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''I was thinking like a dark blue couch with mustard kind of yellow pillows? It's very 'in' right now and-'' Harry was cut off with Louis' lips, before he pulled away and went to the kitchen.

''And?'' he initiated Harry to continue and the younger boy smiled.

''And we already know, that their gonna paint the living room white, so I was thinking maybe bright paintings or a wall tapestry, to brighten the place up. Like, I think it will look cute. What do you think?'' Harry asks and Louis comes back into the living room, two plates in his hands, that were set on the coffee table.

''I trust your taste, sounds good.''

''No Lou, you need to have an opinion on this. We're going to start living together. You need to have a saying into this.''

''And I told you I like it.''

''I know you do, but what if you say you like it now, and then you hate our place and me? I don't want you to blame me for-''

''Blame you? Never. I genuinely like your ideas and your style and besides, we have months until we have to finally choose what our apartment will look like and I trust your judgement.'' Louis explains, bringing two glasses of sour cherry juice and two forks, placing them on the table too.

''I don't know. It kind of stresses me out. It has to be great, perfect even-''

''I don't care about a perfectly stylish couch or expensive things or whatever, Harry. I mean, I will care about the apartment eventually, but all I can think about is you sitting on whatever couch we'll get, lay on whatever bed, sit on a chair in our apartment. Our own apartment, where I can kiss you wherever I want and be with you always. I have not even thought about how the place will look, all I can think about is living there with you.'' Louis says and Harry wraps his hand around Louis' neck, kissing him deeply.

''What was that for?'' the older man asks and Harry kisses him again.

''You are just so perfect.'' Harry mumbles against Louis' lips. His hands were cupping Louis' face, cradling Louis' lap and kissed him again.

''No- you are- perfect.'' Louis said, between kisses. Louis pulled him closer, placing his hand on his waist.

''I love you.'' Harry said and the blue-eyed boy smiled.

''I can not wait to move in with you.''

*1 week later*

''Yeah, I only have a small cough now. Everything is fine. Yes, mum....I'll tell him...okay, bye.'' Harry said over the phone.

''Lou?'' he asks once he hangs up and Louis hums, writing something down. He was sitting on his desk with his back on Harry, shirtless.

''My mum wants to meet you.''

''Yeah, sure. You can arrange it, just not on Sunday morning, because of the game, yeah?'' Louis said.

''So you are cool about meeting her?''

''Yeah, why wouldn't I be?'' Louis shrugged, turning to face his boyfriend.

''I don't know... she sounds a bit mad, that you haven't met her already and we've been making all these big decisions.'' Harry replies getting up from Louis' bed.

''It's your fault you did not arrange it sooner.'' Louis joked and Harry pouted.

''I didn't know you wanted to meet her.''

''Of course I do, like I'm not thrilled about it, 'cause she might not even like me, but I do want to see every part of you.'' Louis said. Harry cradled Louis' legs.

''You know that this is a chair, right? We're gonna fall''

''I don't care. Do think you could take a break?'' Harry asks, wrapping his arms around his neck, his lips kissing Louis' neck, as he was pushing his hips in front of Louis' crotch.

''A break huh? I thought you came by to study?'' Louis places a hand on the small of his back, pulling him closer, if that was even possible.

''It's just a small break.'' Harry reasons, kissing him on the lips.

''Mhm. You little minx.'' Louis smiled, his hands moving and grasping at his ass, making the younger boy gasp against Louis' mouth. Harry tightened his grip around Louis' bare shoulders, his right hand moving down Louis' chest.

Louis placed his hands under Harry's thighs, pushing him up and he tried to lift them both up. Not being able to get up from the chair, he stumbled back, his back hitting the wall and Harry giggled against his mouth.

Harry's legs were wrapped around Louis' waist, his fingers digging into his shoulders. Louis continued kissing the younger boy, placing him on the bed and Harry broke the kiss, laughing.

''What?'' Louis asked, looking at Harry, who was laying on books.

''Oops.'' Louis chuckled, gathering Harry's books and papers.

''No, just kick them, throw them, whatever.'' Harry breathes out, kicking his books off the bed.

''Patience, Harold.'' Louis smiled, looping his fingers on the waistband of Harry's sweats.

''You're taking forever.'' Harry mumbled, pushing Louis' own sweats down.

''Shush.'' Louis pulled Harry's T-Shirt (Louis' T-Shirt, actually) over his head and kissed him. Louis planted kisses down Harry stomach, and dipped his tongue into Harry's bellybutton. He bit at Harry's lovehandles, his hands pushing his sweats down, revealing Harry's (Louis', actually) boxers. He kissed down his abdomen, his fingers wrapping around Harry's ankles, pushing them up, so his knees were spread. Harry tucked on Louis' hair, pulling him up for a kiss. Louis rolled the boxers down Harry's legs.


Harry was laying his hand on Louis' chest, his hand resting on his belly. Louis had his hand tangled in Harry's hair, scratching his scalp softly every now and then, his other hand, holding a book, as he read.

''How many hours do you study every day? It feels like all you do is study, lately.'' Harry pouted.

''I'm sorry, love. I know. I just want to pass with a great score really badly and then, I'm gonna be with you all the time, I promise.'' Louis said, as the younger boy hummed, his fingers tracing Louis' V-line.

At least he had Louis.

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