asked, running up the stairs and Harry got up.

''Yeah. I am so sorry for bringing you here. I just hated being alone and I could not go to my place.'' Harry said and Niall wrapped him in a hug, looking at Louis, who shrugged.

''Did you do anything to him?'' he asks confused, but Louis shakes his head and the younger boy murmurs a 'No' against his best friend's chest.

''Then what happened?''

''I don't even know. I came back from football practice, only to find him here. I am just gonna go. He obviously wants some space, so I'll leave you two alone. I love you. Goodnight, Niall.'' Louis said, pursing his lips, once he had finished his sentence and turned around to go back to his dorm.

''He looked hurt. What happened between the two of you?'' Niall asks, one arm wrapped around Harry's shoulders and the other unlocking his front door and he let the younger boy inside first.

''I just- I feel so awful and disgusting and I don't want him to see me like this!'' Harry exclaimed, his arms thrown around himself, as if they somehow would protect him.

''Why? What happened?'' Niall asks, confused and Harry sat on his couch and pulled his upper lip, between his lips, trying to think of the best way to form his words.

''Niall, I know that this whole time I've been with Louis, I completely lost touch with you and I am just so, so, so sorry. You have been my best friend, since forever and you are such a big part of who I am as a person. You know that. Please, tell me you know that.'' Harry pleaded the blonde boy, who just staring at his friend, mind completely blank, 'cause woah, he did not expect this.

''Of course, Haz. You are acting weird, though. Freaking me out.''

''I can't be a good boyfriend. I just can't, Niall. It's too much to be honest. I was walking home and a man just came towards me and started pushing me towards an ally and I kneeled him and run back here, 'cause it was at the ally behind that bar near here? At the other side of the campus, where we went a couple months ago with Louis' friends?'' Harry said and Niall nodded along.

''Why didn't you call me? Harry, you need to understand that you are not on your own. Never were, never will be.'' Niall sat next to the boy and Harry nodded.

''I know. But Niall, it's just more than that. Some day, I will not be able to fight back. And then it will happen and Louis-''

''First of all, you are thinking so ahead of yourself. Second of all, it sounds like you are just expecting for this to happen. Harry, you are scaring me. Stop saying that it is just a matter of time before you get raped. You are not. No, you aren't. You are fine. You are here and you are well and stop expecting this to happen.''

''Niall, I am so fucking scared. How come I always managed to get away one way or another? It's not gonna happen forever and when it does, I just want to be prepared or something.''

''Prepared? This is not something you should be prepared for and this is not something that it will definitely happen. I know that it is dangerous here in London, but you should not plan your whole life and relationship around the fact that you might get raped. I love you and Louis does too. Stop thinking like that, 'cause we will always be there for you.'' Niall said, sitting next to Harry and wrapped his arms around the boy.


A/N to anyone wondering, these are the actual latin numbers that my stupid ass did not know about. that's why it looks different.

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