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It's been three days, since Harry heard Louis and the woman's entire conversation along with the voicemail that he sent to his mother and he couldn't get it out of his head. Louis' vulnerable voice, the sigh and sniffle afterwards, as if he was in the verge of tears. How quickly he collected himself, opened his back, took his laptop out and started typing something. He got close to just bumping his shoulder and asking him if he was okay, but then, he would know that Harry had listened to everything.

How he talked to that woman, how he complimented her kid.

Who was even she?

They didn't seem to be dating, but what if that was their first date? They shared about their lives. Louis played a bit with the baby. What if that was their date?

Harry was happy for Louis, not at all jealous, but it seemed weird that he used to talk to Louis, like he used to know what was happening in his life but now he had no idea what was going on with him. It felt weird how they went from friends to strangers and Harry was definitely not over it. It still made him feel strange.

Tonight, him and Jonah had a movie night, that Harry was pretty excited for because he hadn't seen Jonah in a couple of days, both caught up in their studies.

Three days later, Harry and Jonah had planned a movie night at his dorm. Jonah did not have a roommate that made the whole staying over much easier, because it would be so awkward to watch a movie in the living room with people passing by. Plus, Harry would feel like a burden.

''I brought snacks!'' Harry exclaimed, plopping down on Jonah's couch.

''And I have these.'' Jonah pointed to the coffee table, filled with chips and cookies.

''Oh. We should probably discuss who brings the snacks next time, huh?'' Harry smiled, sitting cross-legged on the couch, as he opened a bag of crisps.

''So, should I put this one on?'' he asked, showing Harry a DVD with the title 'Lovely Bones'.

The story was about a girl that was kidnapped, raped and killed by her neighbor, while she could also watch her family, even after death. Her soul was trapped there, watching her family searching for her, until her body was found. Harry found this movie sad, of course. He was used to comedies and romantic ones. However Harry found this movie interesting. Jonah was just staring at the screen, while Harry's mind once drifted to Louis and then, watched the movie.

The ending titles showed, as Jonah turned the TV off and turned to Harry, who wiped a couple of tears from his face.

''Are you okay?'' he asked and the younger boy nodded.

''It was just a tad sad. 's all.'' he mumbled and the man pulled him in a bear hug, Harry's knees up to his chest, as Jonah hugged his whole body. Harry looked up and the man kissed him.

Soon, the kiss grew heated and Harry didn't mind.

They were used to making out, even giving blowjobs and handjobs. It was okay. Jonah's tongue was tangled with Harry's, his body hovering over the younger boy's, his hands ready to unzip Harry's jeans and the younger boy's eyebrows furrowed in the kiss.

Jonah pushed Harry's jeans down, revealing his black panties and Harry thought that it has gone too far. He just wasn't ready. He wanted to be one hundred per cent sure he wanted this, so they could both enjoy it.

''I....Not ready.'' Harry admitted and Jonah pulled away.

''I'll be careful, I promise.''

''No, no, no...I-''

''You don't love me, do you?'' Jonah asked.

''That's what it sounds to me like. You don't love me or trust me enough. I am being the nicest to you and you are acting like a spoiled brat. You give me nothing!'' he exclaimed.

''No! I am just not ready. Soon.'' he mumbled.

''No, Harry. I think you are just scared. I also think that you think you can do better than me.'' Jonah spat.

''That's not what I meant! I just want to wait because I am not 100% ready!''

''When will you be ready then? You are doing this one purpose! To make me feel like I owe you something. Well, I do not owe you shit. You are my boyfriend, we are boyfriends and it always feels like I am the only one doing the whole relationship thing. You just want to have a boyfriend without doing the obligations a boyfriend has!'' he yelled.

''That's not true!'' Harry yelled back.

''Yes, it is. You are doing this, so I have to give you more. Do you want us to get married to have sex, mhm? That's what you want, huh?'' he asked. Harry shook his head rapidly close to tears.


''Do you know how many people want me? Better than you, but I choose you because I at least, fucking love you!'' he blurted.

He loved him?

Loved him?

Jonah loved Harry?

Maybe, maybe now that Jonah loved him, Harry would want this? Maybe now things were different and Harry was ready. Also, how would Harry know he was ready? Maybe he was ready and he just didn't know. Yeah, that must be it.

Jonah was right. They have been dating for almost two months and sex was an important part in relationships. Plus, in a few days he would be twenty so there was no reason to stall it anymore.

''Yeah, okay. I think I'm ready.'' he mumbled and a smile broke into Jonah's face, relaxing Harry a bit.

''I'll be gentle.'' he promised, hovering over Harry, who looked at him with fear in his eyes.

Okay, this was happening and he was ready for this.

One hundred percent.



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