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Harry woke the next morning up with a smile, as always. He stayed in bed for 10 mins, planning his outfit and the rest of the time he thought about that other boy, that he had seen last morning with Emily. He was handsome. Louis was handsomer but he was also scarier and Harry did not like scary people. Last night, he had debated with himself for more than half an hour, if he should call Louis and he wish he hadn't. He was so freaking mean and Harry lost his words, when he snapped at him. No, Louis was definitely a jerk. He goes around beating people up, yells and snaps. No, he wasn't Harry's type. Harry liked kind men. Not lousy idiots.

He finally decided it was time to get up and headed towards the bathroom to do his business. He carefully washed his hands with his shampoo, that smelled like chocolate and carefully fixed his curls. He brushed his teeth for exactly two minutes and put some perfume on. Not too much. He didn't want to suffocate people. His choice for today was a soft lilac sweater, knee high white socks with daises at the end and his simple vans. He took his braun bag with the white flowers and filled it with the books he needed and took a couple of extra pens. He picked out two power bars for him and Niall. Niall would usually buy Harry cocoa and Harry would give me a chocolate bar. This is the way they have been doing it for years and they were just used to it. He also took Louis' jacket in his hands, folding it carefully, so it wouldn't wrinkle and grabbed his keys with the cute lama keychain, that his sister had gifted him, when he was only ten. He absolutely worshipped the keychain and the person who got him the pretty gift.

He decided today to take the bus. He usually avoids it, as he gets a lot of weird stared, especially from older men and it terrifies him. Today, though, was pretty cold and he didn't want to freeze. He got in and sat carefully on one of the seats, thinking how many people had actually sat there. He pulled his phone out and opened his contacts and saved Louis' number in. He wouldn't need it, but...just in case.

During the bus drive, Harry saw a man eyeing him with a creepy smile on his face. He was old, like really old and it made him uncomfortable. He thought maybe he should just get off the bus, but he would be late. He saw the man walking towards him. Oh no. The man was definitely gonna sit next to him and if he got up now, they would be close. Too close. They would touch and Harry didn't want that. He'd hate that, in fact.

''Good morning, baby. How are you today?'' a soft voice asked, slipping to the seat next to him and Harry turned to look at Louis, who was smiling a little.

''Good.'' he breathed out. Louis wrapped a hand around his shoulders and looked at the older man with a smirk on his face.

''May I help you?'' he asked and the man simply glared at Louis, before returning to his original seat.

''Sorry for that.'' Louis said, removing his hand from Harry's shoulder.

''For what?''

''For that man over there. For fuck's sake it's eight in the morning and some people only think about getting their dick wet. Jeez.'' Louis mumbled and Harry winced at the words he used. He did not think Harry initiate this, did he? Because Harry did not. He didn't stop it, because his whole body went numb. He couldn't think. It was too early and he was too scared to act upon the thoughts he had. Of course he did not a fat man touching him with his greasy, filthy hands. Harry wasn't a slut. He really wasn't. He had to tell that to Louis. He did not want the man to think, that Harry would like to get fucked in the back seats of a low crowded bus by a 50-year-old. He did not want to. Louis had to know that. First impressions were important.

''I did not want him here.'' he mumbled.

''Oh, I know. I didn't mean that you'd like him being here and um...touching you. You just have to be more careful. You were shocked and you froze. Don't do that. Be a bit stronger. Just...I don't know, say no. Also, don't be afraid to hit him. He might be stronger but a kick at the right place can save you. Crotch and knees take them out immediately. And sit at the front or next to women. They are more trusted. When take the bus late at night, you should have a flashlight and a pepper spray.'' Louis said and Harry nodded. He was too scared, terrified, horrified for what was about to happen. He should start defending himself. If he was more confident in himself and his powers, maybe he wouldn't get hit on all the time.

He was deep in thought, biting his lower lip, his mind processing Louis' words. Louis knew that and he chose to stay quiet, throughout the whole ride, his eyes focused on the man, who had his eyes down.

Looking at Harry's legs.

The man got off a couple stops later and Louis relaxed a bit. His actual stop was three blocks away, but he did not want to get off, before that man. He decided to stay for one last stop, just to make sure Harry was okay.


''Mhm?'' he asked.

''This is my stop. Be safe and if something happens call me.'' Louis said and Harry nodded, scared.

''Wait! Your jacket.'' he said extending his hand.

''I don't want to carry it around. Keep it, baby.'' Louis said and winked, before leaving.

Harry liked Louis. He seemed nice now. Maybe first impressions are bad. Plus, his hand was really warm around his shoulders and they fit around perfectly. It made Harry feel weird.

He made Harry feel weird.

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